赵某是某期货公司从业人员,在从业过程中,赵某为了发展业务,对其客户谎称另一期货从业人员经常出去赌钱,现在欠了很多赌债,千万不要把自己的期货交易委托给他管理。 根据以上信息,回答下列问题:
{{B}}Chasing Fame{{/B}} What do you want out of life Do you hope to make the world a better place Do you dream of becoming a millionaire Or have you set your sights on becoming a star If what you want most is to see your name in lights, be featured on Entertainment Tonight, or have a mass of screaming fans faint in your presence, you’re not the only one. Many Americans dream of fame, and such fantasies tend to be more common among teens than adults. When Girls’ Life magazine recently asked its readers to name their biggest goal in life, the largest number (35 percent) said that they wanted to become famous. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting found that many of the kids and teens it polled for its 2000 Roper Youth Report gave similar responses. Although wealth A. to be common B. to scream at fans C. to have fantasies D. to be famous [单选题]WD320动力稳定车车钩采用( )型橡胶缓冲器。
A.Mx一1 B.Mx.2 C.MT-1/3 D.MT-2/3 [单选题]导线接头要求应接触紧密和( )等。
A.拉不断 B.牢固可靠 C.不会发热 [填空题]以下程序输出的结果是【9】 。
main( )
{ int a=5,b=4,c=3,d;
A.施工日志 B.施工记录 C.施工组织设计 D.检验批验收记录 E.安全资料 [单项选择]Indians always shake (摇) their heads when they talk to others. (41) does not have the same meaning (42) "no". If someone wants to visit India, (43) should know this, (44) it will give him some trouble.
One day, a foreign officer went to India on business. He hired (雇佣) a car and an Indian to drive it. When he (45) the driver to send him to his office, the driver shook his (46) at once. The officer repeated his order, and the driver (47) so again. At last, the officer, of course, got (48) (49) dare you refuse (拒绝) my order" he shouted. "Drive me to office immediately!" The driver answered (50) quite a loud voice, too. "Yes, sir!" But he still shook his head at the same time. Suddenly the officer realized that, "No means Yes here/ [A] and [B] but [C] or [单选题]目前我国饭店普遍采用的组织形式是( )。
A. 直线制 B. 职能制 C. 直线职能制 D. 矩阵制 [单选题]AB231523
在工业企业中,备用电源的自动投入装置一般有()两种基本形式。 A.明备用和暗备用 B.暗备用和旁路备用 C.旁路备用和发电机备用 D.发电机备用和暗备用 [多选题]模板的起拱应符合现行国家标准《混凝土结构工程施工
规范》GB50666的规定,并应符合设计及施工方案的要求。在同一检验批内,对梁 ,跨度大于18m时应全数检查,跨度不大于18m时应抽查构件数量的( ) , 不应少于( )件 ;
A. 10% B.3 C.20% D.6 [单项选择]设备监理工作的公正性的前提是( )。
A. 规范性 B. 独立性 C. 专业性 D. 公平性 [单项选择]有一名脑外伤病人,CT示右颞部梭形高密度影像,脑室中线受压移位,其诊断是
A. 脑挫伤 B. 硬膜下血肿 C. 硬膜外血肿 D. 脑内血肿 E. 高血压脑出血 [单项选择]我国票据上记载的开户银行账号属于票据的()
A. 绝对必要记载事项 B. 相对必要记载事项 C. 任意记载事项 D. 不发生票据法上效力事项 [单项选择]青年卡以下哪种情况不能办理()
A. 客户之前从来未申请过交通银行的信用卡 B. 客户现在有稳定工作 C. 客户已经持有交通银行信用卡超过3张 D. 客户年龄在18-35岁之间 [判断题]从事高速铁路接触网运行和检修工作的人员,实行安全等级制度,经过考试评定安全等级,取得《高速铁路供电安全合格证》之后,方准参加与所取得的安全等级相适应的工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]烟草专卖行政主管部门和烟草公司工作人员滥用职权、徇私舞弊或者玩忽职守的,给予( )。
A.行政处分 B.情节严重,构成犯罪的依法追究刑事责任 C.批评教育 D.行政处罚 [单选题]热证的特点不包括
A.恶热喜凉 B.渴喜冷饮 C.大便稀溏 D.小便短赤 E.舌红苔黄 [单项选择]纳税人不办理税务登记的,由税务机关责令限期改正;逾期不改的,由()。
A. 税务机关责令停业整顿 B. 税务机关处2000元以下的罚款 C. 工商行政管理机关吊销其营业执照 D. 税务机关处2000元以上1万元以下的罚款 [多选题]李先生,45岁,公务员,吸烟25年,每天一包以上,不喝酒,平时口味较重,喜食肉类,运动较少,喜欢熬夜,最近体检结果如下,BMI24.5,多次测量血压,收缩压在140~150mmHg,舒张压在90左右,空腹血糖正常,血脂检查低密度脂蛋白胆固醇较高。其母亲因为患有糖尿病和高血压多年已去世,父亲因肺心病于三年前去世。
A.家和单位附近的运动环境 B.身体素质 C.喜爱的运动项目 D.运动指导需求 E.提倡举重,跳绳等运动 F.运动史 我来回答: 提交