It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstandings between them. They have always complained, more or less justly, that their parents are out of touch with modem ways; that they are possessive and dominant; that they do not trust their children to deal with crisis; that they talk too much about certain problems-- and that they have no sense of humor, at least in parent-child relationships.
I think it is true that parents often underestimate their teenage children and also forget how they themselves felt when young.
Young people often irritate their parents with their choices in clothes and hairstyles, in entertainers and music. This is not their motive. They feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not yet been accepted. So they create a culture and society of their own. Then, if it turns out that their music or entertainers or vocabulary or clothes or hairstyles irritat
A. want to show their existence by creating a culture of their own
B. have a strong desire to be leaders in style and state
C. have no other way to enjoy themselves better
D. want to irritate their parents
Coffee can be considered one of
nature’s greatest gifts. It gives mental and emotional{{U}} (67)
{{/U}}without harmful side effects, and it{{U}} (68) {{/U}}a wealth
of nutrients. Yet, when most people drink coffee, they are not thinking that the
beverage is{{U}} (69) {{/U}}their health. In fact, some may even feel a
little guilty,{{U}} (70) {{/U}}some believe coffee isn’t good for you at
all. Well, coffee, like anything else, can cause problems if too much is{{U}} (71) {{/U}}. Moderate consumption of coffee{{U}} (72) {{/U}}your body with a wealth of antioxidants. These substances are responsible{{U}} (73) {{/U}}eliminating free radicals. They are the chemical byproducts produced any time your body does something. A small numi6er of them can help serve{{U}} (74) {{/U}}a buffer against negative elements, if they aren’t{{U}} ( A. combines B. consists C. contents D. contains [单选题]《铁运客运运价规则》中规定,站台票为()元/张。
A.1 B.1.2 C.1.5 D.2 [单选题]( )就是识别和分析与实现目标相关的风险,从而为确定应该如何管理风险奠定基础。
A.风险评估 B.风险应对 C.事项识别 D.控制活动 [单选题] 在66、 110kV带电线路杆塔上工作, 作业人员活动范围及其所携带的工具、 材料等, 与带电导线最小安全距离不准小于 ( )m。 (1.0分)
A.1.0 B.1.5 C.3.0 D.4.0 [多选题]城市土地国有化是随着城市资本主义工商业的社会主义改造进行的,它包含( )的含义。
A.城市市区的土地属于国家所有 B.城市郊区的土地属于国家所有 C.城市郊区中已被国家依法没收、征收、征购、征用为国有的土地属于国家所有 D.城市郊区除荒地外,其余土地属于国家所有 E.城市郊区除农地外,其余土地属于国家所有 [多选题]爱护铁路设备、设施,维护( )是旅客应履行的义务之一。
A.公共秩序 B.其他旅客人身安全 C.运输安全 D.车站收入 [单项选择]接触网静态检测中接触线全面磨耗测量的检测周期为()。
A. 3年 B. 1年 C. 半年 D. 3个月 [多项选择]李刚(12岁),其叔叔(30岁)赠与其一台价格5000元的数码相机。因李刚与其同学刘强(12岁)关系甚好,李刚便将该台数码相机转赠给刘强。李刚的叔叔和父亲听后都向刘强要求返还该数码相机,下列有关该事件的论述哪些是正确的( )
A. 李刚为限制行为能力人,其接受赠与的行为无效 B. 李刚为限制行为能力人,其赠与行为效力未定 C. 李刚在征得其父亲同意后,可以赠与数码相机 D. 李刚在征得其叔叔同意后,可以赠与数码相机 [单选题]为了防御网络监听,最常用的方法是()。
A.A、采用物理传输 B.B、信息加密 C.C、无线网 D.D、使用专线传输 [填空题]我国《环境保护法》规定每年的 ( ) 为环境日。
A. 蓝紫色 B. 黄色 C. 白色 D. 黑色 [多选题]下述哪些属于IDC产品卖点?
A.机房统一建设统一维护统一管理 B.接入移动手机速度更流畅 C.用户可以任意更改配置 D.节约用户成本 [简答题]楼层绑扎板钢筋,绑扎中途钢筋不够用,原因何在?
A.柴发 B.PT柜 C.开关柜 D.蓄电池 [单项选择]溶血性链球菌的感染下列哪项是错误的()。
A. 易扩散,缺乏局限化倾向 B. 脓液稀薄 C. 易导致脓毒症 D. 常有转移性脓肿 E. 是蜂窝织炎、丹毒等常见致病菌 [多选题]肾动脉( )
A.约平第3腰椎高度起自腹主动脉 B.其分支作为肾分段的依据 C.在肾静脉和肾盂后方入肾门 D.右肾动脉长于左肾动脉 E.副肾动脉不经肾门入肾 我来回答: 提交