We have to admire Suzanne Somers’s
persistence. She doesn’t give up--even when virtually the entire medical
community is lined up against her. Three years ago, Somers wrote a best-selling
book called The Sexy Years in which she promoted so-called bioidentical hormones
as a more natural alternative to hormones produced by drug companies for
menopausal women. Somers, now 60, claimed that these individually prepared doses
of estrogen and other hormones, sold via the Internet or by compounding
pharmacies, made her look and feel half her age. As the popularity of
bioidenticals soared, major medical organizations like the American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists grew so alarmed that they mounted publicity
campaigns to convince Somers’s readers that these alternative treatments, which
are usually custom A. what differences are there between natural hormones and bioidenticals. B. why Somers’s claims about "natural" hormones are wrong. C. what Somers’s new book Ageless tells us about bioidenticals. D. why people should be cautious of traditional hormone therapy. [单项选择]下面哪些零件属于保修范围。()
A. 雨刮片 B. 皮带 C. 离合器衬片 D. 制动器摩擦衬片 [单选题]不断发展我国同周边国家的睦邻友好关系,加强同发展中国家的团结与合作。遵循共商共建共享原则,推进( )建设。
A.国际贸易 B.改革开放 C.人类命运共同体 D.一带一路
A.A B.B C.C D.D [判断题]凡是属于压焊的方法都可用于堆焊。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,男,50岁。有长期肝病史,近年来乏力,腹胀明显,反复齿龈出血,近1个月下肢水肿,今呕血后神志不清。应首先考虑的是()
A. 脑血栓形成 B. 糖尿病高渗昏迷 C. 内囊出血 D. 尿毒症昏迷 E. 肝性昏迷 [单项选择]
At work, as in life, attractive women get a lot of good lucks. Studies have shown that they are more likely to be (1) than their plain-Jane colleagues because people tend to project (2) traits (3) them, such as a sensitive heart and a cool head, they may also be at an (4) in job interviews. But research suggests otherwise. [判断题] 公差标准是实现对零件误差控制和保证互换性的基础。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]不属于小脑后下动脉闭塞的临床表现为( )
A. 突发眩晕 B. 眼球震颤 C. 双下肢瘫痪 D. 小脑性共济失调 E. 同侧面部及对侧半身痛温觉减退 [单选题]允许速度vmax≤120km/h的线路,当钢轨工作边或轨端肥边大于( )时,应及时处理。
A.1mm B.2mm C.3mm D.4mm [判断题]工会有权依法参与事故调查,并提出处理意见,要求追究有关人员的责任。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]提升钢丝绳以钢丝绳的标称直径为准计算的直径减少量达到( )时,必须更换。
A.0.1 B.0.15 C.0.2 D.0.3 [简答题]常用的推焦串序有哪几种?各有什么特点?
A.lesseroccipitalnerve B.greatauricularnerve C.transversenerveofnerve D.supraclavicularnerve E.trochlearnerve [单项选择]血吸虫在发育过程中,对人体危害最大的是()?
A. 尾蚴 B. 虫卵 C. 成虫 D. 毛蚴 [多选题]处置遇湿易燃物品时切忌使用( )灭火器。
A.干粉 B.二氧化碳 C.泡沫 D.清水 我来回答: 提交