{{B}}Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following talk.{{/B}} |
At the fall 2001 Social Science History
Association convention in Chicago, the Crime and Justice network sponsored a
forum on the history of gun ownership, gun use, and gun violence in the United
States. Our purpose was to consider how social science history might contribute
to the public debate over gun control and gun rights. To date, we have had
little impact on that debate. It has been dominated by mainstream social
scientists and historians, especially scholars such as Gary Kleck, John Lott,
and Michael Bellesiles, whose work, despite profound flaws, is politically
congenial to either opponents or proponents of gun control.① Kleck
and Mark Gertz, for instance, argue on the basis of their widely cited survey
that gun owners prevent numerous crimes each year in the Untied States by using
firearms to defend themselves A. Gun control should be tightened. B. Guns have little to do with murder. C. Gun culture was the result of high homicide rates in America. D. The statistics that earlier historians produced of gun ownership is reliable. [多项选择]无症状性溃疡的特点是
A. 大约有15%的消化性溃疡无症状 B. 以出血、穿孔等为首发症状 C. 药物治疗效果差 D. NSAID引起的溃疡近半数无症状 E. 以十二指肠溃疡多见 [单选题]《安全生产法》规定,事故调查处理应当按照科学严谨、依法依规、实事求是、注重实效的原则,及时、准确地查清( ),查明事故性质和责任。
A.事故原因 B.事故类型 C.事故影响 D.事故损失 [单项选择]依据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》的规定,实施总承包的施工单位,应由 ( )编制建设工程生产安全事故应急救援预案。
A. 总承包单位 B. 总承包单位和分包单位 C. 施工单位 D. 政府行政主管部门 [判断题] 题目:按照《中国银监会办公厅关于加强银行业金融机构内控管理有效防范柜面业务操作风险的通知》规定,银行业金融机构可通过建立凭证、印章的信息管理系统,实现对重要凭证和核算印章的系统弹性控制,建立“交易、凭证、用印”对应关系,有效防范套打存折、盗用重要凭证和印章等风险。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]装设、拆除接地线均应使用( )并戴绝缘手套,人体不得碰触接地线或未接地的导线。
A.绝缘绳 B.专用的绝缘绳 C.绝缘棒 D.软铜线 [单选题]当UE发起同系统切换时,源小区与目标小区之间会完成数据转发流程,目标小区通过()信令向SGW申请对UE的数据进行转发
A.UE Context Release B.data forwarding C.swtich DL path D.RRCConnection Reconfiguration Complete [判断题]在Windows98资源管理器中,单击第一个文件名后,按住(Shift)键,再单击最后一个文件,可选定一组连续的文件。
[判断题] 轴瓦和轴承衬材料应具备的性能有:耐磨.耐腐蚀.抗胶合能力强;摩擦系数小;导热性好;足够的强度和一定的塑性和良好的跑合性。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 消防救援队伍、森林消防队伍各级政治机关主管本单位消防员管理工作。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]In the seventh paragraph we read that the Advice Ladies won't be strangers for long because ______.
A. they are dealing with a book together and a TV man is writing a talk show about them B. they me going to sell a book about themselves and also appear on a TV show C. they will buy a book through a deal and appear in a film in the coming fall season D. they will get to know each other better by working on a book and appearing in a TV show together 我来回答: 提交