Our ape-men forefathers had no obvious natural weapons in the struggle for (1) in the open. They had neither the powerful teeth nor the strong claws of the big cats. They could not (2) with the bear, whose strength, speed and claws (3) an impressive " small fire" weaponry. They could not even defend themselves (4) running swiftly like the horses, zebras or small animals. If the ape-men had attempted to compete on those terms in the open, they would have been (5) to failure and extinction. But they were (6) with enormous concealed advantages of a kind not possessed by any of their competitors.
In the search (7) the pickings of the forest, the ape-men had (8) efficient stereoscopic vision and a sense of color that the animals of the grasslands did not (9) . The ability to see clearly at close range permitted the ape-men to study practical problems in a way that lay far (10) the reach of the ori
A. lower
B. further
C. clearer
D. higher
某饮料公司以出让方式取得了规划区内50年期的国有土地,用于生产厂房的建设。该土地的面积为15000m2,出让用途为工业。由于经营困难,饮料公司决定将其中5000m2的土地用于房地产开发,建设商品住宅。另外10000m2土地抵押给了银行。 就上述内容,回答以下小题的问题。 |
It has been a wretched few weeks for
America’s celebrity bosses. AIG’s Maurice Greenberg has been dramatically ousted
from the firm through which he dominated global insurance for decades. At Morgan
Stanley a mutiny is forcing Philip Purcell, a boss used to getting his own way,
into an increasingly desperate campaign to save his skin. At Boeing, Harry
Stonecipher was called out of retirement to lead the scandal-hit firm and raise
ethical standards, only to commit a lapse of his own, being sacked for sending
e- mails to a lover who was also an employee. Carly Fiorina was the most
powerful woman in corporate America until a few weeks ago, when Hewlett-Packard
(HP) sacked her for poor performance. The fate of Bernie Ebbers is much grimmer.
The once high-profile boss of WorldCom could well spend the rest of his life
behind bars following his A. "Law enforcement” approach. B. Decisions open to question. C. The honour code among CEOs. D. Board oversight and Self-regulation [单项选择]当惰气含氧量超过8%时,应()。
A. 立即检查 B. 根据故障进行抢修 C. 立即停止供惰气抓紧完成货舱作业 D. 立即停止供惰气和货舱作业 [单项选择]用抗生素和磺胺类药物能治疗()。
A. 猪瘟猪 B. 口蹄疫 C. 猪传染性胃肠炎 D. 猪丹毒 [单选题]人类T细胞不具备的受体是( )
A.E受体 B.IgG Fc受体 C.C3b受体 D.DHA受体 E.IL-2受体 [多选题]路政许可文书档案管理,按照( )的原则进行。
A.谁审批 B.谁发证 C.谁立卷 D.谁负责 E.谁归档 [判断题]电流互感器极性接反,将可能发生误测,继电保护误动、或拒动。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]到达现场后,向驾驶员、操作人员和技术人员询问或索取( ),掌握危险化学品名称、制造商、理化性质、数量、处置措施等信息。
A.危险货物通用标志 B.联合国危险货物编号 C.化学品安全技术说明书(MS DS/ CS DS) D.安全告知牌 [单选题]在D类空域内,昼间目视飞行航空器之间的侧向间隔,A类航空器不得小于( )m。
A.150 B.200 C.100 D.300 [单选题]患者男性,46岁,因外伤被送医院抢救。由于没带押金,医生拒绝抢救,等患者家属拿来钱后,已经错过了抢救最佳时机,患者死亡,本案例违背了患者的
A.享有知情同意权 B.享有自主权 C.享有保密和隐私权 D.享有基本的医疗权 E.享有参与治疗权 [判断题]生产经营单位应当对从业人员进行应急教育和培训,保证从业人员具备必要的应急知识,掌握风险防范技能和事故应急措施。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交