It is not often realized that women
held a high place in southern European societies in the 10th and 11th centuries.
As a wife, the woman was protected by the setting up of a dowry or decimum.
Admittedly, the purpose of this was to protect her against the risk of
desertion, but in reality its function in the social and family life of the time
was much more important. The decimum was the wife’s right to receive a tenth of
all her husband’s property. The wife had the right to withhold consent, in all
transactions the husband would make. And more than just a right: the documents
show that she enjoyed a real power of decision, equal to that of her husband. In
no case do the documents indicate any degree of difference in the legal status
of husband and wife. The wife shared in the management of her husband’s personal prop A. The husband had to share the power of decision in marriage. B. The wife was protected from desertion. C. The wife gained a powerful economic position. D. The husband was given control over his wife’s property. [单项选择]引种的最佳时期是()
A. 幼年期 B. 青年期 C. 壮年期 D. 衰老期 [单选题]弹性软骨分布于:( )。
A.关节盘 B.椎间盘 C.耳廓 D.耻骨联合 [判断题]测量电路电流的仪表统称电流表。电流表非特殊指出时均是指配电盘上固定式电流表。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在《诸病源候论》中记载:“诸山水黑土中出泉流者,不可久居,常食令人作瘿病动气增患”,这种说法高度概括了“三因”制宜中的()。
A. 因地制宜 B. 因人制宜 C. 因病制宜 D. 因地制宜 E. 因证制宜 [判断题]头围测量是通过枕骨粗隆和眉间所测的一周长度。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]一个多层大型棉花仓库,某日因违章动火引发火灾,由于火场烟雾浓、温度高,所有窗口都在往外冒烟,火点情况不明,指挥员迅速采取()措施。
A.组织人员开窗排烟 B.组织力量侦察火情 C.组织人员疏散物资 D.组织力量层层设防 E.组织攻坚组深入内攻 [多项选择]申领正式牌照需要的证件有______。
A. 身份证明 B. 购车原始发票及发票复印件 C. 车辆购置税缴纳凭证 D. 初检合格、签章齐全的《机动车登记表》 [判断题]ZG043314在几个电气连接部分依次进行不停电的同一类型工作,可以填写一份第一种工作票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在单代号网络计划中,关键线路是指()的线路。
A. 各项工作持续时间之和最小 B. 由关键工作组成 C. 相邻两项工作之间时间间隔为零 D. 各项工作自由时差均为零 [多项选择]GD/T 19000—2000族标准质量管理的系统方法包括( )。
A. 系统规划 B. 系统分析 C. 系统工程 D. 系统管理 E. 系统效率 [多选题]下列各项中,增值税一般纳税人不能计入收回委托加工物资成本的有( )。
A.支付的加工费 B.随同加工费支付的增值税 C.支付的收回后继续加工的委托加工物资的消费税 D.支付的收回后直接销售的委托加工物资的消费税 [单选题]BC两相短路时UAB=UKA-UKB(或UAC=UKA-UKC,而UAB或UAC=( )UKA2,模拟相间短路整定负序电压继电器时,在A与B,C间施加单相电压,继电器的动作电压:Uop=3 Uop.2。
A.3 B.2 C.1 D.0.5 [单项选择]患者,女,40岁,有心脏病史,现心悸,虚赢少气,舌光少苔,脉结代,宜首选()
A. 炙甘草 B. 党参 C. 黄芪 D. 白术 E. 山药 我来回答: 提交