There has rarely been a tougher time to
be a carmaker, Squeezed by the credit crunch, rocked by the seesawing price of
oil and now faced with a nasty recession as the banking crisis infects the real
economy, the traditional markets of North America, western Europe and Japan,
already sluggish (行动迟缓的) for several years, have all but packed up. In America
car sales are running at about 16% below last year’s level. Detroit’s struggling
big three -- General Motors, Ford and Chrysler- are in dire(可怕的) straits. They
have gotten a $25 billion bailout from Congress and are now looking for much
more. In Europe the market is also collapsing. Sales in Japan this year are
expected to be the lowest since 1974. However, not all is doom and gloom. Mature vehicle markets may be close to saturation (饱和), but there is huge unsatisfied dema A. BRICs play an important role in car industry. B. BRICs’ car sales hit a record high in 2008. C. America has been outsold by BRICs. D. China has been the second-biggest market. [多选题]抢险救援预案灾情设定包括( )。
A.发生灾害事故的类型 B.发生灾害的区域、地点、单位、街巷 C.发生的灾害规模、危害程度 D.发生灾害区域的气象条件 [填空题]
Simon: I hope you’ll pardon me for saying the wrong words. I just couldn’t help. Gary: ______. It doesn’t really matter. [单项选择]燃放烟花爆竹时,哪种做法是正确的()
A. 没有大人陪同,儿童也可以燃放烟花爆竹 B. 任何地点都可以燃放烟花爆竹 C. 点燃烟花爆竹后要立即离开,返回到安全位置 D. 燃放中如出现异常情况,立即上前查看烟花是否熄灭 [单选题]《民法典》第三百三十三条规定,土地承包经营权自( )时设立。
A.获得经营权证 B.签订土地承包合同 C.土地承包经营权合同生效 D.实际使用 [单选题]对于进入变电站或发电厂工作,必须经过当值运行人员许可,( )应确认变电站或发电厂运行值班人员所作
的安全措施与工作票安全措施要求一致,工作地点相邻的带电或运行设备及提醒工作人员工作期间有关安全 注意事项均已填写清楚。 A.工作许可人 B.工作负责人 C.工作班成员 D.工作票签发人 [判断题]( )病原物在感病部位构成的特征叫病征。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]2010年5月1日到10月31日,世博会在中国上海举行。自开幕以来,世博会的消费拉动效应初步显现。
世博园区共有浦东和浦西两个片区,5月份的销售总额为4.13亿元,其中浦东片区的销售额占89.4%,。园区5月份日均入园25.91万人,园区内就餐人数约占人园总人数的64.5%,午餐比晚餐就餐多197.46万人次。 世博园开园首日客流为20.69万人,5月29日入园人数为当月最多,比首日客流增加144.08%,是当月人园人数最低日5月5日的5.7倍,开园首日人均消费为5月份最高值,比5月份人均日消费高56.7%。5月29日实现销售额2313.04万元,是5月5日的4.7倍。 随着人园人数的不断增加,世博园区的销售记录不断刷新。5月份第2至5周的销售总额(包括餐饮消费和特许商品销售)依次为5801.2万元、8108.57万元、10331.87万元和12239.75万元。其中,餐饮消费的营业额依次为3022.86万元、4325.52万元、5467.6万元和6232.2万元。 5月5日世博园区的人园人数约为( )。 A. 3.6万人 B. 4.5万人 C. 5.2万人 D. 8.9万人 [单选题]某井起出4根钻铤立柱(水眼未堵),钻铤内容积3.8 l/m,钻铤排替量19.3 l/m,应向井内灌注多少升钻井液?( )(假设一根立柱等于28 米)。
A.2161.60升 B.1987.5 升 C.6.6升 D.1899.8 升 [简答题]
Death is inevitable, but not disease. Bacteria and viruses are no mean adversaries, nor are they easily defeated. (46) If we fail to be watchful or to protect those most at risk, a public-health catastrophe is inevitable, and yet somewhere within the span of the last thirty years the idea of the common good has disappeared from our national consciousness, giving way to the misconception that we no longer need concern ourselves with the welfare of our fellow citizens. It is a dangerous conceit, and it leads us toward a future infected with unprecedented and unnecessary disease. 我来回答: 提交