A strict vegetarian is a person
who never in his life eats anything derived from animals. The main objection to
vegetarianism on a long-term basis is the difficulty to getting enough protein,
the body building elements in food. If you have ever been without meat or animal
foods for some days of weeds (say, for religious reasons) you will have noticed
that you tend to get physically rather weak. You are glad when the fast is over
and you get your reward of a succulent meat meal. Proteins are built up from
approximately twenty food elements called "amino-acids", which are found more
abundantly in animal protein than in vegetable protein. This means you have to
eat a great deal more vegetable than animal food in order to get enough of these
amino-acids. A great of the vegetable food goes to waste in this process and
from the physiologi A. more proteins B. more nutrients C. more minerals D. more amino-acids [填空题]
A—The role of the chief negotiator B—Controlling negotiations [单选题]在要求继电保护有选择性的同时,还必须考虑继电保护或断路器有拒绝动作的 可能性,因而就需要有( )。
A.在线监测 B.自动重合闸 C.后备保护 D.人工监护 [单项选择]《火力发电厂与变电站设计防火规范》规定,火力发电厂封闭式运煤栈桥的火灾危险性分类应为()类。
A. 甲 B. 乙 C. 丙 D. 丁 [多项选择]我国公安机关的民主职能的内容有( )。
A. 保障人民充分享受宪法和法律规定的民主权利和其他权利 B. 保障人民依法参与国家事务的管理,享受正常的政治生活、经济生活和文化生活 C. 用民主的方法正确处理人民内部矛盾 D. 依靠人民群众搞好公安工作,全心全意为人民服务 [单选题]移动式操作平台高度不宜超过()。
A.5m B.2m C.3m D.6m [单项选择]对于谐振电路,下列说法中正确的有()。
A. 电路的品质因数Q值越高,电路的选择性越好,通频带越宽 B. 电路的品质因数Q值越高,电路的选择性越差,通频带越宽 C. 电路的品质因数Q值越高,电路的选择性越好,通频带越窄 D. 电路的品质因数Q值越高,电路的选择性越差,通频带越窄 [单项选择]It is not what I said. You're purposely __________ my intention.
A. contradicting B. distorting C. impairing D. tumbling [单项选择]2013年3月24日上午10时20分左右,河南省太康县王集乡李小桥行政村邱庄村民,刘玉玲孙女邱贺雯(2岁)在其家西侧胡同内跟邱贺雯的哥哥邱文豪(6岁)玩耍时,邱贺雯被两骑摩托车男子抢走。该案件在河南省打击刑事犯罪信息内的案件编号是()
A. A4116270500002013041018 B. A4116270500002013031008 C. A4116270500002013031016 D. A4116270500002013031018 [判断题]在电路图中, 是二极管的符号。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对仅作挠度、抗裂或裂缝宽度检验的构件可一次性卸载。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]172号令中规定空管设备的定期开放和特殊开放的初步审查应当在( )个工作日内完成。
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.30 [单选题]对账管理,以下说法错误的是:____
A.对账签约、对账信息变更等环节,应严格审核客户身份。 B.发现可疑时,对账人员要及时与客户电话核实,必要时上门核实。 C.采用网银对账的,要定期排查企业网银对账是否为行内IP地址,或是否存在行外网段异常变动等情况。 D.重点及普通账户对账覆盖率应达到90%。 [单选题]( )主要用于在水中割断绳索等缠扰物时使用。
A.水域割绳刀 B.美工刀 C.便携刀 D.小刀 [判断题]照度是指垂直于光线的受光表面上,单位面积所接受到的照明光线的能量,也就是指某一个表面被照明程度的物理量。
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