We all believe that words of a language evolve (进化) gradually over the centuries, rather as animals and plants evolve over millions of years. Sometimes the change is so slight. as to be almost unnoticeable--finger, for example, means the same today as it did 1,000 years ago. Other words have changed out of all recognition. For example, modem English "lord", a person with high social positions, comes from Old English "hlaford". It used to mean "guardian of the bread", a person who protects the bread. But not all word meanings change like this. Just as new and different types of animals and plants can be reproduced, we can call completely new words into being.
Anyone can make a word. The difficult part is to make it stay in the language. To stand the best chance it should probably relate to a particular and fairly specialized subject. That cuts down the number of people who need to agree to use it. Chemists are oft
A. can express common ideas
B. are included in school subjects
C. are proved useful by scientists
D. gain public agreement
With stripes of blue ink snaking across
his face and neck and then disappearing under the collar of his shirt before
bursting into the open from under the cuffs, he is a poster boy for his
profession. Skitch, the only name he wants the public to know, exhibits pride and confidence in his designer skin. Comfortably perched atop a stool in Graffixx Tattoo, a parlor just two blocks from the White House, he talks about his obsession with" body art", which, in his view, is winning the souls of the New Age generation as well as overall public acceptance. "It’s definitely more popular than when I started out about 10 years ago," he said as a flash of sunshine danced on a big pin piercing the skin between his eyes. "People who wouldn’t even think about having a tattoo then have them. There are no official statistics beating Skitch out. Bu A. to cultivate seeds of some plants B. uncomfortable C. of many seeds D. honorable [简答题]人类历史上存在过哪些诉讼证明制度?
[单项选择]( )方法是应用系统安全工程评价方法的部分方法中的某些方法进行危险、有害因素的辨识。
A. 类比 B. 系统安全分析 C. 对照、经验 D. 直观经验分析 [单选题]紧线作业区段内有跨越、平行带电线路时,作业点应( )
A.两侧可靠接地 B.两侧可靠绝缘 C.一侧可靠接地 D.一侧可靠绝缘 [单选题]松北分局某派出所地处城乡接合部,辖区内的某小区中接连发生多起电瓶车被盗案。这些案件的作案手段相似、作案时间多在夜间至凌晨时段。此外小区出入人员较多,人员构成比较复杂,居民对小区安全感和满意度下降。派出所社区民警小赵认真分析了该小区的具体情况,制定了群防群治工作方案。工作方案包括如下步骤:①组建群防群治队伍,开展相关的培训讲解;②召开群防群治骨干力量会议,征询防控工作建议;③民警抓捕偷车贼,提升小区居民安全感、满意度:④由民警带领群防群治队伍开展小区巡控工作。上述步骤按顺序排列正确的是:
A.①②③④ B. ①②④③ C. ②①④③ D. ②①③④ [判断题]岗位员工应参与岗位安全操作规程的编制和修订工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某县公安机关收到甲控告乙抢劫的材料,经审查后认为乙没有抢劫的犯罪事实。县公安机关该如何处理?( )
A.不予立案 B.要求甲撤回控告 C.撤销案件 D.侦查终结后移送检察院作不起诉决定 [多项选择]原发性胆汁性肝硬化患者的典型实验室检查可见()
A. 血清氨基转移酶升高5倍以上 B. 血清总胆汁酸升高 C. 血清抗线粒体抗体阳性 D. 血清IgM升高 E. B型超声可见胆总管明显扩张 我来回答: 提交