As recently as 50 years ago, economists
regarded the vitality of the economy as its ability to produce things people
want (and would pay for ). Today, the economy has been redefined into something
called the Gross Domestic Product, or GDP. It measures all goods and services
brought to market ia a given year: But is it really an accurate measure of how
well an economy is serving people’ s needs Here are some outlandish ways the
GDP can be boosted. Things Kids Can Do. Get sick. Constant medical attention is good for the GDP. Medical costs account for 14 percent of it. Let’s stay on the growth curve. Kids can commit crimes. If they get arrested, they go to jail, the expensiveness of which gives the economy a push. Things Adults Can Do. Get a divorce. Legal costs, two houses, and all the things that A. Fling missiles against planes. B. Increasing productivity. C. Setting houses on fire. D. Spoiling your health. [单选题]1940年8月,为粉碎日军进攻,八路军副总指挥( )指挥105个团共20余万人在华北地区发动了百团大战.
A.叶剑英 B.朱德 C.彭德怀 [单选题]停电更换熔断器后,恢复操作时,应( )。
A.戴手套 B.戴护目眼镜 C.戴手套和护目眼镜 D.穿防电弧服 [判断题]扑救医院火灾时,整个救护行动要在火场指挥部指导下进行。( )(中)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]54.安全帽在使用前应检查帽壳、帽衬、帽箍、顶衬、下颏带等附件完好无损。使用时应将下颏带系好,系带应采用软质纺织物,宽度不小于( )的带或直径不小于5mm的绳。
A.5mm B.10mm C.15mm D.20mm [单项选择]在一份保险合同履行过程中,当事人就合同所规定的“意外伤害”条款的含义产生了不同理解,投保人认为其所受伤害应属于赔付范围,保险公司则认为投保人所受伤害不属于赔付范围,两种理解各有其理。在此情形下,法官应当如何解释条款的含义
A. 按照通常含义进行解释 B. 按照公平原则进行解释 C. 按照法理进行解释 D. 按照对保险公司不利的原则进行解释 [单选题]在进行危险、有害因素的识别时,要全面、有序地进行识别,防止出现漏项,识别的过程实际上就是( )的过程。
A.系统安全分析 B.安全评价 C.安全预评价 D.安全验收 [填空题]{{B}}The Eclipse of Freud{{/B}}
Sigmund Freud is rightly regarded as the father of modern phychiatry.
He not only developed the most profound theory to explain the workings of [1] ______
the human mind, but also he devised much of the ______ Some of them, [2] ______
such as Odipus______ and penis envy, have become part of the lan-
guage. Psychoanalysis, the discipline he found, became the world’s most
famous technique for helping the troubled minds. [3] ______
But with the advent of new drug therapies, Freudian analysis has be-
come almost ______ to the treatment of severe depression and schizo- [4] ______
phrenia. Though this technique is still considered suitable for treating neu-
rotics, not even the most fanatic______ believe the traditional way alone
can cope with severe cases of schizophrenia and depression.
Relatively little of Freud’s voluminous work is devoted to the empiri- [5] ______
[单选题]道德是用内心信念、传统习惯和社会舆论来( )。
A.变迁 B.处理 C.发展 D.维护 [多选题]现场勘察应由工作票签发人或工作负责人组织,( )参加。
A.工作负责人 B.设备运维管理单位(用户单位)相关人员 C.检修(施工)单位相关人员 D安监人员. [单选题]现行《中国人民银行反假人民币奖励办法》中对捣毁假人民币再加工.变造币.打印或复印窝点,最高奖励标准是( )万元。
A.15 B.18 C.20 [多选题]下列哪些是有毒气体()。
A.氯气 B.光气 C.溴甲烷 D.氰化氢 [单项选择]中国外交政策的宗旨和目标是
A. 独立自主、不结盟 B. 坚持和平共处五项原则 C. 反对霸权 D. 维护世界和平,促进共同发展 [填空题]自动喷水灭火系统直立型、下垂型喷头与不到顶隔墙的水平距离,不得大于喷头溅水盘与不到顶隔墙顶面垂直距离的()倍。
全年水资源总量28470亿立方米,比上年增加17.7%。全年平均降水量682毫米,增加15.4%。年末全国422座大型水库蓄水总量2091亿立方米,比上年末多蓄水284亿立方米。全年总用水量5990亿立方米,比上年增加0.4%。其中,生活用水增加2.9%,工业用水增加1.4%,农业用水减少0.6%,生态补水增加6.8%。万元国内生产总值用水量190.6立方米,比上年下降9.1%。万元工业增加值用水量105.0立方米,下降9.6%。 全年完成造林面积592万公顷,其中人工造林389万公顷。林业重点工程完成造林面积346万公顷,占全部造林面积的58.4%。截至年底,自然保护区达到2588个,其中国家级自然保护区319个。新增综合治理水土流失面积4.2万平方公里,新增实施水土流失地区封育保护面积2.5万平方公里。截至年底,已确权集体林地面积为16204万公顷,其中发放林权证的面积为13396万公顷。 根据以上材料,以下说法不正确的是( )。 A. 2009年,基础设施等其他用地约占土地供应总量的31% B. 2009年末,全国大型水库蓄水总量约为1807亿立方米 C. 2010年底,国家级自然保护区数量达到2588个 D. 2010年,林业非重点工程完成造林面积在全部造林面积中所占比重比重点工程少16.8个百分点 我来回答: 提交