After Tesco entered the Thai market in 1998 with its brand of colorful, well-stocked superstores, angry local competitors tried to impede the powerhouse UK-based retailer’s progress with a wall of lawsuits--including one that would have forced Tesco Lotus, the company’s regional subsidiary, to shut off air-conditioning because chilly stores posed a public health hazard to the equatorial Thai people. Frivolous legal actions were a minor nuisance compared with what came next. Over a five-month period last year, two Tesco Lotus outlets were bombed, another peppered with automatic weapons fire and yet another hit by a rocket-propelled grenade.
Despite threats by governments to ban them, chains including France’s Carrefour and U.S.-based Wal-Mart are ramping up plans to hundreds of new outlets throughout the region over the next several years. The onslaught threatens to run local retailers right out of business. Local retailers are not the only ones displaced
A. some foreign chains are considering relocating to more hospitable lands
B. Carrefour is quite welcome by the local consumers with its abundance of products
C. Costco has carried out many promotional campaigns to attract the local customers
D. some foreign hyperstores are trying to cooperate with local partners to adjust themselves
Editor: These days there has been a lot of talk about cutting a day off the sixday work week. I find one excuse for not taking this system (制度) unacceptable. It says that under today’s conditions, when our work efficiency is still very low and the work-load quite heavy, we cannot follow the ex- ample of technologically advanced western countries in practising the five-day work week. Their conclusion is: The time is not ripe for such a system. I really don’ t see much point in this argument (争论,论点). They say the efficiency of the majority of our workers has been very low, but do they know what caused today’s low efficiency It’s old time requirement that no matter how soon you can get your work done, you must still stick to your post and never leave. If we do not start a new system that is more exciting now , there a A. What Should We Do With the Old System. B. Five-day Week Is More Reasonble. C. The Time Is Not Ripe Yet. D. Less Time, Higher Efficiency. [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSSG 510001-2015)第6.9.5条规定:工作期间,工作负责人因故暂时离开工作现场时,应暂停工作或指定有资质的人员临时代替,并交代清楚( ),并告知工作许可人和工作班人员。
A.工作任务 B.现场安全措施 C.工作班人员情况 D.其他注意事项 [判断题]目前可用的卫星导航系统有中国的北斗、美国GPS和俄罗斯的GLONASS,应优先采用北斗系统。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]政府公共关系最常用的一种现代科学方法是()。
A. 录音方法 B. 访谈调查法 C. 问卷调查法 D. 文献研究法 [判断题]非全相运行又称为纵向故障。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]对口服强酸中毒下列说法正确的是()
A. 禁忌洗胃 B. 可服碳酸氢钠以中和酸 C. 可口服鸡蛋清或牛乳 D. 立即给予催吐以促进毒物排出 E. 抗休克治疗,同时积极防治肺水肿 [单项选择]建设单位在开工前应当向_丁-程所在地的县级以上人民政府()领取施工许可证。
A. 主管部门 B. 建设行政主管部门 C. 规划部门 D. 土地部门 [多项选择]我国沿海地区目前经济发展遇到的主要阻力包括()
A. 国际经济不景气 B. 劳动力成本上升 C. 出口收缩 D. 土地价格上升 E. 产业升级压力大 [多项选择]监理工程师应当遵守的职业道德守则有( )。
A. 未经注册不得以监理工程师名义开展监理工作 B. 坚持独立自主地开展工作 C. 不收受被监理单位的任何礼金 D. 维护国家荣誉和利益 E. 认真履行监理合同规定的义务和职责 [判断题]信访人采用走访形式提出信访事项的,应当到有关机关设立或者指定的接待场所提出。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]一女患者不慎被机器将长发辫卷入,造成大块头皮撕脱。
A.松解创缘,减少张力尽量拉拢缝合 B.采用局部皮瓣关闭创面 C.撕脱的皮肤清创后,切削成全厚或中厚皮片再植 D.切取健康组织皮片游离移植消灭创面 E.立刻做血管吻合组织再植术 [单项选择]我国有权制定行政法规的机关是( )。
A. 国务院及其各部委 B. 国务院、各部委及各省级地方政府 C. 国务院 D. 国务院以及各省级地方政府 [单项选择]给排水管道的试压要求及验收标准,应在给排水()中标写。
A. 施工图说明书 B. 平面图 C. 系统图 D. 节点大样图 [判断题]在线路曲线地段,应根据曲线半径和实测行车速度,在内股钢轨合理设置超高
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下哪一种哲学成为了我国封建社会的意识形态()?
A. 儒家 B. 道家 C. 佛家 D. 墨家 [单选题]混悬型的药液、药物的油溶液可用于
A.高压带电区域 B.带电区域 C.带电操作间 D.操作间 [单项选择]高脂血症患者血中呈现降低的指标为()。
A. 甘油三酯 B. 胆固醇 C. 低密度脂蛋白 D. 高密度脂蛋白 E. 游离脂肪酸 [单项选择]______是学校文化的内核和灵魂,是学校组织发展的精神动力.
A. 规范文化 B. 物质文化 C. 观念文化 D. 道德文化 [单选题] AW2是指( )
A.定员载荷 B.无乘客 C.超员载荷 D.满客(座客)载荷 [单选题]多级泵容易发生气蚀的叶轮是( )。
A. 末级叶轮 B. 所有叶轮 C. 首级叶轮 [单选题]“双带头人”教师党支部书记一般应具有( )。
A. 博士研究生学历学位或高级职称 B. 博士研究生学历学位或正高级职称 C. 硕士研究生学历学位或副高级职称 D. 硕士研究生学历学位或高级职称 我来回答: 提交