The evolution of sex ratios has produced, in most plants and animals with separate sexes, approximately equal numbers of males and females. Why should this be so Two main kinds of answers have been offered. One is couched in terms of advantage to population. It is argued that the sex ratio will evolve so as to maximize the number of meetings between individuals of the opposite sex. This is essentially a "group selection" argument. The other, and in my view correct, type of answer was first put forward by Fisher in 1930. This "genetic" argument starts from the assumption that genes can influence the relative numbers of male and female offspring produced, by an individual carrying the genes. That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted. Suppose that the population consisted mostly of females: then an individual who produced sons only would have more grandchildren.
A. conducted their research at approximately the same time
B. sought to manipulate the sex ratios of some of the animals they studied
C. sought an explanation of why certain sex ratios exist and remain stable
D. studied reproduction in the same animal species
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吃类商品 | 1311054 | 1108481 | 18.3 | 12247248 | 10848449 | A. 18.3% B. 22.3% C. 16.5% D. 18.6% [单选题]下列关于等额本息还款法和等额本金还款法的说法,正确的是()。
A.两种方法都是常用的个人住房贷款还款方法,分别适合不同情况的借款人 B.等额本息还款法优于等额本金还款法 C.一般来说,经济尚未稳定而且初次贷款购房的人更适合采用等额本金还款法 D.银行更倾向于采取等额本金还款法 [判断题]单个车火灾报警系统的每个烟感器通过CAN线与火灾报警系统控制单元通讯。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]指按由低到高顺序对评标价不低于成本价的投标文件进行初步评审和详细评审,推荐通过初步评审和详细评审且评标价最低的前3名投标人为中标候选人的评标方法是( )。
A.合理低价法 B.最高评估方法 C.最低评标价法 D.综合评估法 [单选题]*水体富营养化是由于水中氮、磷浓度增加,从而使水中( )大量增加。
A.盐类物质; B.酸类物质; C.碱类物质; D.有机物。 [单选题]厂用变压器停电时,应按照( )的顺序来操作。
A.先断开低压侧开关,后断开高压侧开关 B.先断开高压侧开关,后断开低压侧开关 C.先停上一级母线,后停下一级母线 D.无所谓 [单项选择]有关氯丙嚓的药理作用,以下哪一项是正确的
A. 阻断α受体及拟胆碱作用 B. 过量可引起低血压,可用肾上腺素治疗 C. 抗精神病作用,不会产生耐受性 D. 抑制促性腺素分泌,因而使催乳素分泌增加 E. 大剂量可引起麻醉 [多选题]下列不属于绿通产品的是()。
A.狗 B.螃蟹 C.山鸡 D.家兔 [判断题]220kV及以上电压等级要求实现单相重合闸的线路,在线路发生单相经高阻接地故障时,允许不经选相并动作跳闸。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]魏晋时有三座皇家园林都称为华林园,这三座城市分别是()。
A. 必须有正式的书面请示才能批复,口头或电话请示不能作为批复的依据 B. 批复是对请示作回复,所以在批复的开头一定要完全引述来文字号和标题,不可只引文号,或只引标题 C. 文件在为获批准前,不得对下属单位发送 D. 批复一般只给来文请示的单位 E. 批复要有针对性,要态度明朗,观点明确,措辞要庄重、周密、准确 我来回答: 提交