Desperately short of living space and
dangerously prone to flooding, the Netherlands plans to start building homes,
businesses and even roads on water. With nearly a third of the country already covered by water and half of its land mass below sea level and constantly under threat from rising waters, the authorities believe that floating communities may well be the future. Six prototype wooden and aluminum floating houses are already attached to something off Amsterdam, and at least a further 100 are planned on the same estate, called Ijburg "Everybody asks why didn’t we do this kind of thing before," said Gijsbert Van der Woerdt, director of the firm responsible for promoting the concept. "After Bangladesh we’re the most densely populated country in the world. Building space is scarce and government studies show that A. most parts of the country are covered by water B. the country is constantly threatened by floods C. it will promote the cultivation of flowers D. people think it better to live on water [多项选择]用多水平法编制的弹性预算,主要特点是( )。
A. 不必经过计算即可找到与实际业务量相近的预算成本 B. 混合成本中的阶梯成本和曲线成本可按其性态直接在预算中反映 C. 评价和考核实际成本时往往需要使用差补法计算实物量的预算成本 D. 弹性预算质量的高低,在很大程度上取决于业务量的范围 [多选题]《国务院办公厅关于印发新能源汽车产业发展规划(2021—2035 年)的通知》(国办发〔2020〕39 号)中“十四五”新能源汽车发展规划的基本原则包括( )。
A. 市场主导 B. 创新驱动 C. 协调推进 D. 开放发展 [判断题]航空公司服务环境的好坏将直接影响到公差型旅客对航空公司的选择。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]数据流图是用于软件需求分析的工具,下列元素()是其基本元素。
A. 数据流 B. 加工 C. 数据存储 D. 外部实体 [单选题]一张工作票最长工作时间不超过()天。
A.5天 B.7天 C.10天 D.15天 [单项选择]对鉴别上下消化道出血有帮助的是(、 )。
A. 大便潜血阳性 B. 血尿素氮升高 C. 血肌酐升高 D. 血色素下降 E. 血氨升高 [单项选择]富兰克林罗斯福推行“新政”,即政府通过()手段对经济进行干预和调节,以克服危机。
A. 行政 B. 法律 C. 经济 D. 教育 [单项选择]We all know that a magician does nor really depend on "magic" to perform his tricks, (31) on his ability to act at great speed. (32) , this does not prevent us from enjoying watching a magician (33) rabbits from a hat. (34) the greatest magician of all time was Harry Houdini who died in 1926, Houdini mastered the art of (35) . He could free him- self from the tightest knots or the most complicated locks in seconds. (36) no one really knows (37) he did this, there is no doubt (38) he had made a close study of every type of lock ever (39) . He liked to carry a small steel needle-like tool strapped to his leg and he used this in (40) of a key. Houdini once asked the Chicago police to lock him in prison. They (41) him in chains and locked him up, but he freed himself (42) an instant. The police (43) him of having used a tool and locked him up again. This time he wore no clothes and there were chains
[判断题]. 并联电容器所接的线停电后,必须断开电容器组。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]低温液化气体釆样方法有两种,当釆集允许样品与大气接触的可采用当釆集不允许样品与大气接触的可釆用.
A.通过盖帽注入法、通过盖帽注入法 B.直接注入法、直接注入法 C.直接注入法、通过盖帽注入法 [判断题]取消办证资格是对违反通行证管理规定的处罚之一。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]依据《湖南省装配式混凝土建筑结构工程施工质量监督管理工作导则》第八条,装配式混凝土建筑结构工程预制构件安装,()在施工现场以首层或首个有代表性施工段为样板,按试拼装方案进行试拼装,根据试拼装情况研究确定后续施工方案、明确质量控制措施及其关键控制点后方可进行批量生产。
A. 应 B. 必须 C. 宜 D. 可 [单项选择]根据下列材料回答下列问题。
A. 107.4亿元 B. 101.5亿元 C. 114.2亿元 D. 122.3亿元 [判断题]以下是某税务局的一份公文,请这份文件是否符合公司对公文处理要求?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]燃弧率指在检测区段内,以规定的速度运行时,受电弓与接触线间不少于10ms持续时间的电弧的时间总和与整个运行时间的比值。( )(注明出处:《接触网安全巡检装置(2C)暂行技术条件》3.11)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()的任务在于恢复货车的基本性能。
A.运用维修 B.段修 C.修辅 D.厂修 [单项选择]患者,男,62岁。因低热、咳嗽20天就诊。既往有痛风病史2年。初步诊断:①浸润型肺结核;②痛风。在给该患者抗结核治疗时,不宜选用的药物是:().
A. 异烟肼 B. 吡嗪酰胺 C. 利福平 D. 链霉素 [单选题]()使用直流射流喷射炼铁炉内钢水、炙热船舱等超高温物质,防止炉膛爆炸或蒸汽反扑伤人。
A.严禁 B.可以 C.视情况 D.能 [单选题]急性心肌梗死早期最常见的致死原因是()
A.室性心律失常 B.心源性休克 C.急性心力衰竭 D.心脏破裂 我来回答: 提交