It sounds like a science fiction, but
researchers say it’s a scientific fact: Microscopic organisms dubbed "killer
algae" are paralyzing fish with unknown toxins and then eating away at their
flesh. {{U}}They{{/U}} might be making people sick, too. The name given to this single-cell organism, or dinoflagellate, is Pfiesteria piscimorte—{{U}}literally{{/U}}, "fish killer." It was discovered at North Carolina State University in 1988, but at the same time, few scientists believed in its existence, much less in its highly unusual predatory nature. But ongoing research has led to international acknowledgment of the phenomenon and, recently, research funding. Seemingly {{U}}prompted{{/U}} by an unknown substance secreted by fish, the aggressive creature swims into action. It sends neurotoxins into the water and air, paralyzing a fish’s nervous syste A. informing readers of different sea creatures B. describing predatory microscopic organisms C. solving some long-lasting mysteries about the sea D. discussing the environment for various fishes [名词解释]矿产资源
A.在我国,所有的刑事案件都由检察院向法院提起公诉 B.犯罪已过追诉时效期限的,不追究刑事责任,但案情特别重大的除外 C.对侦查人员的回避作出决定前,侦查人员不能停止对案件的侦查 D.没有被告人供述,证据确实、充分的,不可以认定被告人有罪和处以刑罚 [判断题]内部审计在外部审计为本行提供审计服务时做好协调工作,并对外部审计机构的工作质量和效果进行评价。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]为了促进毒物从体内尽快排出,下列哪种毒物中毒首选血浆置换进行血液净化
A. 苯巴比妥 B. 水杨酸 C. 蛇毒 D. 氯酸盐 [单项选择]建筑装饰装修过程中,凿掉梁的混凝土保护层,未采取有效的补救措施时,对混凝土保护层的正确处理是()。
A. 采用与原混凝土强度同等级的细石混凝土重新浇筑 B. 采用比原混凝土强度高一个等级的细石混凝土重新浇筑 C. 采用1:1高强度水泥砂浆分层抹面 D. 采用掺加膨胀剂的1:1水泥砂浆灌浆 [多选题]以下属于贷后管理内容的是:
A.账户监管 B.贷后检查 C.信贷调查 D.风险分类 [单项选择]In order to grow well, the Blue Sprace, like other pine trees, ______ a temperate climate.
A. require B. requires C. is required D. that requires [单选题]普速铁路维修天窗计划与施工计划线路封锁、信号停用范围重叠且间隔时间不足()小时的亦按冲突掌握。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [判断题]“正德厚生 臻于至善”既体现了中国移动独有的特质,又阐释了中国移动历来的信仰。其中“正德厚生”语出《大学》。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]>卡诺循环是两个热源间的可逆循环,它由两个可逆的等温过程和两个不可逆的绝热过程组成。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]放线、紧线与撤线工作均应有( ),并做到通信畅通、加强监护。
A.统一调度 B.明确分工 C.专人指挥 D.统一信号 我来回答: 提交