Nineteen California pharmacies filed a state lawsuit
Thursday accusing the world’s largest{{U}} (19) {{/U}}companies of
conspiring to{{U}} (20) {{/U}}U. S. drug prices. The pharmacies accuse the 15 drug{{U}} (21) {{/U}}of illegally conspiring to charge inflated prices in the United States while barring pharmacies from buying the makers’ drugs at{{U}} (22) {{/U}}prices outside the country. "We are being charged higher prices than foreigners are being charged," said Joseph Alioto, representing the pharmacies. "If we are selling the same drug we want to pay the same prices as{{U}} (23) {{/U}}else. " The lawsuit, filed in Alameda Count A. A.chemical B.pharmaceutical C.medical D.medicine [单项选择]男性,30岁。颌面部受击打3小时。口腔检查:下颌颏部软组织红肿,口腔内外未见创口,咬合关系无异,下颌骨正位片示下颌颏部正中有骨折线影像。正确的固定方法是()
A. 手术切开骨间固定 B. 牙弓夹板固定 C. 骨钉加金属支架固定 D. 克氏针内固定 E. 皮质骨螺钉固定 [判断题]裂解气中的一氧化碳过高,会使甲烷化反应器发生飞温。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 在网站退票时,( )。
A.不予办理 B.不给退票费报销凭证 C.15日内凭原身份证件到车站退票窗口索取报销凭证 D.10日内凭原身份证件到车站退票窗口索取报销凭证 [单选题] 以下预警内容不是经上级单位研判后下发的是( )
A. 红色预警信息 B. 红色预警指令 C. 蓝色预警指令 D. 黄色预警指令 [简答题]一品红温室栽培时为什么要矮化整形?如何对一品红进行矮化整形?
[单选题]DCS系统操作站中系统信息区中显示( )信息。
A.过程报警 B.报表信息 C.控制参数 D.系统报警 [单选题]如紧急检修过程中需要配合,各级()及相关单位应积极支持。
A. A.检修公司 B.B.电网调度 C.C.信息调度 D.D.通信调度 [多选题]监察机关接到公安机关抓获被通缉人员的通知后,应当立即核实被抓获人员身份,并在接到通知后 以内派员办理交接手续。边远或者交通不便地区,最迟不得超过 。( )
A.二十四小时 B.十二小时 C.三日 D.五日 [判断题]高速铁路有砟线路在困难条件最小坡段长度可以连续采用。《高速铁路有砟轨道线路维修规则》第3.2.2条
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在“531”工程签约内容中的实现目标以()为中心,简化签约手续,拓展签约功能。
A. 柜员 B. 客户 C. 管理人员 [填空题]老子的哲学思想的核心思想()。
[填空题]The young members of most American families do not like foreign food. They like a kind of food called S36 ______. The idea of a food meal is a hamburger, served with ketchup, a sort of tomato sauce, and French fried potatoes, which are called French fries. French fries are not considered foreign; most American children and S37 ______love to eat them any time of the day or night.
Millions of hamburgers and French fries are eaten every year. Thousands of roadside restaurants prepare and sell them. These are not really restaurants S38; they often have little S39 ______for tables and chairs. Many people buy their hamburgers and take them home to eat, or eat them in their cars.
Sometimes it is not necessary to go inside in order to buy the hamburgers. They are ordered through a window in the restaurants and then are handed out through the window to the customer. Sometimes the customer doesn’ t even have to get out of his ear. When an American family travels S40 ______, this is almos
[单选题]个人外汇结算账户的开立使用按( )账户进行管理。 B.个人 C.经常 D.机构或个人 [单选题]目前我国铁路货车多采用()轴承。
A.滑动 B.有轴箱滑动 C.有轴箱滚动 D.无轴箱滚动 [判断题]互感器的一次端子引线连接端要保证接触良好,并有足够的接触面积,以防止产生过热性故障。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列关于酸液缓冲罐的作用正确的是()。
A. 存放分酸分离器所排出的地层残酸,防止进入酸气管线对设备管材造成腐蚀 B. 不存放计量分离器所排出的地层残酸 C. 收集汇管排污的污液 D. 收集收发球筒排污的污液 [填空题]使用调度命令无线传送系统传送行车凭证,列车调度员办理接发列车时,由( )传送,车站值班员办理接发列车时,由( )传送。
A.全身抗炎治疗 B.氯底酚胺 C.宫颈扩张 D.人工周期 E.输卵管通液 我来回答: 提交