Most of the people who appear most
often and most gloriously in the history books are great conquerors and generals
and soldiers, whereas the people who really helped civilization forward are
often never mentioned at all. We do not know who first set a broken leg,
or launched a seaworthy boat, or calculated the (31) of the
year, or manured a field; but we know (32) about the killers
and destroyers. People think a great deal of them, so (33)
so that on all the highest pillars in the great cities of the world you will
find the figure of a conqueror or a general or a soldier. And I think most
people believe that the greatest countries are (34) that
have beaten in battle the greatest number of other countries and ruled over them
as conquerors. It is just possible they are, (35) they
are not the most civilized. An A. than B. way C. means D. method [多项选择]G医药有限公司成立于2005年,拥有大批核心的高素质研发人员和销售人员,是西南地区的重点医药生产和流通企业之一。由于近年来,公司骨干人员流失率呈逐年上升趋势,尤其以高管、研发人员最为突出。因此,公司筹划设计一套新的薪酬体系,用以激励并保留员工。在新的薪酬体系中,员工薪酬包括基本工资、补贴、福利和奖金四个单元。所有员工分为管理类、技术类和一般员工三个序列。其中基本工资主要是根据资历、职称、学历等来确定。各职位序列中基本工资与奖金的比例是一定的,在确定奖金时根据职位考核结果。所有职位的薪酬水平均确定在市场80分位的水平上。薪酬体系的调整主要包括晋升调薪、考核调薪和通货膨胀调薪三种类型。作为一种团队奖励计划,在生产部门实行收益分享计划的好处是()
A. 降低员工的福利成本 B. 使生产部门的团队凝聚力增强 C. 降低生产部门对优秀员工的需求 D. 促进生产部门提高生产率 [判断题]单元机组炉、机、电的运行维护与调整是独立的。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]赋予LATS文件可读、可写、可执行权限,以下命令正确的是( )。
A.chomd 444 LATS B.chomd 777 LATS C.chmod 777 LATS D.chmod 444 LATS [多选题]负荷管理主台发现某终端通信失败的检查和处理方法是()。
A.了解是否用户端停电或终端因故失电 B.了解有关线路是否线路停电 C.其他情况填写故障传票,交终端维护人员现场检查 D.系统查询终端地址码是否设置正确 [单选题]1.23 属于撤销机动车登记的,机动车档案保存________后销毁。
A.1年 B.2年 C.3年 D.4年 [判断题]公司所有工作人员都有监督、制止违章行为的权利和义务,任何人发现其他人有违章行为都必须立即制止,并向违章人指出违章行为的危害,同时报告相应的管理部门。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 人身触及带电体或接近高压带电体时,使人身成为电流()的一部分的叫作触电
A.断路 B.电压 C.短路 D.通路 [单项选择]救生与消防时的个人任务可从()查到。
A. 船舶证书 B. 船员名册 C. 应变部署表 [单选题]尖轨非工作边与基本轨工作边的最小距离为( )。
A.65mm B.58mm C.48mm D.50mm [单项选择]六氟化硫气体介质具有优越的()性能
A. 绝缘 B. 灭弧 C. 绝缘和灭弧 D. 冷却 [单项选择]SOL语言集数据定义功能、数据操纵功能和数据控制功能于一体。如下所列语句中,哪一个是属于数据控制功能的 ( )。
A. GRANT B. CREATE C. INSERT D. SELECT [单项选择]军团菌肺炎首选()
A. 庆大霉素 B. 青霉素 C. 红霉素 D. 氧氟沙星 E. 甲硝唑 [简答题]
某民营造纸企业为尽快占领西南市场,拟在西南某县建一座中型造纸厂,在与当地县政府签订三项协议后,即办理了有关招标活动的审批手续,由于无初步设计,就以暂估工程总价的方式进行施工总承包,因工程资金来源尚未完全落实,要求施工单位垫资施工。 [单选题]启动客票系统应急预案的单位应于应急处置结束后( )工作日内,向国铁集团应急领导小组办公室报送《客票系统应急情况报告表》
A.5个 B.4个 C.3个 D.2个 [单选题]有限空间作业时若出现人员触电情况,必须(),将人员转至安全区域。
A.A、原地待命 B.B、呼喊同伴 C.C、直接救人 D.D、立即切断电源 [单项选择]发生面积指()。
A. 历年来监测、预测和已经发生的达到轻度危害标准以上的森林病虫鼠害面积 B. 本年度内监测、预测和已经发生的达到轻度危害标准以下的森林病虫鼠害面积 C. 历年来监测、预测和已经发生的达到轻度危害标准以下的森林病虫鼠害面积 D. 本年度内监测、预测和已经发生的达到轻度危害标准以上的森林病虫鼠害面积 [填空题]记时器控件能有规律的以一定时间间隔触发 【6】 事件,并执行该事件过程中的程序代码。
[判断题]根据《紧急救护法》,触电急救,首先要使触电者迅速脱离电源,越快越好。因为电流作用的时间越长,伤害越重。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]便携式等离子束发生器连续工作时间≥( )。
A. 10min B. 15min C.20min D. 25min [单项选择]在管道经过山区石方段时,如果补加牺牲阳极,宜选择()
A. 镁带阳极 B. 块状镁合金阳极 C. 棒状镁合金阳极 D. 镯式镁合金阳极 [多选题]单机、调车车列返岔作业时,必须通过列车无线调度电话或无线调车灯显设备与( )联控,在得到机车、车辆确已出清分路不良区段的停车汇报后,方可解除道岔单锁,排列下一进路。
A.车间管理人员 B.机车乘务员 C.行车人员 D.调车人员 [多项选择]作为整体,通常所说人力资源包含了两个方面,即( )。
A. 数量 B. 质量 C. 品能 D. 体能 E. 智能 [多选题]EMC 测试内容有( )。
A.高频电磁骚扰发射测量 B.低频电磁骚扰发射测量 C.产品干扰度测试 D.产品抗扰度测试 [判断题]交直流润滑油泵属于低压泵。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]地震灾害救援,救援人员利用直升机索降时,队员沿索降绳
鱼贯而下。 A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]中共十二大首次明确提出的命题是( )。
[单选题]检测汽车制动性能的主要方法有__________两种。( )
A. 路试和静态试验 B. 路试和制动试验台测试 C. 制动试验台测试和静态试验 [不定项选择题]共用题干
On the Trail of The Honey Badger On a recent field trip to the Kalahari Desert,a team of researchers learnt a lot more about honey badgers(灌).The team employed a local wildlife expert,Kitso Khama,to help them locate and follow the badgers across the desert. Their main aim was to study the badgers'movements and behaviour as discreetly (谨慎地)as possible,without frightening them away or causing them to change their natural behaviour. They also planned to trap a few and study them close up before releasing them. In view of the animal's repu- tation,this was something that even Khama was reluctant to do. "The problem with honey badgers is they are naturally curious animals,especially when they see some- thing new,"he says."That,combined with their unpredictable nature,can be a dangerous mixture.If they sense you have food,for example,they won't be shy about coming right up to you for something to eat. They're actually quite sociable creatures around humans,but as soon as they feel they might be in danger', they can become extremely vicious(凶恶的).Fortunately this is rare , but it does happen." The research confirmed many things that were already known.As expected,honey badgers ate any creatures they could catch and kill.Even poisonous snakes,feared and avoided by most other animals,were not safe from them.The researchers were surprised,however,by the animal's fondness for local melons, probably because of their high water content.Previously researchers thought that the animal got all of its liquid requirements from its prey(猎物).The team also learnt that,contrary to previous research findings, the badgers occasionally formed loose family groups.They were also able to confirm certain results from pre- vious research,including the fact that female badgers never socialised with each other. Following some of the male badgers was a challenge,since they can cover large distances in a short space of time.Some hunting territories cover more than 500 square kilometres.Although they seem happy to share these territories with other males,there are occasional fights over an important food source,and male badgers can be as aggressive towards each other as they are towards other species. As the badgers became accustomed to the presence of people,it gave the team the chance to get up close to them without being the subject of the animals'curiosity一or their sudden aggression.The badgers' eating patterns,which had been disrupted,returned to normal.It also allowed the team to observe more closely some of the other creatures that form working associations with the honey badger,as these seemed to adopt the badgers'relaxed attitude when near humans. Which of the following is a typical feature of male badgers? A.They don't run very quickly. B.They hunt over a very large area. C.They defend their territory from other badgers. D.They are more aggressive than females. [简答题]当今世界海拔最高,线路最长的高原铁路是哪个铁路?
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