Olympic Games are held every four years
at a different site, in which athletes (21) different
nations compete against each other in a (22) of sports.
There are two types of Olympics, the Summer Olympics and the Winter
Olympics. In order to (23) the Olympics, a city must submit a proposal to the International Olympic Committee (IOC). After all proposals have been (24) , the IOC votes. If no city is successful in gaining a majority in the first vote, the city with the fewest votes is eliminated, and voting continues, with (25) rounds, until a majority winner is determined. Typically the Games are awarded several years in advance, (26) the winning city time to prepare for the Games. In selecting the (27) of the Olympic Games, the IOC considers a number of factors, chief among them which city h A. host B. take C. run D. organize [单项选择]
News reports often focus on disputes among scientists over the validity of preliminary (untested) data, hypotheses, and models (which by definition are tentative). This aspect of science- 1 because it has not been widely 2 and accepted-is called frontier science. The media 3 to focus on frontier science because its so-called "breakthroughs" make good news stories. Just because something is in the 4 of frontier science, 5 , does not mean that it isn’’t worthy of serious consideration; 6 , such matters need further study to determine their 7 . 8 contrast, consensus science consists of data, models, theories, and laws that are widely accepted. This aspect of science is very reliable but is 9 considered newsworthy. The trouble is that the word science is used to 10 both frontier and consensus science, without 11 The media preference 12 frontier science gives the public the 13 impression that frontier science 14 very certain conclusions, which may or may not b [简答题]《三国演义》中继承了诸葛亮遗志,带领蜀军伐魏的将领是谁?
A.边角料充分利用 B.边角料另作它用 C.边角碎料不用 D.边角碎料不能代用 [单选题] 题目:.肺炎病人住院时需要准备
A.备用床 B.暂空床 C.备用床加橡皮中单、中单 D.麻醉床 E.手术床 [多选题]某矿一采区在运输巷道与切眼巷道贯通时,由于爆破引起局部瓦斯爆炸,又导致多点瓦斯煤尘连续爆炸事故。其事故的直接原因有( )。
A.巷道贯通时,未按规定改变通风系统,形成瓦斯积聚 B.巷道贯通时,炮眼深度、装药量和抵抗线不符合《煤矿安全规程》要求 C.多条巷道煤尘大,无防尘措施,引发多点爆炸 D.职工教育不够 [判断题]D/A转换是将一个随时间连续变化的模拟信号转换为计算机所能接收的数字量。
非对称数字用户线ADSL是采用()调制通过双绞线向用户提供宽带业务、交互式数据业务和普通电话服务的接入技术,其上行速率为640Kb/s~1Mb/s,下行速率可达1Mb/s~(),有效传输距离为3~5km。ADSL接入互联网的两种方式是()。 A. 10 Mb/s B. 2 Mb/s C. 1.5 Mb/s D. 1 Mb/s [单项选择]平台REST设计概念和准则描述不正确的是()
A. 网络上的所有事物都被抽象为资源(resourcE. B. 每个资源对应一个唯一的资源标识(resourceidentifier) C. 所有的操作都是有状态的 D. 通过通用的连接器接口(genericconnectorinterfacE.对资源进行操作 [判断题]熔断器的特性,是通过熔体的电压值越高,熔断时间越短。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]眩晕的主要特征是
A. 仆倒 B. 目眩、头晕 C. 视物不清 D. 恶心呕吐 E. 震颤 [单选题]偉.对H2受体具有阻断作用的药物是
A.A.哌仑西平 B.B.雷尼替丁 C.C.丙谷胺 D.D.甲硝唑 E.E.苯海拉明 [判断题]城乡居民家庭住宅小区内的市政管理的小区路灯以及通讯运营商的用电设施,执行居民合表用户电价。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]交流伺服系统技术的成熟也使得市场呈现出快速的多元化发展,并成为工业自动化的支撑性技术之一。
A. 100m B. 50m C. 200m 我来回答: 提交