Every so often, late at night, David Woodland steals away to the den of his home in Aberdeen, Washington, so that he can check stock prices on the Internet.
Mr. Woodland, a 78-year-old retired insurance salesman, delights at how with the click of a mouse, he can tap into the facts and fortunes of Wall Street. "If I get a bright idea late at night," Mr. Woodland said, "I go into the office, fire up the computer and put a buy or sell order in."
While online trading is popularly regarded as the province of any traders in their 20s and 30s, jumping in and out of the market to make quick profits, it is now being invaded by millions of people like Mr. Woodland--senior investors who bring much larger accounts and more stability to this fast-growing corner of the markets.
The low cost of doing business online--now as little as $7 a trade--and the excitement of riding a bull market are the lures (诱惑) for many older investors--just as they are fo
A. very analytical
B. quite shrewd
C. kind of seasoned
D. rather confident
Today’s trumpet (小号) is one of the
world’s oldest instruments. It is the result of many centuries of development.
Although it looks nothing like its ancestors, there are many similarities. All
trumpets are hollow tubes. They are all blown. And they all use the player’s
lips to produce the basic sound. The trumpet developed as players and makers worked to improve its design, size, shape, material and method of construction. They wanted to create an instrument that would produce a beautiful and attractive tone, enable the performer to play all the notes of the scale, extend the range higher and lower, make it possible to play more difficult music, and in general, be easier to play well. The remarkable way in which the modern trumpet achieves these goals is a measure of the success of all those who struggled to perfect this glorious A. can be used in rock bands B. has historical significance C. is a religious instrument D. has a narrow range [单项选择]Poor health and lack of money may be both to educational progress roadblocks.
A. restraints B. stains C. scarcities D. barriers [简答题]化学品船的关键设备和技术系统还应该包括哪些?
[单选题]1.51 机动车在道路边临时停车时,应怎样做?
A.可逆向停放 B.可并列停放 C.不得逆向或并列停放 D.只要出去方便,可随意停放 [单选题]使用桁车吊装GIS时,桁车必须经质监检验合格并进行()。操作人员应在所吊GIS的后方或侧面操作。
A.检查 B.试车 C.试吊 D.试验 [判断题]各级领导必须重视伙食,列入工作议程,经常检查指导( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]劳动者在该用人单位连续工作满十年的,劳动者同意续订劳动合同的,除劳动者提出订立固定期限劳动合同外,应当订立无固定期限劳动合同。
[单选题]截止( ),29个联网收费省份全面实施了高速公路货车不停车称重检测,坚决拒绝违法超限超载车辆进入高速行驶,高速公路安全保护形势进一步好转,公众安全感明显提升。
A.2020-01-01 B.2019-12-16 C.2019-12-01 D.2020-02-01 [单选题]货车转向架中所用的D型车轴最大允许轴重为()。
A.10t B.15t C.21t D.25t 我来回答: 提交