The Economist recognises these talented people through its annual Innovation Awards, presented in six fields: bioscience, computing and communications, energy and environment, business-process innovation, consumer products and a flexible "no boundaries" category. The awards were presented at a ceremony in London on November 9th by John Micklethwait, The Economist’s editor-in-chief.
And the winners were:
Marvin Caruthers, professor of chemistry and biochemistry at the University of Colorado at Boulder, for the development of automated DNA synthesis--the ability to "print out" arbitrary strands of genetic material.
(41) Computing and communications:
a creative individual who dreams up new ideas of computing and communi6ations and turn them into reality.
(42) Energy and environment:
a creative individual who dreams up new ideas of energy and environment and turn them into real
In addition to redistributing incomes,
inflation may affect the total real income and production of the community. An
increase in prices is usually associated with high employment. In moderate
inflation, industries are operating efficiently and output is near capacity.
There is a great deal of private investment and jobs are plentiful. Such has
been the historical pattern. Thus many business persons and union leaders, in
evaluating a little deflation and a A. people like private or public investment B. there is usually full plant capacity C. creditors suffer more than other people D. everyone suffers and no one gains [不定项选择题]A.呼气动作为主动过程
A.吸气动作为主动过程 B.两者均是 C.两者均不是 D.用力呼吸时( )。 [多选题]《技规》规定在( )的间隔时间后,方可跟踪出站调车,但最远不得越出站界500m。
A.在先发列车尾部越过预告 B.接近信号机(或靠近车站的第一个预告标) C.《站细》规定 D.列车运行图规定 [单选题]辛亥革命的开端是( ),辛亥革命的性质是一次反帝反封建的资产阶级革命。( )
A.武昌起义 B.秋收起义 C.南昌起义 D.广州起义 [判断题]判断题
一次性收取长期资产租赁收入需通过递延收益-其他科目过渡核算。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]发放给职工的工资都应计入工资总额。不得挤占成本或采取其他它变相手段多发工资。对本单位有特殊贡献的政府工作人员可在本单位领取少量奖金( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高层工业建筑室内消火栓间距不应超过( )。
A.10m B.15m C.20m D.30m [单选题]现场的机动车在特殊地点、路段或遇到特殊情况时的行驶速度不得超过( )km/h,并应在显著位置设置限速标志。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.30 [判断题]对符合规定包装要求的行李、包裹,能够证明直接造成包装损坏站、车的,发生的事故时,事故责任列直接造成破损的站、段。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]对()介质的固定式压力容器应在安全阀或爆破片排出口装设导管,不得直接向大气排放。
A.易燃 B.毒性程度为极度高度中度危害 C.腐蚀性 [单选题] 自然灾害、事故灾难或者公共卫生事件发生后,履行统一领导职责的人民政府可以采取下列一项或者多项应急处置措施: A B C D
A. 组织营救和救治受害人员 B. 封锁危险场所,划定警戒区 C. 禁止或者限制使用有关设备、设施 D. 保障食品、饮用水、燃料等基本生活必需品的供应 E. 采取防止发生次生、衍生事件的必要措施 我来回答: 提交