Passage Four Dr. John Sterngold worked in the emergency room of a hospital in Willits, CA. The hospital was near a chrome-plating plant. The plant let off a dangerous gas called Chromium Ⅵ. Dr. Sterngold got very sick with asthma and had to quit working at the hospital. Many other citizens of Willits became ill with tumors, cancer, and asthma. Many scientists believe that the gases from the plant caused the illnesses, Thirty years ago Chromium Ⅵ was known to cause cancer. Twenty years ago scientists found there was no safe level of exposure to Chromium Ⅵ. But the company, Remco, was allowed to continue giving off the chemical until 1995. How could this happen Many chemicals are used in industry without knowing if they are dangerous. Sometimes, industry and business are more important than the health of the people.
One of the important issues in the story is ()
Passage Three Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. This green and blue planet spinning in space is under severe stress. If we continue to exploit the planet at the present rate,human and animal life will be threatened. Human pride will be followed by nature’s punishment. To save our earth and ourselves,we need first develop an unbiased understanding of ourselves,nature and life. Everyone understands the meaning of the sentence“Man should respect animal life and nature”. But the exact meaning of man,nature and animal life is not always clear. Many refer to man and animals as if they were essentially different. I consider man to be an animal and only differing in degree and not in kind from other animals. Although I discuss in conventional terms human rights and animal rights as if they w A. urbanization violates the peace of the countryside B. the people in the cities cannot enjoy the nature’s beauty C. man cannot destroy nature,as they are different from each other D. if man goes against nature,the world will probably be destroyed [多项选择]财务预算的编制基础有:()
A. 资本预算 B. 经营预算 C. 预算利润表 D. 预算现金流量表 E. 预算资产负债表 [单项选择] Text
Sleep ,as we know, is important to us because it helps restore tired organs and tissues in our body. But how much sleep do we actually need For most of us, eight hours seems to be about the right amount. (26) we know that there are many people who get (27) perfectly with less sleep, and some who may even need (28) . A great deal depend on the (29) we live. But a good general rule to (30) is to sleep as long as we have to in order to feel happy and be able to work (31) our best when we awaken. There are actually different (32) of sleep. There is a deep sleep and a shallow sleep. In a shallow sleep our body does not get the same kind of rest it gets in a deep sleep, so that after eight hours of a (33) sleep we may still feel tired. But a short, deep sleep can be very (34) . Alexander the Great was able to get a deep slee A. confidence B. conclusion C. consent D. command [单选题] 评标结果由( )全体成员签字认可,如有不同意见应以书面形式说明不同意
见和理由,评标结果应当注明该不同意见。( )成员拒绝在评标结果上签字且 不陈述其不同意见和理由的,视为同意评标结论。 A.审计部 B.招标部 C.评标小组 D.中层副职及以上领导 [多选题]在发电机组启动前后需要做哪些工作()
A.值班人员因对发电机组检查、试车后再运行 B.系管员需密切关注所有设备的运行情况 C.当UPS电源低于50%后应逐步关闭非收费系统必要的设备 D.连续停电时间较长应协调调配便携式发电机交换供电 [简答题]根据《公安机关办理行政案件程序规定》,公安机关依法作出行政处罚决定后,被处罚人应当在行政处罚决定的期限内予以履行。被处罚人逾期不履行行政处罚决定的,作出行政处罚决定的公安机关可以采取哪些措施?5分)
[填空题]程序设计语言分为机器语言.( )__语言和高级语言三类。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当使用汽化器加温后带来的功率损失可通过什么途径补偿
A.调富油混合气; B.修正功率状态; C.每15分钟进行一次注油。 [单项选择]即席测试是不按照预先设计的测试用例,由测试人员凭经验和猜测,给出一些输入并运行软件产品,找出软件缺陷。这样可避免束缚于测试用例集,尽可能多地发现有价值的缺陷,下列属于即席测试的是______。
A. 罗列关于一个输入的所有可能的错误信息,尽可能使这些信息都显示一遍 B. 使用包含特殊字符的输入,例如系统保留字和保留字符 C. 对于每一个输入域,试图输入过长的字符串,直至输入缓冲区满甚至溢出 D. 以上全部 [多选题]Ⅱ级施工由( )部门和人员组成。(
A.路局运输处、有关业务处主管副处长担任正、副组长 B.由车务段(直属站)主管副段长(副站长)、设备管理单位主管副段长(或以上单位的指定人员)担任施工领导小组正、副组长 C.成员由行车组织、设备管理、建设、设计、施工、监理、安监等有关部门和单位主管人员组成。 D.成员由行车组织、设备管理、建设、施工等有关单位成员组成。 [判断题]按纲施训,是指按照《公安消防部队灭火救援业务训练与考核大纲(试行)》规定的训练内容。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]邻近营业线施工的现场检查和监督工作由集团公司安监部门、主管业务部门(含建设项目管理机构)以及设备管理单位的施工( )检查人员负责。
A.管理人员 B.负责人 C.安全监督 D.防护人员 [单项选择]CK作为心脏标志物的叙述中不正确的是()
A. 快速、经济、有效,是当今应用最广泛的心肌损伤标志物 B. CK浓度与急性心肌梗死面积有一定关联,可大致判断梗死范围 C. 诊断特异性强,对心肌微小损伤敏感 D. 能用于测定心肌再梗死 E. 能用于判断再灌注 [简答题]假设甲公司的股票现在的市价为20元。有1份以该股票为标的资产的看涨期权,执行价格为21元,到期时间是1年。1年以后股价有两种可能:上升40%,或者降低30%。无风险利率为每年4%。要求:利用单期二叉树定价模型确定期权的价值。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列页面文件中,()不属于动态页面。
A. test.htm B. test.asp C. test.php D. test.jsp [单选题]’年版第五套人民币50元、20元、10元纸币中主要采用透光观察方式鉴别的防伪特征有( )
A.胶印对印图案 B. 双色横号码 C.装饰底纹 D.古钱币对印图案 [填空题]电气倒闸操作,不填写操作票或不执行监护制度,应()。
A.奇脉 B.颈静脉怒张 C.低血压 D.心音低钝 E.紫绀 [多选题]通信电源设备包括( )、( )、( )、逆变器、( )、发电机组、供电线路、防雷及接地装置等。
A.交直流配电设备 B.高频开关电源 C.UPS电源 D.蓄电池组 [单项选择]促使增生的子宫内膜转化为分泌的子宫内膜的是()
A. 雌激素 B. 孕激素 C. 雄激素 D. 催乳素 E. 肾上腺皮质激素 [多选题]对于普通氧化沟的特点说法准确的是( )
A.可考虑不设二沉池 B.可考虑不设初沉池 C.污泥负荷低,属于延时曝气系统。 D.污泥产率低。 [单选题]对于以架空线路接入的普通高压客户,在政府及用户负责征地拆迁,满足项目建设条件的情况下,公司可以延伸投资建设范围至( )
A.客户红线 B.客户规划红线 C.客户红线外第一支撑物 D.10 千伏公用电网连接点 [单选题]道岔尖轨尖端与基本轨密贴,间隙不大于( ),无跳动。
A.1m B.2m C.5m D.. 我来回答: 提交