The rise of "temp" work has further
magnified the decreasing fights and alienation of the worker. It is common
corporate practice to phase out full-time employees and hire temporary workers
to take on more workload in less time. When facing a pressing deadline, a
corporation may pay $15~$ 20 per hour for a temp worker, but the temp worker
will only see $ 7 or $ 8 of that money. The rest goes to temp agency, which is
usually a corporate chain, such as Kelly Services, that blatantly makes its
profits off other people’s labor. This increases profits of the corporations
because they can increase a workload, get rid of the employee when they’re
finished, and not worry about paying benefits or unemployment for that employee.
I have had to work with temps a few times in my current position, and the
workers only want one thing - a full-time job with benefits. We rea A. Temp worker seem to be satisfied with their conditions. B. Temp agencies have made it possible for temp workers. C. Temp workers are fairly paid by their agencies. D. It’s difficult for temp workers to be employed as full-time workers. [多选题]下列有关普通螺旋传动的论述正确的有( )。
A.可以将回转运动转变为直线运动 B.可以将直线运动转变为回转运动 C.按螺旋线旋转方向,螺纹可分为左旋和右旋两种 D.具有自锁性能 [多选题]绩效考评标准的设计要遵循以下( )。
A.突出不同岗位及不同岗位员工的特点的原则 B.灵活掌握分寸,能定性不定量的原则 C.对于标准,要尽量有详细的说明的原则 D.不但要能反映企业目前的生产、管理水平,还要有一定的先进性的原则 E.简明扼要原则 [单选题]通过变压器的( )数据可求得变压器的阻抗电压。
A.A、空载试验 B.B、交流耐压试验 C.C、直流耐压试验 D.D、短路实验 [单项选择]安装在已接地的金属构架上的电气设备的金属外壳、直流电压为110V及以下的电气设备外壳()。
A. 必须接地 B. 不需接地 C. 必须接零 D. 必须重复接地 [判断题]泥石流是由于降雨、融雪、冰川运动而形成的含有大量泥、砂、石块等固体物质的破坏性大的特殊洪流。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]呼叫会议特服号的缺省值为()
A. 163 B. 100 C. 168 D. 199 [判断题]安装或拆除蓄电池连接铜排或线缆时,应使用经绝缘处理的工器具,严禁将蓄电池正负极短接。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]留置胸膜腔引流管的目的不包括()
A. 排出积气 B. 排出积液、积血 C. 促进肺尽早复张 D. 平衡纵隔两侧的压力 E. 便于观察病情 [判断题]各地市公司要在建设项目通过竣工环境保护验收后15个工作日内,监理验收档案。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]CRH1中的蓄电池系统记作BS,是由Hoppecke公司提供的( )。
A.主要用于刺激性干咳 B.镇咳剂量时即可明显抑制呼吸 C.应当控制使用 D.对咳嗽中枢的抑制作用比吗啡强 E.主要用于多痰的咳嗽 [多选题]22,0,9,0,[1],2014(0),,,,,,,,88,0000_B基本理论
( )对于产品生命周期衰退阶段的产品,可供选择的营销策略是[-?-]。 A.集中策略 B.扩张策略 C.维持策略 D.榨取策略 [判断题]有限空间作业未执行“先通风、再检测、后作业”要求是红线禁令。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]教育储蓄的对象为在校小学( )以上学生。
A.三年级(含三年级) B.四年级(含四年级) C.五年级(含五年级) D.六年级(含六年级) [单项选择]遇水能迅速崩解均匀分散的片剂是()
A. 咀嚼片 B. 多层片 C. 分散片 D. 舌下片 E. 包衣片 [单选题]生产经营单位的主要负责人,自刑罚执行完毕或者受处分之日起( )年内不得担任生产经营单位的主要负责人。
A.2 B.3 C.7 D.5 [填空题]1994年12月美国NIST正式办不了数字签名标准DSS,它是在()和()的基础上设计的。
[单项选择] {{B}}Task 1{{/B}} {{B}}Directions:{{/B}}{{I}} After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. {{/I}}