对于采土作业及运输有哪些措施降低环境污染 |
Abortion The word alone causes civil
conversation to flee the room. This is largely because the pro-choice and
pro-life positions are being defined by their extremes, by those who scream
accusations instead of arguments. More reasonable voices and concerns, on both sides of the fence, are given little attention. For example, pro-life extremists seem unwilling to draw distinctions between some abortions and others, such as those resulting from rape with an underage child. They would make no exception in the recent real-life case of a woman who discovered in her fifth month that her baby would be born dead due to severe disabilities. On the other hand, pro-choice extremists within feminism insist on holding inconsistent positions. The pregnant woman has an unquestionable right to abort, they claim. Yet if the biological f A. a pregnant woman cannot abort her baby if its father agrees to keep it B. a pregnant woman has an absolute right of choice over an abortion C. the baby’s father also has a say over its mother’s choice of abortion D. the baby’s father has an unalienable obligation to support the baby [判断题]燃点是指可燃物质在空气充足条件下,达到某一温度时与火源接触即行着火,并在移去火源后继续燃烧的最低温度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]()在石室中透过镶在石壁上的水晶,段誉看见一条什么鱼在窗外悠然而过?
A. 鲫鱼 B. 鲤鱼 C. 鱿鱼 D. 黑鱼 [多项选择]大额交易报告的内容包括()
A. 交易主体及交易对手身份 B. 涉及交易的账户信息 C. 交易具体特征,如交易金额、时间、币种、方向等 D. 交易性质 [单选题]血液是维持生命的重要物质,成年人血容量约占体重的8%,即( )毫升。
A.3000~4000 B.4000~5000 C.5000~6000 D.6000~7000 [不定项选择题]白女士,40岁,孕2产1。近半年偶有接触性出血,妇科检查:宫颈糜烂面积占宫颈面积1/2,子宫及双侧附件无异常发现。
A.宫颈刮片检查 B.阴道镜 C.宫腔镜 D.腹腔镜 E.诊断性宫颈锥切术 [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001-2015)(Q/CSG510001—2015)第6.6.1条规定:( )或( )应根据现场安全条件、施工范围、工作需要等具体情况设置专责监护人,并确定监护内容和被监护人员。
A. 工作票许可人 B. 工作人员 C. 工作票签发人 D. 工作负责人 [单选题]遇极寒、冰雪天气时,作业人员须结合供电保温作业,每隔1小时对动车组一次制动施加及缓解试验、( )。
A.开关门试验 B.雨刮试验 C.车灯试验 D.升降弓试验 我来回答: 提交