Today more and more people go to
websites when looking for information. Although most readers go to websites for
news and e-mail, a form of person-to-person news, or in the form of chatting,
they also read books on the web. It’s called electronic book (e-book). Electronic books could revolutionize reading, but people ought to consider their far-reaching impacts as well. "The e-book promises to cause a slow tragedy on life as we know it," Jason Ohler, professor of technology assessment, university of Alaska Southeast In Juneau, warned the World Future Society, Bethesda, Md. His assessment weighed the pros and cons (赞成和反对的理由) of e-book technology’s impact on social relationships, the environment, the economy, etc. Before you curl up (蜷曲) with an e-book, consider the disadvantages. They increase eyestrain due to poor screen r A. call on people to reject e-books B. draw people’s attention to the disadvantages of e-books C. criticize schools and business that don’t provide e-books D. encourage people to use e-books [单选题]3.839.
各级对时均要考虑通信信道的延时,主站与采集终端之间由( )计算信道延时,并进行对时修正。 A.主站 B.电能表 C.采集终端 D.卫星 [判断题]三相四线制系统中使用的电力电缆,可以采用三芯电缆另加一根单芯电缆来使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某妇,28岁。孕1产0。继发不孕2年,月经5~6天/28~30天,妇查:宫颈光滑,宫体大小常,宫旁左侧及后方有粘连及压痛,右侧附件可及,进一步处理首选
A.人工周期 B.全身抗炎治疗 C.氯底酚胺 D.输卵管通液 E.宫颈扩张 [判断题]浓酸泄漏处理迅速撤离泄漏污染区人员至安全区,并进行隔离,严格限制出入。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《广西电网有限责任公司基建项目验收、投产及移交管理细则》Q/CSG-GXPG2053003-2021的相关规定,启动验收委员会是公司基建工程启动验收和启动投入试运行阶段的最高指挥机构,由基建工程法人或者其授权的建设单位组建,主要包括基建、生产运行、调度、物资及()等单位的人员。
A.工程设计 B.监理 C.施工 D.调试 [简答题]开磨初期怎样操作?
[单选题]输卵管妊娠最常见的部位是( )
A.间质部 B.壶腹部 C.伞端 D.峡部 E.壶腹部与峡部之间 [单选题]1289.有下列哪项情况者暂不宜上避孕环()
A.月经后3~7天 B.平产3个月后 C.剖宫产后6个月 D.人工流产后立即 E.引产后立即 [判断题]一项社会政策法规的推行没有引起相关问题发生预期的变化,毫无疑问,此项社会政策法规一定是没有任何意义的。
[填空题]For thousands of years men have been wandering around—for pleasure, for profit, or to satisfy their curiosity. When the only means of transportation were horses, camels and small boats, travelers were already crossing seas and deserts to acquire rare goods or to visit famous places. For the pure joy o learning, scholars ventured into distant kingdoms and observed their customs. They tasted the foods; they questioned the wise men about their gods and their history; they sat in fearful admiration on the banks of newly discovered rivers. Then they went back home reflecting upon what they had seen, and perhaps they wrote a book or two about their discoveries. Slowly, nations learned about each other, men met and ideas spread—for better or worse.
There was a time, close to ours, when artists and writers traveled all over Europe and sometimes further to study ancient works of art and to exchange ideas and methods with their foreign colleagues. Poor adventurers traveled on foot while r [单选题]线间距小于()米的两线间严禁站人和放置工机具材料。
A.5 B.5.5 C.6 D.6.5 [单项选择]
People in Britain are living longer and are better off, with the result that more and more money is being spent on consumer goods, (56) the latest statistics. [多选题]以下属于专责监护人安全责任的是( )。
A. A.负责检查工作票所列安全措施是否正确完备 是否符合现场实际条件 必要时予以补充 B.B.确认被监护人员和监护范围 C.C.工作前 对被监护人员交待监护范围内的安全措施、告知危险点和安全注意事项 D.D.监督被监护人员遵守本规程和现场安全措施 及时纠正被监护人员的不安全行为 [判断题]重载或高速传动时,齿面局部金属粘连继而又因相对滑动,其齿面的金属从其表面被撕落,轮齿表面沿滑动方向出现粗糙沟痕的现象叫作齿面的塑性变形。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]⾼压氧治疗时临床上常⽤的压⼒单位是
A. ⼤⽓压 B. 表压 C. 绝对压 D. 附加压 E. 氧压 [单选题]上海铁路局关于重新公布《上海铁路局运输收入票据管理实施细则》的通知(上铁收[2017]576号)规定,票据库窗(包括气窗)应安装铁栅栏,其规格为圆铁直径12mm以上,扁铁厚度 6mm以上,间距不大于( ),高度超过1m的须加横档。
A.8cm B.10cm C.12cm D.15cm [填空题]What do we know about sea Most of us have seen it. Many of us have swum in it. We know that it looks very pretty when the sun is shining on it. And we also know that the sea is full of waves. Waves are beautiful to look at, but they can (11) ships at sea, as well as houses and buildings near the shore. What causes waves Most waves are caused by winds blowing over the (12) of the water. The sun heats the earth, causing the air to rise and the winds to blow. The winds blow across the sea, pushing little waves into enormous ones. When the wind is blowing at 120 (13) per hour, most waves will be about 12 meters high. In 1933 the United States (14) the largest measured wave in history. It rose in the Pacific Ocean to a (15) of 34 meters.
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