My knees were shaking. I (41)
afraid (42) with them, (43) I
(44) myself out on the path to follow them. Amara’s husband
(45) coming back and saw me. " (46) my
age mates (47) this witchcraft. You come back with me and
keep watch (48) my wife. Help me guard (49)
body. He will kill her and I cannot prevent it. But he (50)
killed her in vain. He shall not eat her body." It was dark inside the
reception hut, and very quiet. The women (51) kept watch over
Amara, and her co-wife still sat with her. The man stood looking down upon her.
A man must never call his wife (52) her name and may never
touch her (53) public. The man knelt (5 A. yet B. moreover C. even D. soon [单选题]下列不属于党的纪律体系中的( )。
A.工作纪律 B.政治纪律 C.群众纪律 D.保密纪律 [单选题]在工作地点或检修的配电设备上悬挂( )标示牌。
A.“在此工作!” B.“从此进出!” C.“禁止合闸,有人工作!” D.“止步,高压危险!” [单项选择]用阴阳理论分析昼夜不同时段,阳中之阴为
A. 上午 B. 中午 C. 下午 D. 前半夜 E. 后半夜 [单选题] 经常有人工作的场所及施工车辆上宜配备急救箱,存放急救用品,并应指定()经常检查、补充或更换。
A.技术员 B.管理员 C.单人 D.专人 [判断题]公司环境保护目标是环境污染事故为零。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]The ocean bottom—a region nearly 2.5 times greater than
the total land area of the earth—is a vast frontier that even today is largely unexplored and uncharted. Until about a century ago, the deep-ocean floor was completely accessible, hidden (1) ______ beneath waters averaging over 3,600 meters deep. Totally without light and subjected intense pressures hundreds of times greater (2) ______ than at the Earth’s surface, the deep-ocean bottom is a hostile environment to humans, in some ways as forbidding and remote as the void of out space. (3) ______ Therefore researchers have been taking samples of (4) ______ deep-ocean rocks and sediments for over a century, the first detailed global investigation of the ocean bottom did actually (5) ______ start until 1968, with the beginning of the National Science Foundation’s Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP). Used techniques first developed for th [判断题]行政处罚听证一律公开举行。
A. 制定阶段 B. 授权阶段 C. 执行阶段 D. 实施阶段 [判断题]“四学”主要内容 1.“四学”。即:各级干部学习《事规》、学习《铁路交通事故和生产安全事故责任追究办法》,领导人员带头学习宣讲,全体职工学习《职工奖惩管理办法》《劳动合同》,主要行车岗位人员同时也要学习《事规》有关内容。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某公司委托证券公司发行股票2000万股,每股面值1元,每股发行价格3元,按发行总收入的3%向证券公司支付佣金费用。该公司应记入“资本公积——股本溢价”科目的金额为()万元。
A. 3820 B. 180 C. 4000 D. 5820 [单项选择]淋巴造影诊断淋巴结癌肿转移( )
A. 淋巴结增大增多,时边缘缺损,淋巴管改道 B. 淋巴结增大,结构完整无缺 C. 输入淋巴管狭窄 D. 淋巴渗出,淋巴结不增大 E. 静脉呈扭曲、增粗 我来回答: 提交