Singapore is well known as a
multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-religious nation. And this {{U}}
(67) {{/U}}is gradually becoming internalized as a special feature of
Singaporean culture. Besides, Singapore is at the crossroads{{U}} (68)
{{/U}}East meets West and enjoys the benefit of the co-existence of{{U}}
(69) {{/U}}cultures. Two seemingly{{U}} (70) {{/U}}incidents
that took place recently appeared equally ironical upon closer scrutiny. In the
first case, the president of National Technological University found the use of
Mandarin{{U}} (71) {{/U}}too popular on campus and so urged students to
speak more English. In the second case, in response{{U}} (72)
{{/U}}customer complaints, an expatriate executive of Borders told staff to
stick to English at work. For historical reasons, the call by NTU which is
located on the site of t A. small B. smaller C. big D. bigger [单项选择]常见于登革热()
A. 波状热 B. 稽留热 C. 不规则热 D. 弛张热 E. 间歇热 [单项选择]某患者因哮喘发作来诊,在诊断尚未明确时,为缓解症状应选用()
A. 强心苷 B. 肾上腺素 C. 异丙肾上腺素 D. 氨茶碱 E. 杜冷丁 [单选题]面试考官不应该在()。
A.面试中尽量创造和谐的氛围 B.面试过程察言观色 C.面试前做好充分的准备 D.面试中与面试对象进行观点辩论 [判断题]色氨酸在动物体内可以转化赖氨酸。
[单选题]电力生产企业发生人身、设备事故,按照( )的原则,确定事故责任主体。
A.追究第一责任人 B.追究安全责任人 C.谁主管、谁负责 D.谁工作、谁负责 [判断题]汇入行未按规定时限将来账处理完毕的,营业终了时系统可以行所签退。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]SQ351~SQ356型曲(直)刃水平滚刀式切丝机的电气控制系统,主要构成从()上分类有电机装置、机身电路、悬吊控制盒、电器柜。
A.功能 B.形态 C.硬件 D.软件 [简答题]
阅读下面材料,根据要求写作。 [单选题]钳形电流表是利用()的原理制造的。
A.电流互感器 B.电压互感器 C.变压器 [单选题]( )不得进行施工升降机拆卸作业。
A.A、白天 B.B、中午 C.C、夜间 D.D、周末 [单项选择]目前可检测万古霉素中介/耐药金黄色葡萄球菌(VISA/VRSA)的方法很多,如纸片扩散法、肉汤稀释法、琼脂稀释法等,但不同方法之间仍存在一定的差异。不能检测8μg/mlVISA的方法是()
A. 肉汤稀释法 B. 琼脂稀释法 C. Etest D. 自动化仪器 E. 纸片扩散法 我来回答: 提交