All the people who went to the new
supermarket had one great hope: to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay
for his shopping. For this was what the notice just inside the entrance
promised. It said, "Remember, once a week, one of our customers gets free goods.
This may be your lucky day!" For several weeks Mrs. White hoped, like many of her friends, to be the lucky customer. Unlike her friends, however, she never lost heart. Her kitchen was full of things which she did not really need. Her husband tried again and again to persuade her to give it up, but she just wouldn’t listen. She dreamed of the day when the manager of the supermarket would come up to say, "Madam. this is your lucky day. Everything in your basket today is free." One Friday morning, after she had finished her shopping and had taken it to her car, she found that s A. very tired B. happier than ever before C. rather sad D. enthusiastic [填空题]______ Some men admired Jean because she was beautiful.
[单选题]兖矿股字〔2022〕1 号指出,所有生产矿井不少于( ) 个智能 示范采煤工作面常态化运行。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [多项选择]在我国,没有强制执行权的行政机关有()
A. 县级以上人民政府 B. 林业机关 C. 城建机关 D. 卫生机关 [单项选择]目前在台湾网络上卖的最好的女性商品类别是?()
A. 家具 B. 艺术品 C. 女性服饰 D. 书 [简答题]A类火灾是指固体物质火灾。固体物质指的是哪些,请举例?何种灭火器适用此范围的火灾,请列举两种以上?
A. 育龄妇女,未避孕,婚后性生活正常,未避孕,同居2年未孕者 B. 育龄妇女,婚后性生活正常,未避孕,同居1年未孕者 C. 夫妇同居,性生活正常,第一次婚姻曾生育,再婚后未避孕,2年未孕者 D. 夫妇同居,性生活正常,虽第一次婚姻曾生育,此后未避孕,1年未孕者 E. 夫妇同居后1年未孕,一方有无法纠正的解剖生理缺陷者 [多项选择]双母线双分段接线由()组成。
A. 一个母联开关 B. 一个分段开关 C. 两个母联开关 D. 两个分段开关 [单项选择]男,66岁。患“高血压”8年余,近日自觉经常头晕耳鸣,腰膝无力,走路轻飘,今晨起床后突然眩晕仆倒,左半身无力,不能行走,口眼斜,语言謇涩,舌红苔腻,脉弦滑。其证候是
A. 热极动风证 B. 血虚生风证 C. 阴虚动风证 D. 肝阳化风证 E. 肝火上炎证 [单项选择]As a father I ______ the mess my children make every evening.
A. used to clean up B. am used to cleaning up C. had to clean up D. willing to clean up [判断题]法兰连接是化工管路最常用的连接方式。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]有砟轨道墩台基础均匀沉降不大于30mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]采集咽拭子标本应作到( )
A.协助病人取仰卧位 B.取样前含漱消毒液3天 C. 严格执行无菌技术操作 D.取样前禁食 E.以上答案都正确 [单项选择]国际单位制词头采用的是()进制词头,它用来表示使单位增大或缩小的倍数。
A. 二进制 B. 十进制 C. 八进制 D. 任意进制 [多选题]冬季施工现场的( )应采取防滑措施,及时清除冰雪。
A.道路 B.工作平台 C.斜坡道 D.脚手板 E.船舶甲板 我来回答: 提交