Kristy, 28, a cook in La Cross, often wondered what she’d do in a life-threatening situation. On August 29, 1997, she got hex answer. While she was driving on a road, a big truck hit its head on a pick-up car(敞篷小货车). The pick-up burst into flames. Kristy rushed out and ran to the pick-up. Two farmers, Dean Bernhard, 51, and his brother Donald, 44, were inside, When she got close, Kristy could see the unconscious driver. The other man was under the passenger seat. Says Kristy, "The smells were sickening(令人作呕的). I was afraid the truck would blow up and kill us all."
The driver of the big truck was struggling to open the passenger door, so Kristy rushed to the driver’s side. Finally they opened the door. She reached in, seized the driver and, to her horror, felt her hands sink into his chest. She quickly dragged the man to safety on the roadside, then hurried back. As Kristy stared down the ditch(沟) with the passenger, the pick-up blew up. She ju
A. e,d,b,a,c,f
B. d,e,b,a,f,c
C. f,d,e, b,a,c
D. f,c,e,d,b,a
It is hard to escape the fact that in
developed societies, despite progress, innovation and prosperity, there is
something not quite right. In some cases, it is hard for people to put a finger
on it: a feeling of emptiness and not belonging, a lack of defined relationships
and solid social structures. In other respects, it is readily quantifiable:
rates of drug abuse, violent crime and depression and suicide are rocketing. Why
are we so unhappy It seems that the Enlightenment brought forth unparalleled
liberty in economic, social and political life, but we are now undergoing a
midlife crisis. The politics of happiness is nothing new. Aristotle once said
that happiness is the goal of life. But for me, the person who brings the great
conundrum of personal happiness alive is Robert Kennedy. In a beautifully
crafted speech, he said what "makes life worthwhile A. (A) the continuing social progress and prosperity B. (B) the development of western philosophy C. (C) corporate, civic and personal responsibilities D. (D) general well-being of the society [单选题]LZB20104 三相桥式整流中,每个二极管中的电流与输出电流I的关系为( )。
A.相等; B.1/6 I。; C.1/3 I。; D.1/2 I。 [单项选择]男,30岁,食欲减退、厌油、皮肤黄染20余天,既往无肝炎病史,来自血吸虫疫区,有疫水接触史,体查:重病容,神志清楚,皮肤、巩膜黄染,无明显肝掌,颈部可见蜘蛛痣,腹稍胀,肝未扪及,脾肋下2cm,腹水征阳性,ALT15u/L,总胆红素340umol/L,白蛋白30g/L,球蛋白35g/L,凝血酶原活动度30%,其诊断可能性最大的是()
A. 急性黄疸型肝炎 B. 亚急性重型肝炎 C. 慢性重型肝炎 D. 急性重型肝炎 E. 淤胆型肝炎 [判断题]转K6、转K5型转向架立柱磨耗板采用焊接方式与侧架组装在一起。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]脘腹痞闷,或嘈杂不舒,恶心呕吐,口干不欲饮,口苦纳少,舌红苔黄腻者,当用的治法为()
A. 养阴益胃,调中消痞 B. 补气健脾,升清降浊 C. 清热化湿,和胃消痞 D. 消食和胃,行气消痞 E. 疏肝解郁,和胃消痞 [判断题]起重作业应划定作业区域并设置相应的安全标志,无关人员也可以进入。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]借款人持有股票型基金60万元,股票型基金折算月收入的比例为60%,借款人申请3年期贷款,其持有基金可折算月收入()。
A.10000元 B.12000元 C.20000元 D.16667元 [单选题]邹某为方便工作,购买一张伪造的某知名高校毕业证书,并持该伪造的毕业证书到某公司应聘。对于邹某行为的定性,下列说法正确的是:
A.构成伪造事业单位印章罪 B.构成买卖国家机关证明文件罪 C.构成违反治安管理的违法行为 D.不构成公安机关管辖的违法犯罪 二、多 项 选 择 题 [单选题]516. 理论示功图是一个在以悬点位移为横坐标,以( )为纵坐标的直角坐标系中的平行四边形。
A.上冲程载荷 B.下冲程载荷 C.振动载荷 D.悬点载荷 [单项选择]一个有酒精中毒和肝肿大病史的患者,肝显像示整个肝脏呈弥漫性分布不均匀,可能的诊断为
A. 肝炎 B. 肝肿瘤 C. Laennec‘s肝硬化 D. 肝脓肿 E. 肝癌 [单选题]( )盲人与导盲犬在撤离时,负责牵住动物的人员应该是
A.乘务员 B.机长 C.援助者 D.主人 [单项选择]有的污染物在水环境中浓度极低且极为稳定,该污染物通过水生生物摄取进入食物链系统,使生物体内污染物浓度大大增加,这种现象被称为()。
A. 生物放大作用 B. 生物转化作用 C. 生物降解作用 D. 生物富集作用 E. 生物对污染物的自净作用 [单选题]下列内容不包括在会议秘密中的是()。
A.内部会议的日期 B.内部会议的议题 C.内部会议的音像材料 D.内部领导的批示 [填空题]本项目采用()号导热油,其最高使用温度不超过()℃
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [填空题]所谓阴影衰落,是由于在电波传输路径上受到建筑物及山丘等的阻挡所产生的阴影效应而形成的损耗,其变化率较()故又称为()。
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