About twenty of us had been fortunate enough to receive invitation to a film studio(摄影间) to take part in a crowd-scene. Although our "act" would only (61) for three minutes in all, we were given the (62) to see quite a number of interesting things. We all stood (63) the far end of the studio (64) workmen preparing the scene which was to be filmed. Very (65) , bright lights were turned on and the path was covered with (66) looked like salt. The producer of the film shouted something to the camera-operator. (67) waved his hand in (68) and went to speak to the two famous actors who were standing (69) . Since it was hot in the studio, (70) came as a surprise to us to see one of the actors (71) a heavy over coat. He pulled a hat down (72) his eyes, put his hands in his pockets, and started walking (73) the path. A big fan began (74) tiny white feathers down on him, and soon the
A. against
B. throughout
C. for
D. along
Next time you’re filling up the cavernous fuel tank of the gas-gulping family jalopy, imagine getting 230 miles per gallon. Better yet, how about never buying another gallon of gas After years o{ hope and hype, electron-powered driving finally appears to be on the verge of reality. In the next three years, at least a dozen pure electric or plug-in hybrid cars are slated to hit the market in the U. S. Electricity-driven vehicles from giants such as General Motors Co. and Nissan Motor Co., as well as start-ups like Fisker Automotive Inc. in Irvine, will provide consumers with a wide variety of choices. These new vehicles promise to combine blinding fuel efficiency, radical new technology and futuristic styling that makes the hybrid Toyota Prius look downright A. gasoline-powered cars. B. technological restrictions. C. lacking government’s support. D. no profits and unfeasibility. [单项选择]我国《刑法》中的附加刑( )。
A. 只能独立适用 B. 只能附加于主刑适用 C. 只有主刑是有期徒刑以上刑罚的,才可以附加适用 D. 既可以附加适用,也可以独立适用 [单选题] 当速度/马赫数在管理模式下时,FCU上速度/马赫数窗口显示
A.虚线 B.当前实际速度值 C.虚线和一个白色管理灯亮。 D.目标速度和白色管理灯亮 [名词解释]陈述性知识
A.、 10,10 B.12,12 C.10,12 D.12,10 [判断题]机构和零件不同,构件是制造的单元,而零件是运动的单元。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]仪器及探头的性能、耦合与衰减、工件几何形状和尺寸、缺陷自身及缺陷位置都影响缺陷的定量。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]开展双争活动,要坚持纵向比建设水平,横向看进步幅度,不搞平衡照顾和人为保先进。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题](65322)( )音频配线连接可根据设备要求选用焊接.卡接.绕接三种方式。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《劳动法》规定,国家对( )实行特殊劳动保护。
A.A、童工 B.B、未成年工 C.C、女职工 D.D、青少年 [判断题]不宜一人进入SF6配电装置室进行巡视,不准一人进入从事工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]9、民族区域自治地方的人大常委会可以制定自治条例和单行条例。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]针对成长期的演出产品,企业应做到哪些()。
A.考虑项目的演职人员合约问题 B.加大宣传推广的力度 C.不能停止成本控制计划 D.防止一些进入成长期的项目被竞争对手取得而造成企业未来的损失 [单选题]FX系列PLC的输入继电器用( )表示。
A.X B.Y C.T D.M [单选题]下列化合物中熔点最低的是( )。
A.CaO B.SiO2 C.萤石 D.Ca [判断题]信念的稳定性是绝对的,不会随着实际的变化而变化。?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]油气分离器点火线必须用直通钢质管线,距井口距离视产量而定,但不得少于( ),并固定。
A.30m B.40m C.45m D.50m [单选题]不属于利尿药的是( )
A.甘露醇 B.氢氯噻嗪 C.咖啡因 D.依他尼酸 E.呋塞米 [单选题]修养中的“养”是指()、滋养。
A.学习 B.锻炼 C.培育 D.习惯 [单选题]康复的目的是:
A.实现全面康复,重返社会 B.完成人的日常生活活动 C.保持生命体征平稳 D.心理康复 我来回答: 提交