Throughout George Bush’s presidency,
the federal government has refused to support any regulation of the greenhouse
gases that cause global warming. Whenever the subject comes up, officials tend
to mumble(咕哝)about uncertainties. But on April 2nd, the Supreme Court at last
settled one of the biggest outstanding questions: whether the government has the
authority to curb emissions in the first place. The court ruled that the Clean Air Act—a law from the 1960 designed to combat smog—gives the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)the power to regulate carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas. It also said the EPA would need an excuse if it decided not to use this power. It dismissed the justifications the EPA had provided for inaction—that emissions from American cars were insignificant in the grand scheme of things and that A. It is the government’s obligation to set up stricter regulation. B. It is disappointing for the public that the government shies away from this problem. C. The government is the only organization that can control greenhouse gases. D. The government is not the chief organization authorized to control greenhouse gases. [单选题]直接盖髓术的适应证是
A.意外露髓 B.充填体脱落 C.继发龋 D.乳牙内吸收 E.充填体过高 [判断题]使用锤、斧、挠钩等器材破拆时,必须检查连接是否牢固。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]体内CO2分压最高的部位是
A. 组织液 B. 细胞内液 C. 毛细血管血液 D. 动脉血液 [简答题]{{B}}第二部分{{/B}}
说明:155—170题,每段话中都有若干个空儿(空儿中标有题目序号)。请根据上下文的意思在答卷上的每一个空格中填写一个恰当的汉字。 “春困”是气温回{{U}} (155)
{{/U}}而产生的一种暂时生理现象。原来,人们在寒冷的冬季和初春时,受低温的影响,皮肤毛孔收缩,{{U}} (156)
{{/U}}减少体内热量的散发,保持体温恒定;进入春季,气温升高,皮肤毛孔{{U}} (157)
{{/U}}展,供血量增多,而供给大脑的氧{{U}} (158) {{/U}}应减少,大脑工作受到影响,生物钟也不那么{{U}}
(160) {{/U}}于半昏睡状态。因此,在冬春之{{U}} (161)
{{/U}},我们对天气的变化特别敏感。有人把这称为“春天疲劳症”。 [单项选择]选择塑料件的底漆时,必须根据()。
A. 塑料件的材质 B. 塑料件的颜色 C. 塑料件的用途 [判断题]坚定社会主义核心价值观的自信,要求我们充分认识社会主义核心价值观的优越性及其在中华民族实现自己梦想的奋斗中所具有的重大意义。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]跨越线路上部且有碍行车安全的施工应( )防护。
A.办理封锁施工手续,设置移动停车信号 B.办理慢行手续,设置移动减速信号 C.办理临时封锁施工手续,设置停车手信号 D.设置作业标 [单选题]各种气瓶的存放,必须距离明火( )以上,避免阳光曝晒,搬运时不得碰撞。
A.5米 B.8米 C.10米 [单选题]一正弦交流电的有效值为10A,频率为50Hz,初相位为-30°,它的解析式为( )。
A.i=10Sin(314t+30°)A B.i=10Sin(314t-30°)A C.i=10Sin(314t-30°)A D.i=10√2Sin(50t+30°)A [单选题]下列运用成语“从长计议”正确的一项是( )。
A.筹建办公室组织专家反复论证后,决定从长计议,确定了这座桥的通航标准 B.这些食品是交给姐姐保管的,可她并不是一个从长计议的人,常常领着我们将下一日 的提前消耗掉,造成寅吃卯粮的局面 C.尽管目前金融危机让部分企业减少了人才的需求量,但一些大中型企业从长计议,借机进行人才储备,有针对性地吸纳专业后备人才 D.“创意”是个好东西,但是当“创意”遇到“产业”的时候,应该从长计议 我来回答: 提交