On Oct. 12, 1989, some Chinese
scientists were working at the computers to look for the in- formation they
needed. Suddenly they saw a lot of very bright spots crossing the
computer’s screens. At the same moment the computers were working much slower.
To find out what was happening, they stopped their work to check some
parts of the computers. To their horror, they found out that most of their
stored information was got rid of by computer viruses (病毒). All these computers
had been infected by computer viruses. It is said that the computer viruses were made by a group of young men fond of playing tricks. They all have excellent education. They created the viruses just to show their intelligence. These kinds of computer viruses are named Jerusalem Viruses. These viruses can stay in computers for a long time. When the time comes th A. play tricks on operators of the computers B. frighten the scientists C. damage all the computers D. attack Jerusalem [多选题]《细则》规定:下列( )井在目的层(油气层)作业期间为一级井控风险。
A. 风险探井、预探井 B. 地层预测压力≥105MPa的评价井、开发井 C. 又溢又漏的“三高井” D. 控压钻井,重大井控新工艺、新技术试验的井 E. 硫化氢预测含量≥30g/m3且地层预测压力≥70MP [单项选择]男性,55岁。双下肢无力半年,右侧明显,近2个月步态不稳,右手不能扣纽扣。无外伤史,无发热。查体:颈背部无明显压痛,两上肢前臂、手及上臂尺侧皮肤感觉减退,右侧尤其明显,四肢肌张力增高,肱二头肌反射亢进,双侧膝踝反射亢进,右髌阵挛阳性,右巴宾斯基征阳性。该病最主要的病因是()
A. 外伤 B. 颈椎先天性椎管狭窄 C. 颈椎间盘退行性改变 D. 长期伏案工作 E. 长期坐姿不正确 [单选题]②政治规矩③组织纪律④中央八项规定精神⑤廉洁纪律⑥群众纪律⑦工作纪律⑧生活纪律
A.①③④⑤⑥⑦⑧ B.②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧ C.①③⑤⑥⑦⑧ D.②③⑤⑥⑦⑧ [单选题]关于腹外疝的叙述,下列哪项不正确
A.腹外疝中,斜疝嵌顿者最多 B.肠管壁疝发生于股管的较多 C.腹壁下动脉位于斜疝疝囊颈的内侧 D.直疝多见于老年人,极少嵌顿 E.最常发生切口疝的是经腹直肌切口 [单项选择]产生岩块流动现象的原因目前认为是( )。
A. (A) 剪切破坏 B. (B) 弯曲破坏 C. (C) 塑性破坏 D. (D) 脆性破坏 [单项选择]
Blue collar and government jobs are among the most (41) careers for U.S. graduates, according to U.S. News magazine’s 2008 Best Careers report. U.S. employers are increasingly offshoring professional jobs. This means less jobs (42) college-graduate skills, the magazine says.
As in many other countries, U.S. high school students are told that college is the (43) . So there’s a growing (44) of skilled people in jobs that don’t require a college education. But the report also says that some rewarding blue-collar careers, such as technical work in the biomedical equipment and security systems sectors, are more (45) to college graduates. These are more knowledge-based than the usual blue-collar jobs. [简答题]作业人员上道前,应确认“三必须、二要有”制度已落实到位,否则,不得上道作业,二要有指的是哪两个?
A. 客户竞争评估 B. 技术竞争评估 C. 决定客户需求 D. 评估设计特色 [填空题]This product has been (complete) ______ replaced by various new products.
A. +8,-5 B. +10,-5 C. -8,+5 [单选题] 在潮湿或含有酸类的场地上应使用带绝缘外壳的工具,并装设额定动作电流不大于( )一般型(无延时)的剩余电流动作保护器(漏电保护器),且应设专人不间断地监护。
A.1mA B.20mA C.30mA [单选题] 下列物质是混合物的为()
A. 铁 B. 空气 C. 磷酸三钠 D. 纯碱 [判断题]异步电动机在满载起动时或空载起动时,起动电流和起动转矩是一样大。
[单选题]《安徽农村商业银行系统信贷责任认定办法》规定,执行一票否决权的领导对于明显不符合产业政策和监管规定的信贷业务未行使一票否决权的,执行一票否决权的( )承担主要责任。
A.A、行长 B.B、分管行长 C.C、领导和授信委员会主任 D.D、领导 [简答题]如何检验和消除测定方法中的系统误差?如何减少随机误差?
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