At the beginning of the century, medical scientists made a surprising discovery: that we are (1) not just of flesh and blood but also of time. They were able to (2) that we all have an internal "body clock" which (3) the rise and fall of our body energies, making us different from one day to the (5) . These forces became known as biorhythms: they create the (5) in our everyday life.
The (6) of an internal "body clock" should not be too surprising, (7) the lives of most living things are dominated by the 24-hour night-and-day cycle. The most obvious (8) of this cycle is the (9) we feel tired and fall asleep at night and become awake and (10) during the day. (11) the 24-hour rhythm is interrupted, most people experience unpleasant side effects.
(12) , international aeroplane travelers often experience "jet lag" when traveling across time (13) . Pe
A. change
B. shift
C. transfer
D. alternative
There are more than forty universities
in Britain--nearly twice as many as in 1960. During the 1960s eight
{{U}} (67) {{/U}} new ones were founded, and ten other new ones were
created by {{U}} (68) {{/U}} old colleges of technology into
universities. In the same period the number of students {{U}} (69)
{{/U}} doubled, from 70000 to over 200000. By 1973 about 10% of men aged
from eighteen to twenty-one were n universities and about 5% of women.
All the universities are {{U}} (70) {{/U}} institutions. Each has
its own governing councils, {{U}} (71) {{/U}} some local businessmen and
local politicians as {{U}} (72) {{/U}} as a few academics (大学教师). The
state began to {{U}} (73) {{/U}} grants to them fifty years ago, and by
1970 eachuniversity {{U}} (74) {{/U}} nearly all its {{U}} (75)
{{/U}} from state grants. Students have to pay {{U}} A. derived B. arose C. survived D. prevented [判断题]车轮通过有害空间时,由于车轮半径较大,轨检车检测的高低、水平和三角坑不平顺波形连续正常,这时激光点打到翼轨上,单边轨距异常,因此要删除该位置的轨距和一单侧轨向不平顺超限。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )起下钻防喷演习时,井架工一律正常从逃生装置到地面。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]恐怖活动组织,是指( )以上为实施恐怖活动而组成的犯罪组织。
A.A.三人 B.B.四人 C.C.五人 D.D.六人 [单选题]为了更好满足企业客户的有效贷款需求,促进全省农村信用社业务发展,规范银团贷款业务操作,依据()、《山西省农村信用社信贷业务管理基本制度》等法规制度,制定本办法()。
A.《银团贷款业务指引》 B.商业银行法 C.贷款通则 D.个人贷款管理办法 [单选题] 变压器温度升高时,绝缘电阻测量值()。
A. 增大 B. 降低 C. 不变 D. 成比例增长 [单选题]胃癌病人术前的饮食指导不包括:( )
A.高蛋白 B.高热量 C.高维生素 D.高脂肪 E.易消化、少渣食物 我来回答: 提交