Robert Spring, a 19th century forger
(伪造者), was so good at his profession that he was able to make his living for 15
years by selling false signatures of famous Americans. Spring was born in
England in 1813 and arrived in Philadelphia in 1858 to open a bookstore. At
first he prospered by selling his small but genuine collection of early U.S.
autographs. Discovering his ability at copying handwriting, he began imitating
signatures of George Washington and Ben Franklin and writing them on the title
pages of old books. To lessen the chance of detection, he sent his forgeries to
England and Canada for sale and circulation. Forgers have a hard time selling their products. A forger can’t approach a respectable buyer but must deal with people who don’t have much knowledge in the field. Forgers have many ways to make their w A. There was a greater demand there than in America. B. There was less chance of being detected there. C. Britain was Spring’s birthplace. D. The price were higher in England and Canada. [单选题]合金调质钢(铬钢及铬锰钢等)淬火后高温回火时的冷却方法是()
A.出炉后在空气中冷却 B.随炉冷却至300℃ C.在水或油中冷却 D.随炉冷至室温 [判断题]1 钢制燃气管道与支架间须接触良好,不需隔离。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]建立咨询关系之前()
A. 心理咨询师应给求助者留一个好的第一印象 B. 心理咨询师应让求助者了解心理咨询的上作性质及局限性 C. 心理咨询师应了解求助者对心理咨询的依从性和受暗示性 D. 求助者应给心理咨询师留一个好的第一印象 [单选题]
系统各单位按照“( )”的要求,对本单位新闻宣传设备进行具体管理和使用
A. 谁主管、谁负责 B. 谁使用、谁负责 C. 谁采购、谁负责 D. 谁申请、谁负责 [单选题](单选题)所有电气设备的地电位( )均应有良好的接地装置。不应将使用中的接地装置拆除。
A.水泥基础 B.绝缘套管 C.零线端子 D.金属外壳 [单项选择]如果以部门在一时期内的经济总量如下:增加值为1000亿元,原始收入为400亿元,可支配总收入为300亿元,总储蓄为300亿元。根据各部门在生产、收入分配消费中的特点判定,该部门应该是()。
A. 政府部门 B. 企业部门 C. 非盈利性机构部门 D. 居民部门 [判断题]麻黄碱不得与咖啡因配伍使用()
A. 小檗碱 B. 绿原酸 C. 熊果酸 D. 癸酰乙醛 E. 色胺酮 我来回答: 提交