Importance of
Vitamins{{/B}} Vitamins, which come in many different types all of which are quite diverse in chemical configuration and function, can be any of several organic substances that are separated into water-soluble and fat-soluble groups. Originally defined as organic compounds obtainable in a normal diet and capable of maintaining life and promoting growth, vitamins are differrent from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in function, as well as in the quantities in which organisms require them. So critical are vitamins to a body’s essential strength and health that if they are absent from the diet or not properly absorbed by an organism, a specific deficiency disease may develop. The term vitamin originated from "vitamine," a word fir A. Skin tissues may lose moisture and become dry and chapped, decreasing the natural immunity. B. Membranes in the mouth and throat may lose their cilia and allow more alien particles to enter the body than normal. C. Lack of vitamin A may cause a person to have coarse skin, bad teeth, weak bones and insufficient natural immunity. D. Bone and teeth may be affected negatively and when serious enough, may even stunt growth. [单项选择]George: () Ann: Well, it's a great dance all right, but I've been to quite a few parties lately and fed up with them.
A. Don't you play happily B. Don't you stay here pleasantly C. Aren't you fond of yourself D. Aren't you enjoying yourself [单项选择]Gallaudet University currently does not allow students to keep pets in their dorm rooms. Exceptions are made only for (1) animals such as guide dogs and hearing (2) But other kinds of pets can be (3) to students too. Pets should be (4) to live in the dorms because they can help students reduce stress and learn responsibility.
College life is very demanding. Pets could help students relieve (5) in many ways. For example, playing with pets could give students a study (6) . Walking a dog or playing with a cat would allow the students to relax their body and mind. When the students return to their studying, they would feel (7) and ready to work again. Pets could also (8) social stress or homesickness. A dog or cat could provide companionship and affection when students have problems (9) their friends or miss home. Sometimes it is easier to talk to a pet than to a person. Talking about problems helps stude A. together B. quickly C. independently D. carefully [单选题]( )产生深度知觉的年龄是。
A.2岁 B.6个月 C.1岁 D.3个月 [单选题]CRH380B(L)制动试验系统默认采用( )屏进行制动试验,可将左屏调至制动试验时间显示界面进行查看,试验结果确认以右屏为准。
A.右 B.左 C.上 D.下 [判断题]正常运行的变压器,一次绕组中流过两部分电流,一部分用来激磁,另一部分用来平衡二次电流。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于施工现场的材料加工场的说法,错误的是()。
A.加工棚应采用木架结构 B.实行封闭管理 C.应设置排水设施。 D.场内设置安全警示标志 [单项选择]创建两个具有“一对多”关系的表之间的关联,应当______。
A. 通过纽带表 B. 通过某个同名字段 C. 通过某个索引的同名字段 D. 通过主索引字段和不同字段 [多选题]《中华人民共和国担保法》规定的担保方式有()。
A.保证 B.留置 C.定金 D.索赔 E.质押 [单项选择]当每隔一个半衰期给药一次时,为使血药浓度迅速达到稳态浓度,常采用()
A. 缩短给药间隔 B. 首次给予负荷剂量 C. 增加给药次数 D. 首次给予维持剂量 E. 增加每次给药剂量 [单选题]递减称量法最适合于称量是( )
A.腐蚀性物质 B.剧毒物质 C.易潮解,易吸收CO2或易氧化的物质 D.易挥发的物质 [不定项选择题]患者男,25岁,因"呕血1小时"入院,入院前患者饮酒400g后突发呕吐鲜血3次,每次量约150ml。查体:患者面色苍白,神志欠清,血压90/60mmHg,心率110次/分。既往体健。该患者应首选哪种保护胃黏膜的药物?( )
A.奥美拉唑 B.吗丁啉(多潘立酮) C.氢氧化铝 D.阿司匹林 [单选题]( )4、采取空调降温等措施能够使工作场所温度低于()℃的,以及因行业特点不能停工或因生产、人身财产安全和公众利益需要紧急处理的,不适用有关高温天气的有关规定。
A.33 B.35 C.38 D.40 [填空题]没有主讲台的会议,如主讲人变更时,服务员应及时为其撤换()。
[单选题]大型静置设备、设施拆除工程开工前,应根据工程特点、设备、设施情况、工程量等编制安全专项方案,应经技术负责人或监理工程师签字批准后实施。施工过程中,如需变更,应经( )审批后实施。
A.项目总工 B.原审批人 C.项目经理 [单选题]N型半导体中,电子数目少于空穴数目,其导电能力主要由空穴决定。P型半导体中,电子数目多于空穴数目,其导电能力主要由电子决定。
A.对 B.错 [单选题]下列有关生物科学的说法不正确的一项是( )。
A.啤酒、抗生素的生产是发酵工程的应用 B.胰岛素是治疗糖尿病的特效药,只能从动物的胰腺中提取,产量低,而基因工程的应用打破了这一瓶颈 C.多倍体育种、试管婴儿、单克隆抗体、克隆动物等都是细胞工程的研究内容 D.用大豆生产大豆多肽和用水产蛋白生产降血压肽均属于微生物工程 [单选题]【远航学校】根据《特种作业人员安全技术考核管理规则》的规定,取得操作证的特种作业人员,必须定期进行复审,复审每( )一次。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [判断题]当三相电动势的相序是A-B-C,称为正序,若三相电动势的相序是A-C-B,称为负序,若三相电动势同方向则称为零序。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交