Should a leader strive to be loved or
feared This question, famously posed by Machiavelli, lies at the heart of
Joseph Nye’s new book. Mr. Nye, a former dean of the Kennedy School of
Government at Harvard, is best known for promoting the idea of "soft power",
based on persuasion and influences, as a counterpoint to "hard power", based on
coercion (强迫) and force. Mr. Nye has now turned his attention to the relationship between power and leadership, in both the political and business spheres. Machiavelli, he notes, concluded that "one ought to be both feared and loved, but as it is difficult for the two to go together, it is much safer to be feared than loved." In short, hard power is preferable to soft power. But modern leadership theories have come to the opposite conclusion. The context of leadership is changing, they observe, and the histo A. It overthrows the old theories of Mr. Machiavelli. B. It summarizes various studies briefly. C. It depicts modern leadership theories. D. It tells many famous leaders’ experience in management. [单选题]按照《建设工程安全生产管理条例》规定,工程监理单位在实施监理过程中,发现存在安全事故隐患的,应当要求施工单位整改;情况严重的,应当要求施工单位暂时停止施工,并及时报告:
A.施工单位 B.监理单位 C.有关主管部门 D.建设单位 [单选题]客车编组时,两列车连挂后,车钩必须处于()位置。
A.闭锁 B.开锁 C.全开 D.防跳 [单项选择]甲、乙签订了买卖合同,甲以乙为收款人开出一张票面金额为5万元的银行承兑汇票,作为预付款交付于乙,乙接受汇票后将其背书转让给丙。后当事人因不可抗力解除该合同。下列关于甲的权利主张的表述中,符合票据法规定的是( )。
A. 甲有权要求乙返还汇票 B. 甲有权要求丙返还汇票 C. 甲有权请求付款银行停止支付 D. 甲有权要求乙返还5万元预付款 [单项选择]81,77,68,52,( )
A. 27 B. 35 C. 43 D. 47 [单选题]手抬自摆遥控炮一般有2-3个进水口,需2-3人抬到阵地位置,能在100m外进行遥控喷射角度和射流形式,射程一般在( )以上。
A.30m B.40m C.60m D.70m [单项选择]世贸组织规则,要求所有成员对某一成员的产品所给予的利益、有待、特权和豁免,应当无条件地给予来自其他所有成员的相同产品。这一原则被称为:
A. 最惠国待遇原则 B. 国民待遇原则 C. 互惠原则 D. 贸易政策透明度原则 [单项选择]Rabies is an ordinarily infectious disease of the central nervous system, caused by a virus and, as a rule, spread chiefly by domestic dogs and wild flesh-eating animals. Man and all warm-blooded animals are susceptible to rabies. The people of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome ascribed rabies to evil spirits because ordinarily gently and friendly animals suddenly became vicious and violent without evident cause and, after a period of maniacal behaviour, became paralysed and died.
Experiments carried out in Europe in the early nineteenth century of injecting saliva from a rabid dog into a normal dog proved that the disease was infectious. Preventive steps, such as the destruction of stray dogs, were taken and by 1826 the disease was permanently eliminated in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Though urban centres on the continent of Europe were cleared several times during the nineteenth century, they soon became reinfected since rabies was uncontrolled among wild animals. During t A. a disease which is infectious, caused by virus of dogs and wild flesh-eating animals B. a disease caused by evil spirits C. a disease spread by man and all warm-blooded animals D. a disease causes animals to be vicious and violent [名词解释]著作财产权
A.100 B.150 C.200 D.300 [判断题][判断]慢性阻塞性肺疾病稳定期治疗主要是教育和劝导病人戒烟及脱离污染环境。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《厦门市房屋建筑与市政基础设施工程联合验收实施方案》(厦建审〔2018〕17号),联合竣工验收阶段总时限为( )个工作日(不包括验收整改及复验工作时间)。
A.7 B. 9 C.11 D. 14 [单选题]在Excel 2010中,若需要改变某个工作表的名称,则应该从右键单击“表标签”所弹出的菜单列表中选择______。
A.重命名 B.插入 C.删除 D.复制 [单项选择]下列化合物中具有抗肿瘤作用的是()
A. 薄荷醇 B. 龙脑 C. 青蒿素 D. 紫杉醇 E. 银杏内酯 [单选题]某客运企业拥有55辆营运客车,下列关于该企业设置技术管理机构和配备技术管理人员的说法正确的是( )。
A. 应当设置车辆技术管理机构,并至少配备1名专业车辆技术管理人员 B. 可不设置车辆技术管理机构,并至少配备1名专业车辆技术管理人员 C. 应当设置车辆技术管理机构,并至少配备2名专业车辆技术管理人员 D. 可不设置车辆技术管理机构,并至少配备2名专业车辆技术管理人员 [多选题]多项选择题:机械振动噪声是由于零件之间发生( )引起的。
A. 接触 B. 冲击 C. 振动 D. 更换 [多选题]在PowetPoint 2007的浏览视图方式下,按住(____)键的同时拖动某张幻灯片,不是执行复制操作。
A.Ctrl B.Shift C.Alt D.Tab [多选题]两电阻串联交流电路,电压U=35V,电阻R1=4Ω,电阻R2=3Ω,则电流I=(____)A,电路有功功率P=(____)W。
A.5 B.7 C.175 D.245 [不定项选择题]治淋证癃闭可用
A.龙骨 B.琥珀 C.磁石 D.远志 E.朱砂 [多选题]关于我国水资源现状描述正确的是( )。
A.水资源量不丰富 B.时空分布不均匀 C.污染严重 D.水能资源丰富 [单选题]䑨.二氧化碳与Hb结合生成氨基甲酰血红蛋白的反应主要受下列哪种因素的调节
A.A.氧分压 B.B.二氧化碳分压 C.C.氧化作用 D.D.氧合作用 E.E.碳酸酐酶作用 [多项选择]BOT项目的特许经营协议,通常包括的内容有()。
A. 项目的土地与前期工作 B. 项目运营和维护、质量标准和检测 C. 产品或服务数量、价格和服务费用 D. 经营权转让和提前终止 E. 补偿和违约赔偿、争议解决等内容 [单项选择]Which of the following is NOT a condition of a perfectly competitive market()
A. Sellers make economic profits. B. Firms face elastic demand curves. C. Individual sellers each have a small share of the market. [简答题]实际上,宏就是用户自己创建的命令。使用宏可以将用户作业中固定执行的某些操作序列集中在一起执行,给用户提供方便。宏和命令从功能上来说,是基本一致的,用户可以把命令或宏指派给任意的菜单、组合键、工具栏。因此,宏是Word中主要的特色之一。在使用一个宏之前,必须先创建一个宏,这是理所当然的。Word中提供了两种建立宏的途径:一是通过记录用户所执行的操作过程来自动形成。这种方法对于不会使用宏命令的用户来说,尤其方便。另一种是通过使用宏命令来书写和编辑语句序列。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 担保人、债务人、债权人向境内银行申请办理与跨境担保相关的购付汇或收结汇业务时,境内银行应当对跨境担保交易的背景进行尽职审查,以确定该担保合同符合中国法律法规和本规定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]小李大学毕业后开了一家网店,其父母一致反对并要求他考公务员,小李为此非常烦恼,前来寻求社会工作者帮助。社会工作者的适当做法是( )。
A. 劝说小李接受父母的意见 B. 支持小李开网店 C. 促进小李与父母沟通 D. 说服父母支持小李的决定 [单选题]变压器正常运行时的声音是( )
A.时大时小的嗡嗡声 B.连续均匀的嗡嗡声 C.断断续续的嗡嗡声 D.咔嚓声 我来回答: 提交