According to Scott Adams, creator of
the comic strip (系列漫画) Dilbert, the annual performance review is "one of the
most frightening and weakening experiences in every employee’s life". Adams’
stories and comic figures poke fun at the workplace, but his characterization of
people’s feelings about the annual performance review has its serious side.
Although a recent study of 437 companies indicates that effective annual
performance reviews can help raise profits, most employees of those companies
hate them. In theory, annual performance reviews are constructive and positive interactions between managers and employees working together to attain maximum performance and strengthen the organization. In reality, they often create division, undermine morale, and spark anger and jealousy. Thus, although the object of the annual performan A. likelihood of promotion B. depressive experience C. poor performance D. unrealistic expectation [单项选择]提出病因假设的目的是为了()
A. 研究疾病的自然史 B. 疾病监测 C. 肯定病因 D. 评价预防措施 E. 检验病因 [判断题]配电柜安装时,作业人员应动作轻慢,防止振动与运行盘柜相连固定时,不得敲打盘柜。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]头孢拉定的适宜保管温度是()
A. 2℃ B. 2~10℃ C. 不超过20℃ D. 10~30℃ E. 遮光并且温度不超过20℃ [多选题]连接线的图示形式主要有(____)。
A.连接 B.交叉 C.正交 D.汇入 [判断题]系统内出水量小于进水量是污水漫池的主要原因。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]250km/h(不含)~300km/h线路曲线正矢容许偏差管理值中,圆曲线正矢连续差作业验收为( )。
A.4mm B.5mm C.6mm D.3mm [单项选择]国际上,一般把项目定义为“一种( )的创造一项唯一产品和服务的任务”。
A. 独立性 B. 一次性 C. 周期性 D. 临时性 [单选题]电厂用气体对压力容器充压找漏时,一般采用( )。
A.A.氧气 B.氨气 C.乙炔 D.压缩空气 [单选题]急性下壁心肌梗死最常出现的心律失常是(0.1)
A. 室性期前收缩 B. 心房颤动 C. 窦性心动过速 D. 房室传导阻滞 E. 房性期前收缩 [判断题]自动站间闭塞法行车转为半自动闭塞法行车及转回的调度命令,可不发给司机。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]软关井的关井时间长,但它防止了“水击效应”作用于井口。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]处理有关乘客问题时,应( )、( )、( ),并遵循异时、异地、异人的原则。
[单项选择] You are trying to change the polling parameters used by the location manager via the Cisco WCS, and yourrequest is being denied. What is wrong?()
A. Your login does not have the correct permissions. B. You must wait for the location server to become available. C. Polling values can be changed only on the location server. D. Polling values can be changed only in the maintenance window. [填空题] Just as (1)________is famous for the tango, so American is well-known for jazz, a typical American invention. Unlike traditional music, which is restricted to European traditions, jazz music is (2)________and free-formed. Jazz is interesting, so is its (3)________. The music was invented by Negroes, who were taken away from West Africa and sold as slaves to the plantation owners in the South of the country. Their work was hard and their life was short. When one died, the friends and relatives would attend the (4)________. On the occasion, a music band often accompanied a march to the cemetery. On the way to the cemetery, slow, solemn music was played, but on the way back home (5)________music was preferred. The music made everyone want to dance. This was the early form of jazz.
There were also other musical (6)________that influenced the formation of jazz. One was the musical (7)________in West Africa, from where these Negroes were taken away to America. The other was the (8)_
A.兴奋、多动 B.注意力不集中,记忆力减退 C.腱反射减弱 D.感觉异常 E.营养性巨幼红细胞性贫血神经系统表现( ) [单选题]在有分布式电源接入的相关设备上工作,应按规定( )。
A.填用工作票 B.填用操作票 C.使用口头或电话命令执行 D.填用工作任务单 [判断题]中国民航运输航空监视技术应用政策分近期、中期和远期三个阶段。
A. 建设工程项目策划 B. 建设工程项目规划 C. 建设工程项目决策 D. 建设工程项目勘察 [简答题]如何办理工作票延期手续?
A. 直接损害 B. 泌尿系梗阻 C. 泌尿系感染 D. 恶性变 E. 诱发憩室 [单选题]根据《110~500kV架空送电线路施工及验收规范》规定,( )是对架空送电线路投运前安装质量的最终确认。
A.竣工验收 B.隐蔽工程验收 C.中间验收 D.交接试验 [单选题]☆人体内最复杂的内分泌腺体是( )
A.垂体 B.松果体 C.胸腺 D.肾上腺 E.甲状腺 [判断题]农商银行新增机构或撤并机构时,需在系统内对机构信息进行相应的操作,并对机构用户信息进行调整。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交