Many people seem to think that science
fiction is typified by the covers of some of the old pulp magazines: the
Bug-Eyed Monster, embodying every trait and feature that most people find
repulsive, is about to grab, and presumably ravish, a sweet, blonde, curvaceous,
scantily-clad Earth girl. This is unfortunate because it demeans and degrades a
worthwhile and even important literary endeavor. In contrast to this
unwarranted stereotype, science fiction rarely emphasizes sex, and when it does,
it is more discreet than other contemporary fiction. Instead, the basic interest
of science fiction lies in the relation between man and his technology and
between man and the universe. Science fiction is a literature of change and a
literature of the future, and while it would be foolish to claim that science
fiction is a major literary genre A. narrator B. setting C. character D. rhyme [判断题]面对犯罪嫌疑人或火力危险区,最好横向移动,任何时候都必须选择沿着一条与危险火力区呈直线的方向快速移动,因为直线距离最短。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于脾破裂,下列哪项是不正确的()
A. 通常采用脾切除术 B. 小裂口可行脾缝合修补术 C. 临床上往往出现休克表现 D. 等失血性休克好转后才能手术 E. 有慢性病理改变的脾脏更易损伤 [单项选择]
China on Tuesday expressed its regret over the EU’s recent failure to foot its pledge of lifting its arms sales ban to China. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao made the remarks at a routine press conference when commenting on the EU’s decision at a summit in Brussels earlier this month. The European Union (EU) summit pledged to develop a strategic partnership with China. "It reiterates its resolve to develop a strategic partnership with China by intensifying dialogue in ’all areas, whether of an economic or political nature, and by working towards a rapid solution to its trade dispute," said a conclusion document issued by the summit. Liu said China still hopes that the EU will materialize its pledge to lilt the ban as soon as possible. Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn pledged last week it would make more efforts for the early lifting of the arms embargo against China. Luxembourg, which is to hand over the presidency of the Euro [判断题]30HZ-40HZ的电流危险性最大( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]驼峰解散车辆作业时,须确认前钩车已越过后续钩的分歧道岔后,方可提钩。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]PPP项目的政府付费是指政府向借款人直接付费购买公共产品和服务,主要包括可用性付费、使用量付费和绩效付费。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]由两个或两个以上的个人联合出资和经营的企业是()。
A. 个人独资企业 B. 公司制企业 C. 合伙企业 D. 两合公司 [填空题]
INSTRIMPEX International Tendering Company
INVITATION FOR BIDS Baiyun Airport Relocation
Project In accordance with the Loan Agreement between the
Ministry of Finance of the Peoples Republic of China and Japan Bank for
International Cooperation for Baiyun Airport Relocation Project, INSTRIMPEX
International Tendering (招标) Company (CNIITC) is authorized to purchase, by way
of calling for international competitive bidding, the commodities and related
services for the above mentioned project. The payment for the
purchase shall be made under the Loan. BID No.
0717-CICJP024209B Terminal Passenger Boarding Bridges
BID No. 0703-CICJ02012227 Electrical Management
System Interested bidders may obtain Bidding Documents between
9:00 and 11:00 am/1:30 and 4:30 pm (Beijing time) from November 22 to December
12, 2002 (except weekends and holidays) at CNIITC office, upon non-refundable
(不退还的) payment of RMB ¥12,000 for Terminal Passenger Boarding Bridges and RMB
¥1,800 for Electrical Management System. For mail order, an extra RMB ¥450
express (快递) mail postage shall be added. Bids must be delivered to the CNIITC
office at or before 10:00 am (Beijing Time) on January 10, 2003, and will be
opened at 10:00 am (Beijing time) on January 10, 2003 at the following address.
CNIITC Office Address: Rm 317, Instrimpex Building, 6
Xizhimenwai Street, Beijing 100044, China Tel: (86—10) 68363322
ext. 3010, 3020 Fax: (86—10) 68317392, 68354383What is the deadline for delivering the bids
At or before 10:00 am (Beijing Time) on ______.
With the rapid spread of the internet eye where in the world, and the (1) number of users, one of the most exciting developments on the internet is E-commerce -- (2) commerce. E-commerce has two forms, (3) business-to-business, or B-to-B, and business-to-consumer, or B-to-C. [单项选择]
A. 2000元 B. 6000元 C. 7000元 D. 10000元 [单项选择]门机起升机构安装制动器时,制动轮的中心与制动器的中心重合相对误差不得超过()mm。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [判断题]挖大孔径桩及扩底桩时,孔下作业人员连续作业不得超过3个小时,并设专人监 护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]钢筋混凝土双曲拱桥拱圈部分由拱肋、拱波、拱板和 .等四部分组成。
A.支柱 B.悬杆 C.横联 D.拱脚 [单选题]当控制器第一次得电后将进行自检。自检结束后,控制器将转到( )模式等待启动命令。
A.待机 B.紧急通风 C.通风 D.自动 [单选题]氨是由氮气和氢气按照1:3比例组成的合成气在高温、高压下经催化反应产生的。合成氨工艺具有较高的危险性,包括物料过氧引起爆炸、物料泄漏引起火灾和空间爆炸、积炭燃烧或爆炸、物理爆炸以及液氨泄漏引起中毒等。下列合成氨工艺安全控制基本要求的做法中,错误的是()。
A.将压缩机温度、压力与供电系统形成联锁关系 B.设置紧急停车系统 C.将合成氨装置内温度、压力与物料流量、冷却系统形成联锁关系 D.设置加入反应终止剂系统 [单选题] 立式搅拌器转动装置密封严重渗油时,( )方法不能解决故障。
A.调整轴封 B.调整机封 C.提高传动装置的润滑油位 D.更换轴承 [单选题] 电缆钢丝铠装层主要的作用是( )。
A.抗压 B.抗拉 C.抗弯 D.抗腐。 [多选题]配电箱应坚固,金属外壳接地或接零良好,其结构应具备( )的功能,箱内的配线应采取相色配线且绝缘良好,操作部位可以有带电体裸露。
A.防火 B.防雷 C.防雨 D.防晒 [单项选择]肾的良性肿瘤下列哪一种最多见()
A. 血管平滑肌脂肪瘤 B. 肾肌血管瘤 C. 肾腺瘤 D. 肾肌脂肪瘤 E. 肾纤维瘤 [单项选择]下列关于借贷记账法的表述,不正确的是( )。
A. 资产、负债和所有者权益的会计等式是试算平衡的基本依据 B. 有借必有贷,借贷必相等 C. 收入类账户与费用类账户的结构相同 D. 资产类账户的借方登记资产的增加 [多选题]某派出所在办理行政案件中扣押的做法不正确的有()
A.对某扣押物品所长认为不宜扣押,办案民警对所长的决定有异议,就向分局报告了情况,在第三天得到分局指示后解除了扣押 B.某所依法扣押了一辆三轮车,正值所里食堂买菜的三轮车坏了,就报经所长同意,在确保不损坏车子的情况下,暂时用该三轮车买菜 C.辖区发生了一起抢夺案,被侵害人报警后,派出所扣押了被抢夺走的活鱼几条,因不易保管,经所长决定对活鱼进行变卖,变卖款暂时保存在公安机关 D.民警在办案中认为某物品符合扣押条件,就未经批准直接进行了扣押,扣押后才向所领导报告 [单选题]根据《火力发电厂职业安全设计规程》(DL5053-2012)第6.2.4(3)条规定,事故排油阀应设置两个(),其操作手轮应设在距邮箱不小于5m处,并应有2个以上的通道。
A.弹簧安全阀 B.钢质截止阀 C.全启式弹簧安全阀 D.脉冲式安全阀 [判断题] 按一批托运的货物,必须托运人、收货人、发站、到站和装卸地点相同。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]通用货车包括( )。
A.平车 B.敞车 C.棚车 D.罐车 E.矿石车 我来回答: 提交