Today cognitive theorists empirically
study the impact of feelings on cognitive processes such as memory and judgment
and also the reciprocal influence of cognition on emotion. However, evolutionary
theorists view emotion as a powerful source of motivation—an internal
communication that something must be done. For example, when people are
threatened, they fed fear, which in turn leads them to deal with the threatening
situation through either fight or flight. Emotions and drives may also operate
in tandem to motivate action, as when excitement accompanies sexual arousal.
From an evolutionary perspective, different emotions serve different functions.
Fear facilitates flight in the face of danger; disgust prevents ingestion me
potentially toxic substances such as rotting meat. An emotion that is less well understood is jealousy. Why do people b A. a concern over their wives’ resources B. the fatherhood of the offspring to whom he is investing C. their mates’ emotional commitment D. the legitimacy of their marriage [单选题]施工搭设脚手架的工程要注意梯道的防滑,特别是临时马道.过桥等要钉( ).
A.防滑木 B.防滑垫 C.防滑板 D.防滑条 [判断题]根据目前海关规定,申请成立报关企业应由海关总署批准。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在尽端站台处应设有()装置。
A.车钩缓冲 B.连结 C.防滑 D.测距 [单选题]电气化铁路接触网支柱外侧( )范围,称为营业线设备安全限界。
A.1m B.2m C.3m D.4m [判断题]S330的交叉板上设计了叠加模块,可以将3块支路板的业务叠加进一个AU而不占用时分资源。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]为观察心脏血管动力学变化,下述成像方法可以选择的为
A. 心血管造影 B. 彩色多普勒 C. CT血管成像 D. MRI血管造影 E. SPECT [判断题]在一次设备、控制保护屏等运行设备上引取测量信号时,无需办理工作票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]两端司机室对讲时,持续按PTT键( ),然后对着鹅颈话筒讲话,另一端司机室广播应发出声音,讲话端司机室及客室扬声器保持静默
A.PA键 B.PC键 C.PTT键 D.VOL键 [多选题]小微授信业务执行的基本操作程序分为( )、( )、( )、( )、( )等环节。
A.用信条件的落实 B.合同的审核签订 C.抵(质)押登记的办理 D.放款审核审批 E.通知放款及放款档案归档 [单选题]作业人员进行有限空间作业前,通过气体检测仪进行准入检测时,显示氧含量为19%,检测仪报警,此时作业环境为( )。
A.A.一级 B.B.二级 C. C.三级 [单项选择]智力活动的内容不包括
A. 观察 B. 想象 C. 记忆 D. 思维 E. 感觉 [单项选择]
Most towns up to Elizabethan times were smaller than a modern village and each of them was built around its weekly market where local produce was brought for sale and the town folks sold their work to the people from the countryside and provided them with refreshment for the day. Trade was virtually confined to that one day even in a town of a thousand or so people. On market days craftsmen put up their stalls in the open air whilst on one or two other days during the week the townsman would pack up his loaves, or nails, or cloth, and set out early to do a day’s trade in the market of an adjoining town where, however, he would be charged a heavy toll for the privilege and get a less favourable spot for his stand than the local craftsmen. Another chance for him to make a sale was to the congregation gathered for Sunday morning worship. Although no trade was allowed anywhere during the hours of the service (except at annual fair times), after church there would be some trade [单选题] 提高精馏塔的操作压力,当顶釜产品质量不变时,则( )。
A.顶温升高 B.灵敏板温度下降 C.釜温下降 D.塔釜加热量减少 [单选题]患者,男,46岁。面部瘾疹3天,其肿宣浮,患部皮色不变,走注甚速,伴恶风,头痛,舌淡红,苔薄白,脉浮。其致病邪气是
A.风 B.寒 C.湿 D.暑 E.热 [多选题]监测是对接触网外观、零部件状态、主导电回路、绝缘状况、外部环境和弓网配合等运行状态进行监视测量的过程,分为( )两种方式。
A.移动视频监测 B.定点监测 C.瞬时监测 D.实时监测 [单选题]尖轨尖端与基本轨或可动心轨尖端与翼轨间隙大于1mm,短心轨与叉跟尖轨尖端间隙大于( )mm,应进行修理或更换。
A.1 B.1.5 C.2 D.2.5 [单选题]阻垢剂配制浓度为( )。
A.5%; B.10%; C.15%; D.20% [单选题]高压开关柜前后间隔没有可靠隔离的,工作时应( )。
A.同时停电 B. 加强监护 C. 装设围栏 D. 加装绝缘挡板 [多选题]根据《民航安全检查工作手册》第138条,关于锂电池描述正确的有( )
A.单独的锂电池、充电宝只能作为随身行李物品运输 B.单独的锂电池、充电宝的经过民航行李安检设备检查后,应当对额定能量进行查验 C.对额定能量超过160瓦特小时的或标识不清的或者无法核验的或者放在托运行李运输的单独的锂电池、充电宝,拒绝放行 D.对额定能量不超过100瓦特小时的单独的锂电池、充电宝,确认放行 [单选题]下列运载工具不属于目前港口常见工具的是
A.飞机 B.船舶 C.汽运 D.列车 [单项选择]若患者年老体衰,小便量少,甚则无尿,头晕头痛,恶心呕吐,烦躁,神昏,可选方为
A. 千金温脾汤和吴茱萸汤 B. 补中益气汤合春泽汤 C. 代抵当丸 D. 沉香散 E. 清胃散 [判断题]报警人拨打火灾报警电话后,应该到门口或街上等候消防车到来。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]一般高血压病人可以拔牙,但是血压至少应低于()。
A. 120/80mmHg B. 130/90mmHg C. 150/95mmHg D. 180/100mmHg E. 200/120mmHg [单项选择]若在流场中任何空间点上()都不随时间而改变,这种水流称为恒定流。
A. 压力 B. 流量 C. 速度 D. 所有的运动要素 [单项选择]信息立法是从______ 控制和防止信息污染。
A. 理论上 B. 微观上 C. 宏观上 D. 实践上 [单项选择]主司妇女带下的经脉是()
A. 冲脉 B. 任脉 C. 带脉 D. 督脉 E. 阴维脉 [单选题]生命探测仪适用于()现场的生命找寻救援。
A.火灾 B.浓烟 C.高温 D.建筑物倒塌 我来回答: 提交