The days of Europeans relaxing in a cafe with a newspaper and a seemingly endless cup of coffee appear to be numbered. A new English expression is popular in Europe these days: "coffee to go".
"Five or 10 years ago it was much more normal to sit in a caf6 for several hours than it is nowadays," says Joann, who works in a central Berlin coffee bar. "There is a trend towards a more fast-paced life. But people still act surprised when you ask if the coffee is ’to go’. ’You mean I can take it with me’ they ask."
The German Coffee Association says the number of coffee bars in Germany offering take away coffee has mushroomed to more than 400 in the past few years.
"Europe is often five or eight years behind trends in America," says Joann. "In the States, ’coffee to go’ is part of everyday life."
Owing in part to Starbucks, it appears to be very much part of every
A. It is part of everyday life for Europeans.
B. It means to have cakes and cookies to go with the coffee.
C. It revealed the fact that Europe is behind trends in America.
D. It is very likely to reshape coffee drinking cultures all over the worl
Without question there are plenty of
bargains to be had at sales time—particularly at the top-quality shops whose
reputation depends on having only the best and newest goods in stock each
season. They tend, for obvious reasons, to be the fashion or seasonal goods
which in due course become the biggest bargains. It is true that some goods are specially brought in for the sales but these too can provide exceptional value. A manufacturer may have the end of a range left on his hands and be glad to sell the lot off cheaply to shops; or he may have a surplus of a certain material which he is glad to make up and get rid of cheaply; or he may be prepared to produce a special line at low cost merely to keep his employees busy during a slack period. He is likely to have a good many "seconds" available and if their defects are trifling t A. have his goods produced at low cost B. sell his goods at a very- low price C. have his employees sell his goods D. try to produce high quality goods [判断题] 施工现场食堂制作间的炊具宜存放在封闭的橱柜内,刀、盆、案板等炊具必须生熟分开。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]炉役检修的目的:使设备恢复到完好的设备状态。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]司机在处置故障,切除 B09 阀门时,需将 B09 阀门旋转 180 度。( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]投标人对招标人提供的措施项目清单所列项目,按规定( )。
A. 可根据企业自身情况作适当变更增减 B. 不得进行变更增减 C. 若要变更增减,应事先征得招标人同意 D. 若要变更增减,应事先征得工程师同意 [判断题]薄壁轴瓦磨损的检测方法是()。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]按照《宗教活动场所财务监督管理办法》规定,宗教活动场所的财务收支情况和接受、使用捐赠情况,要以适当方式向(公布。
A.表面结构要求可标注在轮廓线上,其符号应从材料内指向接触表面 B.表面结构要求的注写和读取方向是与尺寸的注写和读取方向一致 C.在不引起误解时,表面结构要求可以标注在给定的尺寸线上 D.表面结构不可以标注在形位公差框格的上方 E.必要时,表面结构符号也可以用带箭头或黑点的指引线上引出标注 [单选题]东风11型机车正向过渡点速度为( )km/h。
A. 98±2 B. 113±2 C. 142±2 [多选题]下列属于膳食营养指导和管理的工作内容的是( )。
A.食物选择 B.膳食评价 C.计划膳食 D.膳食改善 E.进行营养缺乏病的监测 [单选题]急性肾小球肾炎时,肾小球的滤过功能改变是()
A.大部分病人正常 B.正常 C.下降 D.正常或增高 E.增高 [名词解释]可能性空间原理
A.给予二十元以下的罚款的 B.不当场收缴事后难以执行的 C.在边远、水上、交通不便地区,当事人向指定的银行缴纳罚款确有困难,经当事人提出的 D.对公民处以五十元以下、对法人或者其他组织处以一千元以下罚款的 [单选题]距离保护反方向故障时,工作电压与同名相母线电压Uφ之间的相位关系()
A.相差90度 B.基本反相 C.基本同相 D.相差270度 我来回答: 提交