Building on the base of evidence and interpretation in Hansen’s (1994) qualitative study of working people’s diaries, we assigned each diarist a set of codes to indicate employment, marital status, number of children, and size of the town in which he or she lived. To analyze the number, location and gender mix of visiting occasions, we coded each day in January and July for every year of the diary, counting the number of named visitors, the visitors’ gender, the size of the visiting occasion (1 to 4 people, or 5 and above), the gender mix of those present during the visit, and the location of the visit. While this may seem straightforward at first glance, the variable nature of the diary entries meant that the coding process was not as uncomplicated as we initially anticipated.
Given the number of diarists and the span of diary-keeping years, we faced the possibility of coding over 200,000 diary days. Because of the labor-intensive nature of the coding a
A. h overestimates the level of sociability in the diarists’ lives
B. It underestimates the level of sociability in the diarists’ lives
C. It misinterprets the level of sociability in the diarists’ lives
D. It underrates the level of sociability in the diarists’ lives
One winter morning, my husband got up
early to ride his bike to his job. When my husband arrived at {{U}} (67)
{{/U}} , he parked his bike outside the back doors {{U}} (68) {{/U}}
he usually does. After putting in 10 {{U}} (69) {{/U}} hours of labour,
he returned to find his bike was gone -- stolen. I was so upset that someone would steal our only {{U}} (70) {{/U}} of transportation that I wrote to the {{U}} (71) {{/U}} newspaper and told them our story. They ran an article, and shortly {{U}} (72) {{/U}}, several people in our community {{U}} (73) {{/U}} to replace the bike. One wonderful stranger {{U}} (74) {{/U}} went out and bought a bike, then called my husband to come pick it {{U}} (75) {{/U}}. Once again my husband has a way to get to and from his jobs. It really is an {{U}} (76) {{/U}} that a complete stranger would g A. less B. more C. least D. most [单项选择]当“编辑”菜单中的“剪切”和“复制”命令呈浅灰色而无法被选择时,表示( )。
A. 选定的文档内容太长,剪切板放不下 B. 剪切板里已经有信息了 C. 在文档中没有被选定的任何信息 D. 正在编辑的内容是页眉或页脚 [多项选择]规划衔接要遵循的原则有( )
A. 下级政府规划服从上级政府规划 B. 规划之间协调 C. 专项规划和区域规划服从本级和上级总体规划 D. 专项规划之间不相互矛盾 E. 编制跨省(区、市)区域规划,要充分考虑土地利用总体规划、城市规划等相关领域规划的要求 [单项选择]下列各项中属于社会工作者在微观层面的儿童社会工作的有( )。
A. 为儿童及其家庭提供各项服务 B. 参与保障并推动儿童卫生保健事业的发展和完善 C. 参与保障社会面向儿童的信息和资讯提供 D. 积极整合各方面资源,推动儿童的观点表达和对社会事务的参与 [单项选择]参与脊髓节段间的联系的是( )
A. α-运动神经元 B. γ-运动神经元 C. 后角边缘核 D. 胶状质 E. 胸核 [单项选择]妊娠期妇女禁用的抗感染药物不包括()
A. 氯霉素 B. 氧氟沙星 C. 磺胺甲恶唑 D. 青霉素 [简答题] ZPW-2000A无绝缘轨道电路区间载频为1700HZ时(普铁),补偿电容使用(____________)。
A.保持清洁干燥 B.每日用肥皂水清洗 C.避免摩擦 D.避免日光照射 E.不可热敷 [单选题]《国务院关于坚持科学发展安全发展促进安全生产形势持续稳定好转的意见》(国发〔2011〕40号)提出:安全生产工作既要解决长期积累的深层次、( )和区域性问题,又要应对不断出现的新情况、新问题。
A.结构性 B.非结构性 C.差异性 D.各向异性 [单选题]( )是当代世界的两大主题。
A.战争与和平 B.和平与发展 C.发展与环保 [单选题]以下关于SWOT分析方法的说法中,不正确的是( )。
A.O代表机遇 B.W代表银行外部环境 C.该方法考虑了银行所处的内外部环境 D.银行应结合各种机遇与威胁的可能性、重要性制定经营目标 [单选题] 坠落悬挂安全带应在制造商规定的期限内使用,一般不应超过( )
A.5年 B.10年 C.15年 D.20年 [单选题] 依据《DL 5009.3-2013 电力建设安全工作规程 第3部分变电站》第3.2.30.11条规定:闸刀开关和熔断器的容量( )。同刀开关应有保护罩。不得用其他金属丝代替熔丝。
A.应足够大 B.应尽量小 C.可以随意选择 D.应满足被保护设备的要求 [单选题]单选题]手持式钢筋速断器用于对钢筋护栏、护网的快速切断, 最大切断直径( )mm。 (1分)
A.20 B.30 C.50 D.100 [判断题]C1类施工是指大面积影响客运服务或需要动火的施工。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 以下关于错账更正规定的表述不正确的是?
A.a转存交易允许当日冲正或隔日冲正,定期类存款的转账销户交易可以在交易当天由原操作员进行抹账 B.b凡错误冲正影响利息计算,不予调整基数 C.c记账串户、隔日错账应填制同方向红、蓝字借(贷)方冲正凭证办理冲正 D.d冲正错账必须在原凭证、冲正凭证和账簿上写明错账及冲正日期和原因,冲正凭证须经会计主管人员审核盖章后办理 [单项选择]用于评价人群健康状况较为敏感的指标是()
A. 出生率 B. 死亡率 C. 婴儿死亡率 D. 人口期望寿命 E. 伤残调整生命年 [单项选择]
Netasha The recent university students
among you may have had a culture shock: with no parents peering over your
shoulder to check on homework and no teachers looming with threats of detention,
independence reigns. As such, the temptation to give in to the power of
procrastination when you should be working is suddenly very strong!
Procrastination takes many forms. Things like checking if you have any
unread emails. Perhaps seeing if you have any new text messages. Then, with
mobile in hand, taking the time to change the ringtone, just before phoning a
friend to tell them about your new ringtone. When they tell you that they
haven’t finished their essay either, it’s time to go and make a cup of tea, do
the washing up and make a sandwich. Shaikh Once
you’ve put an essay, project, or revision stint off until the very last minute,
you then have the strenuous task of completing it under pressure, which makes it
seem deceptively difficu
[多选题]在低温下启动油泵,正确的方法是( )?
A.人为给管路加温 B.应开开停停,往复几次使油温上升,待油压装置灵活后,再进入正式运转 C.直接正式运转,以求快速使油温上升 D.要实时观察管路,以防故障 [单选题]变压器的短路损耗又称为()。
A.负载损耗 B.铁芯损耗 C.磁滞损耗 D.涡流损耗 [单选题]电力生产与电网运行应当遵循安全、()、经济的原则。
A.便利 B.优质 C.有利 [单选题]国网电动汽车公司完善车船( )服务平台功能,免费为社会岸电设施提供接入、支付和清分结算等服务。
A.一体化 B.信息化 C.绿色化 D.全球化 [单项选择]李先生拟在5年后用20000元购买一台电脑,银行年复利率为12%,此人现在应存入银行( )。
A. 12000元 B. 13432元 C. 15000元 D. 11349元 我来回答: 提交