Aristotle was one of those who could
found a civilization, and while he thought of education as both a social value
and an end in itself, he ascribed its chief importance (21)
what might be considered a third basic concept of education: to train
the mind to think, (22) what it is thinking about. The key is
not (23) it knows but how it (24) any new
fact or argument. "An educated man," Aristotle wrote in On the Parts of Animals,
"should be able to (25) a fair offhand judgment as to the
goodness or badness of the method used by a professor in his exposition. To
be (26) is in fact to be able to do this." The Aristotle view of education as a (27) has become the conventionally worthy answer today (28) college presidents and other academic leaders are asked what an education should be. An educa A. yet B. then C. still D. so [单选题]当妊娠危及胎儿母亲的生命时,可允许行人工流产或引产,这符合
A.行善原则 B.不伤害原则 C.公正原则 D.尊重原则 E.自主原则 [单选题]当打开房门闻到燃气气味时,首先应迅速____,以防止引起火灾。
A.打开燃气灶具查找漏气部位 B.打开门窗通风 C.拨打119向消防队报警 [单项选择]在不同时点调查1968~1970年上山下乡的知识青年在不同年代的思想发展过程,属于纵向研究中的( )
A. 同组研究 B. 同期群研究 C. 趋势研究 D. 同时研究 [判断题]2号线与规划6号线联络线设置在紫云站。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]我国行业协会脱钩改革后成立的第一个承担特殊职能的全国性行业协会是()。
A.中国融资租赁协会 B.中国互联网金融协会 C.中国信托业协会 D.中国银行间市场交易商协会 [判断题]业扩现场勘察工作中严格履行监护制度,严禁移开或越过遮栏,不宜操作客户设备。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 根据《反恐怖主义法》的规定,甲县公安机关在调查恐怖活动嫌疑时,对恐怖嫌疑人员黄某采取约束措施,下列说法错误的是( )。
A.甲县公安机关可以采取电子监控、不定期检查等方式对黄某遵守约束措施的情况进行监督 B.约束措施的期限不得超过3个月 C.在采取约束措施期间发现犯罪事实的,应当立案侦查 D.情况复杂,经上一级公安机关负责人批准,约束措施的期限可以延长1个月 [单项选择]
Jim hesitated before getting in. He didn’t like the man’s (21) or the way he talked. And at other time he would have said," (22) , "but ’his leg hurt, and it was a long (23) home. He got (24) The big car started off in a burst of speed. "I (25) who you are," the man said after hesitating for a moment. "I know you’re the fellow who makes the (26) on the team. With your working hard, they (27) . Without, they lose. It’s as (28) as that." The man (29) up into his pocket and took out a new $ 100 bill (纸币) "There’s more where this came from, if you know what I (30) , "he said, breaking into a sly (狡诈的) smile. 26()A. All right B. Not me C. Yes, please D. No, thanks [单项选择]LD属于哪种酶类()。
A. 氧化还原酶类 B. 转移酶类 C. 水解酶类 D. 裂解酶类 E. 异构酶类 [填空题]
{{B}}SECTION A{{/B}} In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the lecture, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE after the mini-lecture. Use the blank paper for note taking. Now listen to the mini-lecture. {{B}}
The Stock Market{{/B}}
When a new company is organized and shares are sold, it is not hard to determine the value of each share: all the shares together represent the total value of the company. {{B}} Ⅰ. The best way to explain how the stock market works.{{/B}} To imagine you form a company to produce a soda with 4 friends: 1) putting in $600 together for the expenses involved in--the {{U}} (1) {{/U}} of the (1) ______. company; [名词解释]概念化
[单选题] 力偶( )。
A.用力偶系来平衡 B.只有用力矩来平衡 C.只有用合力来平衡 D.只有用平衡力系来平衡 [单选题]使用液压剪断器剪切作业时,当剪刀端部刀口的侧向分离垂直距离大于( )mm时即应退刀,调整剪切角度后重新进行剪切。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [判断题]供电企业不得违反公司规范业扩工程投资界面有关规定,随意调整投资界面,增加客户负担。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在Excel中,要能够打印出工作表中的行号和列标,应选中“页面设置”()选项卡中的行号列标。
A. 工作表 B. 页面 C. 页眉/页脚 D. 页边距 [单项选择]AHG-2型氧气呼吸器有效使用时间为()。
A. 30分钟 B. 1小时 C. 2小时 D. 6小时 [多选题]下列关于立式泥浆泵的检修工艺及质量标准说法正确的有( )?
A.各部件连接螺栓、螺母要拧紧,不可松动。试车前,应首先实验电动机转向是否正确 B.抽出传动轴,清洗轴承,检查其损伤及轴变形情况轴的径向跳动中间不超过0.05mm,两端不超过0.02mm,否则要对泵轴进行校直或更换 C.检查叶轮、护板和轴承的磨损情况,严重时应更换 D.轴承润滑要良好,加油量符合标准防砂盘要压紧油封,顶丝要拧紧 [判断题]高速公路沥青混凝土路面设计使用年限应不小于15年,一级公路沥青混凝土路面设计使用年限应不小于10年。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]现役军人(),由国家发给其遗属一次性抚恤金;其遗属无固定收入,不能维持生活,或者符合国家规定的其他条件的,由国家另行发给定期抚恤金。
A. 牺牲 B. 病故 C. 退休 D. 病退 [单选题] "列车延误15分钟以上,报 () ,可向乘客派发《致乘客信》?
A.站长 B.值班站长 C.主任 D.服务管理岗 [判断题]劳动防护用品分为特种劳动防护用品和一般劳动防护用品。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 不能提供确凿证据证明的呆账,不得核销。 (1分)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]胆固醇在体内可以转变为
A.维生素 D2 B.睾酮 C.胆红素 D.醛固酮 E.鹅胆酸 [多项选择]流动资金贷款按期限可分为()。
A. 临时流动资金贷款 B. 短期流动资金贷款 C. 中期流动资金贷款 D. 中长期流动资金贷款 E. 长期流动资金贷款 [单选题]物业服务企业应当对其( )的共用消防设施、器材和疏散通道、安全出口、消防车通道按规定进行维护管理。
A.居民住宅区 B.管理区域内 C.业主 [单项选择]自行车导向系统包括哪些内容?()
A. 自我沟通 B. 目标梦想,人际沟通绩效 C. 身体和知识 D. 自我沟通绩效 [多选题]供电企业应采取( )等多途径收费方式,以方便用户交费。
A.银行代扣 B.网上银上交费 C.坐收 D.电费充值卡 [判断题]列车编组顺序表车号栏:根据车体上的大号码填记。如发现双号码时,以车底架侧梁号码为准。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]劳动者在下列情形下,不享受社会保险待遇的是:( )
A.辞职 B.患病、退休 C.因工伤残或者患职业病 D.失业、生育 [单项选择]在恒星演化中,主序星会演化为?()
A. 白矮星 B. 黑洞 C. 红巨星 D. 中子星 我来回答: 提交