At least since the Industrial
Revolution, gender roles have been in a state of transition. As a result,
cultural scripts about marriage have undergone change. One of the more
obvious (31) has occurred in the roles that women
(32) . Women have moved into the world of work and have become adept
at meeting expectations in that arena, (33) maintaining
their family rules of nurturing and creating a(n) (34) that
is a haven for all family members. (35) many women
experience strain from trying to "do it all," they often enjoy the increased
(36) that can result from playing multiple roles. As women’s
roles have changed, changing expectations about men’s roles have become more
(37) . Many men are relinquishing their major responsibility
(38) the family provider. Probably the most significa A. not to mention B. as well as C. including D. especially [判断题]机车乘务员继乘作业时,列车出发前5min 到达指定接车地点(跨局轮乘机车根据协议要求执行),同向继乘须立岗接车。。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]阴离子隙(A
A.失代偿性呼吸性碱中毒 B.代谢性碱中毒 C.代谢性酸中毒 D.呼吸性碱中毒 E.呼吸性酸中毒 [单项选择]Most of the authorities knew that they had to ______ a halt to that sort of energy-consuming management.
A. nail B. hammer C. make D. call [判断题]当人需要接触漏电设备时,为防止接触电压触电,应戴上绝缘手套,穿上绝缘鞋。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]火灾探测报警产品的使用寿命一般不超过12年。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]如果WeblogicServer启动时,JDBC不能正常启动,则错误级别是?()
A. Info B. warning C. error D. critical E. Notice [单选题]加强储备管控,需要( )
A.月度检查、季度通报相结合。 B.是强化规范性管控。各单位要深化应用可研模板、评审及批复规范,以及项目命名规则,确保项目储备工作规范有序。 C.加强考核考评,持续提升项目储备工作质量。 D.各单位按季开展自查,公司按季组织开展检查,实时反馈检查信息予以整改,并在7月、10月分期通报。 [单选题]资产损失税前扣除,所称税前指()税前
A.增值税 B.个人所得税 C.财产税 D.企业所得税 [判断题]某54岁原发性高血压女性患者,服用某种抗高血压药抑制血压,由于血压控制效果好,便擅自停药,2天后病人突然出现胸疼,心动过速,焦虑紧张等症状,血压是210/140mmHg,该患者服用的抗高血压药是硝苯地平。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]信用风险担保是指根据卖方的申请,我行为买方核定信用风险担保额度,如果在该额度内我行已受让的合格应收账款到期而买方因信用风险不能足额付款,由我行向卖方承担担保付款责任或免除对卖方的追索权的行为。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]驼峰调车长对作业计划的修改需要注意的事项有( )。(TBZKⅡ型)
A.对于未开始溜放作业计划的修改无任何限制 B.值班员必须保证钩计划的修改操作在车辆下峰前完成,若车辆已下峰,则本钩计划的修改无效 C.修改已开始溜放的作业计划后,若由于通信故障,作业单发送未成功,则自动恢复到本次修改前的状态 D.已开始溜放的作业计划,其已经下峰的部分不能进行修改 E.修改已开始溜放的作业计划,修改结束后,只有在退出编辑状态时,新计划才会自动发往控制机 [判断题] 学校老师的居民的空调用电按居民生活用电电价计费。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]If you smoke, you’ d better hurry. From July 1st pubs all over England will, by law, be no-smoking areas. So will restaurants, offices and even company cars, if more than one person uses them. England’ s smokers are following a well-trodden path. The other three bits of the United Kingdom have already banned smoking in almost all enclosed public spaces, and there are anti-smoking laws of varying strictness over most of Western Europe. The smoker’ s journey from glamour through toleration to suspicion is finally reaching its end in pariah status.
But behind this public-health success story lies a darker tale. Poorer people are much more likely to smoke than richer ones—a change from the 1950s, when professionals and laborers were equally keen. Today only 15% of men in the highest professional classes smoke, but 42% of unskined workers do. Despite punitive taxation—20 cigarettes cost around £ 5.00 ( $10.00), three-quarters of which is tax—55% of single mothers on benefits smoke. The A. if the measures can actually weaken the relationship between social position and health. B. if the government shouts louder in their campaign against diseases resulting from unhealthy habits. C. if the government helps people find a stronger will power to give up their unhealthy habits. D. ff the government undertakes bigger and more effective ad campaigns against poor education. [判断题]对照试验是用来检验系统误差的一种有效方法。
A. 银监会 B. 中国人民银行 C. 发改委 D. 证监会 [单项选择]下列不属于超声波雾化器工作特点的是
A. 雾滴小而均匀,直径5um以下 B. 药液随呼吸可被吸到终末支气管肺泡 C. 雾化液温暖、舒适 D. 雾量的大小可以调节 E. 用氧量小,节约资源 [单选题]轨道交通控制保护区地下车站和隧道结构外边线外侧( )内
A.二十米 B.三十米 C.四十米 D.五十米 [单项选择]把一项业务分别交两个人或两个部门承办是指()。
A. 实物牵制 B. 体制牵制 C. 机械牵制 D. 薄记牵制 [单选题]下列哪个反应能增长碳链( )。
A.碘仿反应 B.羟醛缩合反应 C.康尼查罗反应 D.银镜反应 [单选题]根据《普速铁路接触网运行维修规则》,电缆终端(上支柱、上桥等)处,电缆应预留不小于()m。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [多选题]基层民主是我国广大工人、农民、知识分子和各阶层人士在城乡基层政权机关、企事业单位和基层自治组织中依法直接行使民主权利。发展基层民主( )。
A.有利于提高全民的民族素养,为进一步发展民主创造了条件 B.是发展社会主义民主的基础性工程 C.为基层群众直接参与国家事务的管理提供了更多机会 D.为基层群众管理基层公共事务和公益事业创造了条件 [单项选择]导致眼球运动障碍的是()
A. 眶蜂窝织炎 B. Graves眼病 C. 横纹肌肉瘤 D. 眶尖综合征 E. 以上均可能 我来回答: 提交