In a perfectly free and open market
economy, the type of employer — government or private — should have little or no
impact on the earnings differentials between women and men. However, if there is
discrimination against one sex, it is unlikely that the degree of discrimination
by government and private employers will be the same. Differences in the degree
of discrimination would result in earnings differentials associated with the
type of employer. Given the nature of government and private employers, it seems
most likely that discrimination by private employers would be greater. Thus, one
would expect that, if women are being discriminated against, government
employment would have a positive effect on women’s earnings as compared with
their earnings from private employment. The results of a study by Fuchs’ support
this assumption A. some tentative results of Fuchs’ study B. some explicit results of Brown’s study C. a suggestion made by the author D. Fuchs’ hypothesis [判断题]我国交流电的频率为50HZ。对吗?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列哪项不是引起机械性肠梗阻的原因()
A. 肠管扭转 B. 肿瘤 C. 肠道闭锁 D. 铅中毒 E. 嵌顿疝 [单项选择][*]
[单选题] 下列说法正确的是( )。
A. 受限空间照明电压应小于或等于42V,在潮湿容器、狭小容器内作业电压应小于等于12V B. 受限空间照明电压应小于或等于36V,在潮湿容器、狭小容器内作业电压应小于等于12V C. 受限空间照明电压应小于或等于36V,在潮湿容器、狭小容器内作业电压应小于等于24V D. 受限空间照明电压应小于或等于42V,在潮湿容器、狭小容器内作业电压应小于等于24V [单选题]根据《安徽省行政执法监督条例》的规定,行政执 法人员必须领取( )统一印制的行政执法证件后,方可从事行政执法工作。
A.省人民政府 B.国务院 C.设区的市人民政府 D.县级人民政府 [多选题]电焊机必须“(____)”,并装有随机开关,焊外壳必须有良好的接地。
A.一机 B.一闸 C.一漏 D.一箱 [多选题]关于变电站的防误后台系统验收要求描述正确的是( )。
A.后台机程序安装正确、运行正常,与主控机通信正常,系统用户和口令设置完善,系统防误规则设置正确、符合运行要求 B.主机防误闭锁软件中五防布置图的一次接线、名称、编号与站内现场情况一致,图中各元件名称正确,编码锁、接地桩设置位置正确 C.模拟一次设备正反向操作、系统响应正确 D.软件逻辑库和数据库已进行备份(验收后逻辑有修改的需重新备份) [填空题]
A. 申请人为个人 B. 收款人为个人 C. 申请人和收款人均为个人 D. 以上都不对 [单项选择]下列属于营养必需脂肪酸的是
A. 软脂酸 B. 亚麻酸 C. 油酸 D. 硬脂酸 E. 十二碳脂肪酸 [单项选择]列各种亲属关系中,属于拟制血亲的是()。
A. 兄姐与弟妹 B. 伯父与外甥 C. 祖父母与孙子女 D. 养父母与养子女 [判断题]TSG1-600/25型受电弓在最大气压下, 滑板应能顺利上升至最大高度而无呆滞现象,且传动风缸杆不得有抖动。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]如触电者是儿童,吹气量宜小些,以免肺泡破裂。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]It is required by law that a husband (has to pay) the debts of his wife (until) formal notice is given (that) he no longer has to pay (her).
A. has to pay B. until C. that D. her [单项选择]中国药典检查药物中的残留有机溶剂采用的方法是
A. 干燥失重测定法 B. 比色法 C. 高效液相色谱法 D. 薄层色谱法 E. 气相色谱法 [单选题]电液转辙机外锁闭装置及安装装置尖轨第一牵引点锁闭量( )。
A.≥20mm B.≥30mm C.≥35mm D.≥40mm [单选题] 贷款新规要求要保持负责业务风险评价工作部门的( ),建立有效的岗位制衡机制。
A.合规性 B.独立性 C.关联性 D.合法性 [单选题]带式输送机的启动顺序是( )。
A.点动、发信号、观察、开机 B.发信号、观察、点动、开机 C.发信号、观察、开机 D.发信号、点动、开机 [单项选择]Specific brain disorders can affect the perception of music in a very specific way. Experiments done on epileptics decades ago showed that stimulating certain areas of the temporal lobe on both sides of the brain awakened "musical memories"-vivid re-creations of melodies that the patients had heard years earlier. Lesions in the temporal lobe can result in so-called musicogenic epilepsy, an extremely rare form of the disorder in which seizures are triggered by the sound of music. Autism offers an even greater puzzle. People with this condition are mentally deficient, yet most are proficient musicians; some are "musical savants" possessed of extraordinary talent.
The opposite is true of the less than one percent of the population who suffer from amusia, or true tone deafness. They literally cannot recognize a melody, let alone tell two of them apart, and they are incapable of repeating a song (although they think they are doing correctly). Even simple, familiar tunes such as "Frere A. Music can lead to the enlargement of all the layers of gray. B. Music can cause the brain to emit magnetic field. C. Music can stimulate to some degree the change of nerve system in brain. D. Music can trigger physical change when he / she is playing the instrument. [单项选择]关于防己现代应用叙述错误的是()
A. 高血压 B. 矽肺 C. 神经性疼痛 D. 慢性肝病及肝纤维化 E. 节育 [单选题]生产经营单位的其他负责人和安全生产管理人员未履行《安全生产法》规定的安全生产管理职责的,责令限期改正,处三万元以上五万元以下的罚款;导致发生生产安全事故的,暂停或者吊销其与安全生产有关的资格,并处上一年年收入百分之二十五以上百分之五十以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依照刑法有关规定追究刑事责任。( )
A.A对 B.B错 [填空题]在定义字段有效性规则时,在规则框中输入的表达式类型是 _________。
[多选题]在接地保护原则中,以下哪些是正确的( )
A.条件较好的楼宇,可自大楼内垂直接地扁钢引接地气 B.若设备采用交流电供电,在确认交流电源的地线在配电室或交流供电变压器侧接地良好,也可以通过交流电源的地线进行接地 C.为了保护设备避免雷击,需将保护地线接至避雷系统。 D.对于没有保护地网的建筑物,可以自建地网保证ONU设备工作,接地电阻值应小于10欧姆。 [单选题]某市工商局接到一份政府信息公开申请,工商局政府信息公开专门机构的工作人员认为,该政府信息的申请内容不明确,某市工商局拟作出的下述处理中正确的是?( )
A.答复申请人所申请的信息不属于本机关掌握 B.给予指导和释明,告知申请人作出补正,说明需要补正的事项和合理的补正期限。 C.答复因申请人申请内容不明确而不予公开 D.答复申请人信息不存在 [填空题]数据库功能可以分为两部分:前端和后端。前端与后端之间通过【 】或应用程序来接口。
[单选题]组合电器无法进行直接验电的部分,可以按照安规的规定进行( )。
A.间接验电 B.不需验电 C.部分验电 D.直接验电 我来回答: 提交