The California condor is the largest
bird in North America. It is an endangered species. 20 years ago there were less
than 30 birds left. All of the birds were trapped and kept in safe places. The
number of condors grew larger. Puppets that looked like condors were used to
take care of babies so that more eggs could be hatched. In the last few years, some of the condors have been returned to the wild. But they seem to like humans now and come into danger around people. Some birds perch on houses and tear up roofs. Some have even gone into houses. Birds have been shot, poisoned, and killed by power lines. Now there is another problem. Condors find dead animals that hunters have killed. The bullets cause lead to get into the meat and it can kill the condors. Some people think hunters should use different bullets. Other people A. Hunters shoot condors. B. Puppet rearing practices have caused it. C. Hunter’s bullets contain lead which poisons the meat condors eat. D. They never used to like lead. [判断题]各工区负责制定、申报安全工器具的订购、配置、报废计划。__
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 民警对一旅馆突击检查时,发现某房间内男女两人神情慌乱,衣冠不整。二人交代刚谈好价格,正准备发生性关系,尚未交付嫖资。关于本案说法正确的是( )。 (1分)
A.二人构成卖淫、嫖娼的违反治安管理行为 B.对二人应当从轻处罚 C.因未付嫖资,对二人应当减轻处罚 D.对二人可以不进行性病检查 [单选题]集团公司《党支部建设工作实施细则》规定,重要事项提交党员大会决定前,应先经( )讨论。
A.党小组会 B.党员座谈 C.支委会会议 D.支委个别 [单选题]脱硫空压机动力传动方式为( )加增速齿轮。
A.皮带 B.对轮 C. 链条 D. 弹性联轴器 [单选题]灭火救援员必须把“____”的指导思想落实到具体作战行动中。
A.救人第一 B.科学施救 C.速战速决 D.准确迅速 [判断题]职业健康检查是落实用人单位义务、实现劳动者权利的重要保障,是落实职业病诊断鉴定制度的前提,也是社会保障制度的基础,它有利于保障劳动者的健康权益,减少健康损害和经济损失,减少社会负担。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 以下不属于看守所卫生所的必备的基本治疗类设备的是()。
A. 医用冰箱 B. 恒温箱 C. 输液椅 D. 小夹板 [判断题]钢轨预防性打磨周期按通过总重和钢轨运用状态确定,原则上每 30~50Mt 通过总重打磨一次,最长不宜超过3年。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]矿井反风时,主要通风机的供给风量应不小于正常供风量的 ( )。
A.A、30% B.B、40% C.C、35% [判断题]其他不需填用电力监控工作票的工作,应使用书面记录或按口头、电话命令执行。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]外阴白色病变的病理类型是()
A. 增生型营养不良 B. 硬化苔藓型营养不良 C. 外阴白癜 D. 混合型营养不良 E. 增生型或混合型伴不典型增生 [填空题]有以下程序
void f( int y,int *x)
{ y=y+*x; *x=*x+y;}
main( )
{ int x=2,y=4;
printf(“%d %d/n”,x,y);}
执行后输出的结果是【 】。
A.候机隔离区应当封闭管理,凡与非隔离区相毗邻的门、窗、通道等 部位,应采取有效的隔离措施 B.机场应当配备安检通道及安检人员和设备,配备数量与机场的经费 有关,与旅客吞吐量无关 C.旅客的安检信息由机场公安机关收集并储存 D.已经通过安全检查和未经安全检查的人员发生相混或接触的,应追 究机场管理机构的管理责任 我来回答: 提交