It is not compatible with the
egalitarian ideal that there should be sharp differences in the scale of
monetary reward fro services performed. In New Zealand, care of the underdog has
long since been a more important consideration than is the case in very many
other countries. Successive governments may claim with some justice to have
abolished poverty, but this has not been done without there taking place a
narrowing of margins between the rewards for skilled and unskilled labor, with
its consequent denial of incentive to acquire skill, to strive for
self-improvement. The country’s citizens have come to regard social security as
their inalienable right, but by taking too readily for granted the State’s
obligation towards themselves they re apt to lose sight of the converse
proposition that they themselves A. Ostentation B. Eccentricity C. Individuality D. Conformity [单选题]自动闭塞区段,超长列车头部越过发车进路信号机发出列车时,行车凭证为( )。
A.调度命令 B.绿色许可证 C. 路票 [简答题]In this book, we offer advice that we hope will seem reasonable and worth serious consideration. But as any experienced writer knows, there are occasions when even the best advice may not apply. The demands of writing for different audiences, with different purposes, on different subjects, at different levels of formality are so varied that they cannot begin to be anticipated in a book like this, and we recognize that what is appropriate for one piece of writing may not be appropriate for another. In most cases, you will have to avoid ambiguity at all costs so as not to leave your words open to misinterpretation.
[单选题]车挡表示器设置在线路终端的( )上。
A.挡车器 B.线路 C.枕木 D.车挡 [单选题]全血的比重主要决定于
A.血浆蛋白含量 B.渗透压的高低 C.红细胞数量 D.白细胞数量 E.NaCl的浓度 [单选题]下列哪种调查方式最适用于客户基本情况调查
A.深入企业生产经营场所、材料供应及产品销售部门现场调查 B.抽查企业有关会计记账凭证 C.现场查验申请人经过年检的营业执照、法人机构代码证等原件 D.收集和整理地区经济发展状况的相关信息 [多选题]螺杆式制冷压缩机长期停机保养时,为保证机器各部位有充足的润滑油,应( )。
A.每月启动油泵一次 B.每周启动油泵一次 C.每天启动油泵一次 D.每次运行2min E.每次运行10min [单项选择]有关IgG型RH阴性的描述,正确的是:()。
A. 常出现在正常人 B. 不出现于类风湿血管炎患者 C. 患者常有类风湿结节 D. 不出现于Felty综合征患者 E. 与类风湿关节炎无关 [单选题]遇水燃烧物品不能用水及含水的泡沫灭火,而应用( )灭火。因为有的遇水燃烧物品性质活泼,能置换水中的氢,产生可燃气体,同时放出热量。
A.砂土 B.酸碱灭火剂 C.干粉 D.二氧化碳 [单选题]贵要静脉
A.注入锁骨下静脉 B.沿前臂桡侧上行 C.行于三角肌胸大肌间沟内 D.收集手和前臂尺侧浅层结构的静脉血 E.起于手背静脉网桡侧 [单项选择]女,28岁,发现左卵巢肿瘤伴甲亢8月,如怀疑甲亢由卵巢肿瘤引起,则该卵瘤肿瘤应为()
A. 畸胎瘤 B. 无性细胞瘤 C. 卵泡膜细胞瘤 D. 颗粒细胞瘤 E. 内胚窦瘤 [单项选择]中央银行职能的时间是从( )年1月1日起由中国人民银行专门行使。
A. 2003 B. 1995 C. 1984 D. 1948 [不定项选择]在仪表管路敷设中,采用钢管传输气动信号,其管道的连接方式都采用()。
A. 套焊连接 B. 螺纹连接 C. 卡套式连接 D. 卡箍式连接 [单选题]用控制信道是基站与移动台间的( )的双向信道。
A.一点对多点 B.点对点 [判断题]大型吊装设备在带电导体下方或距带电体较近时,应制定专门的安全技术措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]为保证HMIS站修子系统正常运行,HMIS站修子系统须配置备用电源,计算机硬件不超过()更新一次。
A. 6年 B. 5年 C. 3年 D. 2年 [填空题]Just like Chinese, Westerners give gifts on many occasions, such as, on birthdays of family members, at weddings, at Christmas and some other holidays, when someone (36) an honor or gets a promotion, and on a (37) visit to a good friend, etc. Although gifts are always welcome, it is not necessary to exchange gifts at any time. Generally speaking, Westerners exchange gifts only among good friends. Therefore, it is (38) to give gifts to casual (39) . Even if you are good friends, if you give them too many gifts, they will feel (40) too, because they don’t know how to reciprocate.
Usually when you are invited to dinner, it is (41) unnecessary to bring a gift except on special occasions, for example, when you are going to be an overnight or weekend guest. If you wish to bring something, in most cases, the gifts should always be small, simple and (42) . You might bring some sweets, or some smal [单选题]房地产经纪服务完成的标志是( )。
A.房地产交易合同的签订 B.房地产交易合同的生效 C.佣金的支付 D.经纪服务合同的签订 [多项选择]我国收养法的原则是()。
A. 有利于被收养的未成年人的抚养、成长 B. 平等自愿 C. 不得违背社会公德 D. 不得违背计划生育的法律法规 [单项选择]建设项目业主应对工程设计过程进行管理,其中心任务是( )。
A. 对设计的丁程质量、进度、投资进行控制 B. 对工程的设计、投资进行控制 C. 对工程的施工进行全程控制 D. 对工程的设计、施工进行全程控制 [单选题]节流圈的作用是( )
A.消除热量偏差 B.消除流量偏差 C.消除压力偏差 D.其他选项都不对 [单选题]风湿性心脏瓣膜疾病下述哪项不是二尖瓣关闭不全的体征
A.心尖区全收缩期高调吹风样杂音 B.杂音向左腋下或背部传导 C.第一心音增强 D.常有第二心音分裂 E.重度关闭不全时可出现心尖部舒张中期杂音 [判断题]奶具需经消毒后使用, 严禁混用。() (1分.)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]承、发包工程,工作票应实行( )。签发工作票时,双方工作票签发人在工作票上分别签名,各自承担相应的( )。
A.电子签发 B.“双签发” C.安全责任 D.法律责任 [判断题]基础限界与钢柱限界相同。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]自动开关的过流保护方式有( )脱扣和热脱扣。
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