The history of responses to the work of the artist Sandro Botticelli (1444-1510) suggests that widespread appreciation by critics is a relatively recent phenomenon. Writing in 1550, Vasari expressed an unease with Botticelli’s work, admitting that the artist fitted awkwardly into his evolutionary scheme of the history of art. Over the next two centuries, academic art historians defamed Botticelli in favor of his fellows Florentine, Michelangelo. Even when anti-academic art historians of the early nineteenth century rejected many of the standards of evaluation adopted by their predecessors, Botticelli’s work remained outside of accepted taste, pleasing neither amateur observers nor connoisseurs. (Many of his best paintings, however, remained hidden away in obscure churches and private homes.)
The primary reason for Botticelli’s unpopularity is not difficult to understand: most observers, up until the mid-nineteenth century, did not consider him to be note
A. suppressing painters’ art initiatives
B. favoring Botticelli’s best paintings
C. rejecting traditional art characteristics
D. undervaluing Botticelli’s achievements
Thanksgiving Day The American Thanksgiving Day celebration goes back to 1621. In that year, a special dinner was prepared in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The people who had settled there had left England because they were forbidden to keep their religious belief. They came to the new land and faced difficulties in sailing across the ocean. The ship which carried them was called "the Mayflower". The North Atlantic was hard to travel. There were bad storms and huge waves. With the help of the Indians, they learned to live in the new land. These Puritans, as they were called, had much to be thankful for. They could enjoy religious freedom. They learned how to grow their crops in accordance with the climate and soil. Now when they selected the fourth Thursday of November for their Thanksgiving cel A. 100 years old B. 200 years old C. 300 years old D. 400 years old [多项选择]影响滴制法制备软胶囊质量的因素有( )
A. 胶液的处方组成比 B. 胶液的黏度 C. 胶液的温度 D. 滴制的速度 E. 喷头的大小 [单选题]企业安全生产培训管理包括识别培训需求、制定培训计划、实施培训过程、评估培训效果和保存培训记录等,下列关于安全生产培训管理说法正确的是()。
A.识别培训需求就是分析安全安全生产法律法规的要求 B.培训效果的评估方法之一是跟踪员工现场应用能力 C.制定培训计划就是制定培训大纲 [多项选择]物业管理企业取得一级资质的条件是( )。
A. 注册资本人民币400万元以上 B. 物业管理专业人员按照国家有关规定取得职业资格证书 C. 有多层住宅200万平方米以上物业管理经验 D. 有独立式住宅15万平方米以上物业管理经验 E. 有办公楼、工业厂房及其他物业50万平方米以上物业管理经验 [单选题]科学发展观的核心是【】。
A.统筹兼顾 B.全面协调可持续发展 C.和谐社会 D.以人为本 [单选题]客户价值运营平台短信营销活动,当天晚上几点前停止下发?
A.18:00 B.19:00 C.20:00 D.21:00 [单项选择]关于中东地区的说法,错误的是()
A. 是“二洋三洲五海”之地 B. 是世界石油宝库 C. 水资源匮乏 D. 是佛教、基督教、伊斯兰教的发源地 [判断题] 在溴化锂吸收式制冷系统中添加辛醇后,为了持续发挥辛醇的作用,必须定期地将蒸发器水盘中的冷剂水旁通到吸收器中,然后循环使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 下列何种因素不是黑尿热发生的原因
A.患者红细胞缺乏G-6-PD. B.患者有遗传性红细胞脆性增加 C.应用奎宁或伯氨喹治疗时 D.疟原虫释出的毒素 E.患者的过敏 [单选题] 关于早产的叙述正确的是
A.妊娠满42.周及其后分娩 B.妊娠满37.周至不满42.足周间分娩 C.妊娠满36.周至不满42.足周间分娩 D.妊娠满28.周至不满37.足周间分娩 [单项选择]急性起病,言语凌乱,喜怒无常,傻笑,行为幼稚。
A. 精神分裂症单纯型 B. 精神分裂症偏执型 C. 精神分裂症青春型 D. 精神分裂症未分化型 E. 精神分裂症残留型 [单选题]根据合同的法律特征,合同可以分为不同的类型,其中诺成性合同与( )是对应关系。
A.实践性合同 B.单务合同 C.从合同 D.有名合同 [单项选择]甲状腺内孤立的、无触痛性、不规则的硬结节最可能的是
A. 结节性甲状腺肿 B. 急性甲状腺炎 C. 甲状腺癌 D. 硬化性甲状腺炎 E. 甲状腺脓肿 [判断题](B02)对发生过造成人员伤亡交通事故的送检机动车,人工检验时应重点检查损伤部位和损伤情况,属于使用年限在10年以内的非营运小型、微型载客汽车的,增加底盘动态检验、车辆底盘部件检查。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]硬横梁与支柱、硬横梁各梁段之间应结合密贴,连接牢固可靠,螺栓紧固力矩应符合设计要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]人工清理或装卸石方时,不便装运的大石块应劈成小块,用锤劈石时,操作人员间距不得小于()m。
A.2 B.2.5 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]目前在脑血管畸形的治疗中,以下哪种方法为主()
A. 手术治疗 B. 血管内治疗 C. 放射治疗 D. 化疗 E. 非手术治疗 [单项选择]下面哪种特征为锅炉受热面短期超温爆管的现象()。
A. 破口常呈喇叭形撕裂状,断面锐利,减薄较多,损坏时伴有较大的塑性变形,破口处管子胀粗较大,管子弯曲; B. 破口周长增加不大,破口处有一层疏松的氧化皮,组织碳化物明显呈球状,破口呈喇叭形,断面粗糙,内壁有纵向裂纹,破口不明显张开; C. 管子直接横向断裂; 我来回答: 提交