Young people in the early 1980s are
taking on a set of attitudes and values remarkably different from those of the
stormy’ 60s and ’70s. Instead of anti-establishment outbursts, today’s younger
generation had turned more thoughtful and more serious. There is heightened
concern for the future of the country and a yearning for the traditions and
support systems that gave comfort in the past. Many young men and Women of
high-school and college age are having second thoughts about the "new morality"
and condemn what a soaring divorce rate has done to families. They speak openly
of gaining strength from religion. Patriotism, too, seems to be making a modest
comeback. One change in the early 1980s is a questioning of the permissive moral climate of recent years. More young people, while hesitant to preach or to condemn their peers, cite th A. They want to conform to their fellows. B. They want to be grown-up. C. They are threatened into drugs. D. None of the above. [判断题]根据《紧急救护法》,抢救溺水者时不应“倒水”延误抢救时间。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]There are no bad foods, only bad diets. So say many nutritionists, who (62) the demonization (妖魔化) of some foods as junk. On the evidence, there are an awful lot of bad diets around. A recent nationwide weigh-in of 11-year-olds (63) that at a fifth were obese and since being weighed was voluntary and larger children were less (64) to step on the scales, this was no doubt an underestimate.
So Ofcom, the communications watchdog, has (65) that it may be time for a little food demonization after all. In the following few months it is to bring in a ban (66) advertising foods that contain lots of fat or sugar during TV shows that (67) particularly to children. And brand advertising, where no particular products is mentioned, will be (68) . The basic idea is popular with parents, who see it as an easier option than using the off switch. There are also worries about the specific foods (69) . Ofcom is using a A. stake B. cost C. least D. last [单项选择]在下面程序中,括号里应填( )。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class A public: void fun( ) cout << "Hello" << endl; ; class B:: public A void fun( ) ( ) //调用基类的函数fun( ) tout << "HI" << endl; ; A. fun() B. fun() C. A::fun() D. A->fun( [单选题]一般情况下,点燃的香烟头内部中心温度约为()。
A.700-800 B.300-400 C.500-600 D.900-1000 [单项选择]气短声低,喉中时有轻度哮鸣,痰多质稀,色白,自汗,怕风,,常易感冒,倦怠无力,食少便溏,舌质淡,苔白,脉细软。证属()
A. 寒包热哮证 B. 风痰哮证 C. 肺脾气虚哮证 D. 肺肾两虚哮证 [单项选择]胆红素在肝脏中进行葡萄糖醛结合反应的场所是()
A. 细胞核 B. 溶酶体 C. 线粒体 D. 细胞液 E. 滑面内质网 [单项选择]“二战”法西斯统治期间,成为德国全境头号大报的是德国纳粹党的机关报( )
A. 《人民观察家报》 B. 《柏林日报》 C. 《红旗报》 D. 《法兰克福汇报》 [单项选择]心绞痛的发生主要是由于
A. 冠状动脉痉挛 B. 冠状动脉栓塞 C. 主动脉供血不足 D. 肺动脉供血过多 E. 心包缺血 [单项选择]完全性脊髓损伤患者,穿戴踝足矫形器后可上下楼梯,能独立连续行走900m以上的损伤平面是()
A. C7~T1 B. T2~T5 C. T6~T12 D. L1~L3 E. L4~S1 [多项选择]绞车按照传动方式可分为()传动绞车。
A. 齿轮传动 B. 液压传动 C. 机械传动 D. 液压——机械传动 [单选题]道岔拨道,在电气化区段一次拨道量超过()mm 时,必须有供电部门配合。
A.20 B.30 C.40 D.35 [简答题]曲线整正的基本原理中两条假定的内容是什么?
[填空题]责任区民警在责任区工作的时间每周不得少于( )小时。
[单选题] 根据《刑法》,单位犯欺诈发行股票、债券罪的,( )。
A. 仅对单位判处罚金 B. 仅对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员判处刑罚 C. 对单位判处罚金或对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员判处刑罚 D. 对单位判处罚金并对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员判处刑罚 我来回答: 提交