In politics, in the courts, even on the
ubiquitous TV talkshow, it is good form to pick an intellectual fight. People
attack each other- hurl insults, even- and it counts as logical argument. I
cannot understand it. It seems that our society favours a kind of ritualized aggression. Everywhere you look, in newspapers and on television, issues are presented using the terminology of war and conflict. We hear of battles, duels and disputes. We see things in terms of winners and losers, victors and victims. The problem is society’s unquestioning belief in the advantages of the debate as a way of solving disagreements, even proving right from wrong. Our brainwashing begins early at school, when the brightest pupils are co-opted onto the debating system. They get there because they can think up a good argument to support their case. Once on the debate A. (A) descriptive B. (B) narrative C. (C) expositive D. (D) argumentative [判断题]《普安规》使用氧乙炔设备时,操作人员必须按规定穿戴劳动保护用品,其他人员应远离喷嘴前方,防止烧伤。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]送电工作涉及多专业、多班组参与的项目,由现场负责人牵头,各相关专业技术人员参加,确定( ),成立工作小组,拟定接(送)电方案,接(送)电方案应事先告知参加人员。
A.工作内容 B.接线方式 C.现场总指挥 D.操作人员 [单选题]目前云数据库MySQL支持IPv6的云服务商是( )。
A.移动云 B.阿里云 C.天翼云 D.华为云 难易程度:低 [填空题]货物列车在站停车时,司机必须使列车保持制动状态(铁路局指定的凉闸站除外)。发车前,司机施行缓解,确认()具备后,方可起动列车。
[判断题]作业位置距离接触网 1 米以内时,必须申请接触网停电挂地线。(机电安全工作规程CGY/J-215-009-A/0)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]三叉神经( )
A.特殊内脏运动纤维起于三叉神经运动核 B.感觉纤维终止于三叉神经感觉核 C.自脑桥延髓沟出脑 D.眼神经和上颌神经为感觉性 E.其管理区域的感觉冲动最终投射至对侧大脑皮质中央后回下部 [单选题]煤的工业分析成分不包括下列哪个?
A. .水分 B. .灰分 C. .热值 D. .挥发分 [单选题]对于存储的冠字号码能与取款人取款业务信息关联的,查询受理单位在履行查询程序后,应在《查询结果通知书》中列示该笔取款( )冠字号码及其冠字号码图片。
A.部分 B.所有 C.前十个 [填空题] In his youth, Knute Axelbrod wanted to learn many languages, to know everything about human history, to 【B1】 wise by reading great books. When he first came from Europe 【B2】 the state of North Dakota, he worked in a mill all day 【B3】 studied all evening. Then he met Lena Wesselius and 【B4】 her at the age of eighteen. After that there was a farm to pay for, and there were children to 【B5】 . For many years Axelbrod had no time to study.
Finally he had a farm 【B6】 was free from debt, with good soil and plenty of animals. But 【B7】 then he was sixty - three years old anti ready ( it seemed) to die. His wife was 【B8】 . His sons had grown 【B9】 and gone away. His work was done. He was 【B10】 and alone.
Axelbrod’’s daughter and 【B11】 begged him to live with them, but he 【B12】 . "No, "he said, "You must learn to be 【B13】 . You will come and live here 【B14】 my farm, and 【B15】 will pay me four hundred dollars a year 【B16】 the use of it 【B17】 I will no
A. A.married B.married with C.married to married [判断题]氧指数(OI)是指在规定的条件下,材料在氧氮混合气流中进行有焰燃烧所需的最高氧浓度。以氧所占的体积百分数的数值来表示。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《动车组列车服务质量规范》第7.3.3.2条规定,广播语音(),音量(),用语(),不干扰旅客正常休息。
A.A、清晰,适中、规范 B.B、清楚,合适、标准 C.C、清晰,适宜,规范 D.D、清晰、适宜、准确 [单选题]把无人机螺旋桨换成小桨,做同样的动作,角速度怎么变化
A.角速度转数减少 B.角速度转数增加 C.角速度转数不变 [判断题]1069. ( )在使用吊钳时,钳牙上应无油污、杂物。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]物体做初速度为零的匀加速直线运动,第1s内的位移是5m,则()
A. 物体的加速度是5m/s² B. 物体的加速度为10m/s² C. 物体在第2s内的位移为10m D. 物体在第4s内的位移是20m [填空题]和动词有关的语法范畴有时、()、()和()。()
A.合闸线圈烧毁 B.分闸线圈烧毁 C.弹簧未储能 D.自动化装置误发信号 [多选题]下列设备属于用电装置的有( )。
A.发电机 B.蓄电池 C.前照灯 D.起动机 [判断题]VLAN的划分可以是事先固定的,称为“静态VLAN”。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]创伤急救时,如果伤员颅脑外伤,应使伤员采取平卧位,保持气道通畅,若有呕吐,应扶好头部和身体,使头部和身体同时侧转,防止呕吐物造成窒息。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]离心泵抽窄时,应切换备用泵,再对故障泵进行处理,使其达到备用状态。
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