Mr White lived in Florida and owned a
company there. Some computers were made in his company. He was nice to his
employees (雇员) and often had a joke with them. They liked him very much and
worked hard. So he paid them a lot. The man had lots of work to do and often went to bed late at night. His friends advised him to do some exercise. He thought he was strong and didn’t agree with them. But one day he fell in a faint (晕倒) while he wins working in his office. He was sent to a hospital at once and the doctors examined him carefully. They found something was wrong with his heart and he had to be in hospital. Several months later he returned home and asked his son to manage the company. Once his daughter wanted to travel in Australia. The old man decided to go there with her. As he went to the country for the first time, he wa A. Mr White was kind to them B. Mr White had a company C. Mr White often had a joke with them D. they liked to use computers [判断题]机车配件的清洗、安放、防护和保管能反映机车检修工作“文明化”的程度。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]大中小企业贷款专项统计表中,若有企业贷款就一定有贷款户数和授信户数。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]早期食管癌诊断的必要条件是()
A. 癌变直径小于1.0cm B. 浸润深度未到达肌层,无淋巴结转移 C. 无明显临床症状 D. 无淋巴结转移 E. 钡餐检查可见局限性僵硬 [单选题]隐性广告是指将产品或品牌及其代表性的视觉性符号甚至服务性内容策略性地融入电影、电视剧或其他电视节目及其他传播内容中(隐藏于载体并与载体融为一体),使观众在接受传播内容的同时,不自觉地接受商品或品牌信息,继而达到广告主所期望的传播目的。
A.电视台在转载世界杯足球比赛中场体息时播放的某知名饮品的广告 B.某知名运动品牌赞助奥运会某国家体育代表运动员的领奖服 C.某电子产品生产商赞助拍摄电影,电影放映前播放该产品广告 D.某电视台知名女主播穿着某品牌提供的服装参加亲戚的婚礼 [单项选择]关于ø12插入式CNG加气枪枪头,表述正确的一项是()。
A. 在出气孔上下各有一个ø12的O型密封圈 B. 在出气孔上下各有一个ø8的O型密封圈 C. 仅在出气孔上方有一个ø12的O型密封圈 D. 仅在出气孔上方有一个ø8的O型密封圈 [单项选择]根据《节约能源法》,用能产品的生产者、销售者,按照国家有关节能产品认证的规定,向经国务院认可监督管理部门认可的从事节能产品认证的机构提出节能产品认证申请,所依据的原则是( )。
A. 自愿原则 B. 强制原则 C. 限制原则 D. 申请原则 [单选题]普通无缝线路轨条长度应考虑线路平纵断面条件及道岔、道口、桥梁、隧道所处的位置。总长度不足( )km的桥梁、隧道,轨条应连续布置。(应知应会-《普速铁路线路修理规则》-第3.10.7条)
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [判断题]学生考试成绩60分为及格,不足60分为不及格,这一计分规则体现了统计分组中“上组组限不在其内”的原则。( )
A.创建“青年文明号”活动旨在组织和引导青年立足本职岗位,诚实劳动 B.文明从业,树立适应社会主义市场经济要求的敬业意识、创业精神和质量、安全、效益、竞争、服务等观念 C.在全社会展示当代青年的精神风貌,塑造行业和企事业单位的良好形象,倡导职业道德和职业文明,为建立社会主义市场经济体制,推进社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设做贡献 [单项选择]In the sentence" The Romans usually sold in this way the spoils taken in war", the word "spoils" most probably means ______.
A. useless goods B. spears C. various kinds of food D. property taken from the enemy 我来回答: 提交