The United States (56)
a large part of the North American continent. Its neighbors are
Canada (57) the north, (58) Mexico
to the south. (59) the United States is a big country, it’ s
not the largest in the world. In 1964 its (60) was over
185,000,000. When this land first became a nation, after (61) independence from England, it had thirteen states, (62) of the states was represented on the American flag by a (63) . All the states were in the eastern part of the continent. As the nation grew towards the west, new states were in the eastern part of the continent. As the nation grew towards the west, new states were added and new stars (64) on the flag. For a long time, there were 48 states. In 1959, however, two (65) stars were added to the flag (66) the new states A. on B. in C. by D. for [单选题]欲补肺胃之阴,选用哪一组药物最适合:()
A.北沙参、明党参 B.黄精、天门冬 C.旱莲草、女贞子 D.龟板、别甲 [多选题]符合制动器报废标准的有:( )。
A.裂纹 B.制动带或制动瓦块摩擦片厚度磨损达原厚度的50% C.弹簧出现弹性变形 [简答题]1 运行区域设备不停电时,无论高压设备是否带电,作业人员不得单独移开或越过遮栏进行作业;若有必要移开遮栏时,应有监护人在场,35kV安全距离应满足----m。
A.2个肾脏 B.2条输尿管 C.1个膀胱 D.1条尿道 [填空题] The Tomato Growers Association, or TGA, has set out to grow a (36)______tomato at an ( 37 )______farm near San Diego, California. (38)______ biotechnology and developments in DNA research, the TGA has determined to grow the "tomato of tomorrow. " By (39)______a repellent in the form of an odor, the tomato plant would be able to fight off (40)______ by insects. It would (41)______disease and rot, and would maintain its shape when (42 )______at the bottom of a (43 )______ of tons of tomatoes.
(44)_______________________________. Its heavy, thick leaves would prevent it form becoming sunburned. All tomatoes on a plant would ripen at the same time, to prevent the loss from machine harvest of under-or-over ripened fruit.
(45)_________________________________. While development of this plant will prove to be extremely expensive, TGA scientists believe that (46)_________________________________.
A.上消化道出血 B.自发性腹膜炎 C.肝肾综合征 D.原发性肝癌 E.肝性脑病 [单选题]*BB01当光缆受损为一段范围,或者OTDR检出故障为一个( )时,需要更换光缆处理。
A.高衰耗区 B.低衰耗区 C.中等衰耗区 D.任意衰耗区 [单选题]按《塔里木油田钻井井控实施细则》规定:远控台气源应从井队气源房专线接出,并用单独的开关控制,开关上标识控制对象,确保在其他设备需要断开气源时,不影响远程台的供气,气源压力为( )MPa。
A.0.65~1.3 B.0.60~0.8 C.0.65~0.8 D.0.65~1.0 [单项选择]
The 13th Asian Games ended on December 20, 1998 in an atmosphere of friendship and solidarity, praised by the organizers as the most drug-free international sports event. Congratulations to the host, Bangkok, for its outstanding organization of the last sports gala of Asia before the turn of the century. Congratulations to all participating men and women, medalists and non-medalists alike, for the sporting spirit of faster, higher and stronger they demonstrated throughout the competitions. And our particular congratulations to the Chinese sports delegation. With 129 gold medals, four more than they harvested at the last Asiad, and 274 in total, they stood, for the fifth time in a row, on top of the medal tally. They demonstrated and consolidated the country’s status as Asia’s No. 1 sports giant. This Asiad may appear less impressive than some of its immediate predecessors in terms of new records. But the timely convening and succ A. Six. B. Two. C. One. D. None. [多选题]直流电源供电方式正确的是?
A.切换后给充电模块供电 B.提供给蓄电池充电 C.控制模块给控制母线供电 D.蓄电池通过降压硅链给控制母线供电 [单选题]在下滑信标的哪个区域内车辆、航空器等会对下滑信标的性能造成不能接受的干扰。
A.临界区 B.敏感区 C.保护区 D.B区 [单选题]建筑拆除工程的施工方法有人工拆除、机械拆除、()三种。
A.人力拆除 B.工具拆除 C.爆炸拆除 D.爆破拆除 [多选题]机具的( )、闭锁机构等安全装置应完好。
A.各种监测仪表 B.制动器 C.限位器 D.安全阀 [单项选择]射门是手球唯一的得分手段,是手球技术的核心内容,下列射门技术不属于手球主要射门技术的是()
A. 原地肩上支撑射门 B. 跑动支撑射门 C. 跳起射门 D. 直接任意球射门 我来回答: 提交