For years, students were assured that
with a college degree in hand they could acquire an excellent job. However, in
recent years, several developments have signaled the beginning of a change in
the supply-demand relationship in the services of education. Teachers with
terminal degrees far outnumber the available teaching positions in many
disciplines. The chairman of a science department today may receive three to
four hundred applications for a position that once attracted only half a dozen.
States are closing down some colleges and requiring others A. cut short B. reduce C. return to D. turn back [多选题]室内设备接地应采用3mm×30mm的铜排或50mm2带绝缘护套多股铜线分别接至( )
A.防雷接地汇集线 B.等电位接地汇集线 C.传输通道接地汇集线 D.电缆屏蔽接地汇集线 [简答题]车站值班员布置引导员显示引导手信号接车后,车站值班员与司机的联控用语为“××(次)××(站)引导接车,×道停车[通过],注意引导信号。”
[单项选择]Education is an absolute imperative in the emerging global knowledge society, so new ways of providing access to education for a much higher percentage of the population are now being devised.
The most dramatic examples of access to education are found in the 11 distance-education mega-universities found around the world. In "distance education", the student is separated in time or space from the teacher or professor. The largest of these high enrollment universities is in China, the China Central Radio and Television University, with more than 3 million students. The English-speaking world has the British Open University, with 215,000 students, and the University of South Africa, with 120,000 students. In addition to the mega-universities, dozens of other national and regional systems are providing education at all levels to students. The base delivery system for the distance-education mega-universities is television, supple-mented by other technologies or even some online i A. that adds value in coursework B. with more than one million students C. where students around the world can study D. with a huge number of students [判断题]消防警情又称119警情,是指按国家法律规定,由各级消防救援队伍承担处置的火灾为主的应急救援事件。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Let’s talk full advantage of this chance to (wide)()our business connections.
A.同级电源 ) B.下一级电源 C.上一级电源 D.断路器(开关 [单选题]企业收到跨境人民币款项时,应于()办理申报
A.A、3个工作日内 B.B、T+1日 C.C、5个工作日内 D.D、5天内 [简答题]如何快速知道当前的CATIA作图区上的零件的放大比例?
[单选题]双线区段须另设线路标志时,应设在列车运行方向( )侧。
A.右 B.左 C.上 D.任意 [填空题]普速旅客列车是指运送旅客或( )__的( )列车。(《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》)
[判断题]2.4 在办理新能源汽车注册登记时,要严格执行《机动车运行安全技术条件》(GB7258).《机动车查验工作规程》(GA801)等标准规定,在设立的专门查验区验车辆,重点查验车辆识别代号.电动机型号和出厂编号.车辆品牌和型号,重点核查是否有打磨.凿改痕迹,并按规定要求录像或拍摄照片。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]新八轴HXD2型电力机车若两节车辅助风缸压力值低于规定时,只需在任意一节车上按下微机柜上的辅助压缩机起动按钮 BPGCPR( AUX ),两节车辅助空气压缩机起动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列不属于我国法律规定的遗嘱形式的是( )。
A.公证遗嘱 B.转述遗嘱 C.自书遗嘱 D.口头遗嘱 [多选题]用户应按供电企业规定的( )交清电费,不得拖延或拒交电费。
A.容量 B.地点 C.期限 D.交费方式 [单项选择]钻孔灌浆的方法中,( )是将灌浆孔一次钻进到底,然后从钻孔的底部往上,逐段安装灌浆塞进行灌浆,直至孔口的灌浆方法。
A. 全孔一次灌浆 B. 自下而上分段灌浆 C. 自上而下分段灌浆法 D. 综合灌浆法 [单选题]在变电所常用的直流电源中,最为可靠的是( )。
A.硅整流 B.电容器储能式硅整流 C.复式整流 D.蓄电池 [名词解释]八角
A. 硫化氢 B. 二氧化硫 C. 过氧化物 D. 硫醇 [简答题]
{{B}}第一节 短文改错{{/B}} 此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正: 多一个词;把多余的词用斜线(—)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。 缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。 错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。 注意:原行没有错的不要改。 My friend Paul told me a old joke about a traveling salesman
the 76. ______
other day. The man’s name was Phil and he used to drinking a lot after 77. ______ work. Phil had been to a strange town one day and has spent the 78. ______ evening in a small restaurant. He’d drunk quite a lot and had just come 79. ______ out the Restaurant when he saw another man in the middle of the rend. 80. ______ The other man had been in the restaurant, either, and had drunk even 81. ______ much than Phil had. He’d obviously seen something strange in the sky 82. ______ because he was pointing up; "Excuse mine," the man asked 我来回答: 提交